Net*Working 2004 Underground Chat
I've been covering (in the form of an internal newsletter) the online Net*Working 2004 conference. The conference features a chat system called Wimba, which in turn wants me to use Internet Explorer and Windows. So I coded a little chat engine - basically similar to the one on my website - and inserted it into the Net*Working conference. So now the conferencers have a window out and you have a window in - and you don't need Windows. Remember, the conference is based in Australia so most people will be on the chat during the night in the western hemisphere - and like most such systems, expect to wait a bit for a visitor to drop by. By Stephen Downes, Stephen's Web, November 15, 2004 [Refer][Research][Reflect]. More...
If you're like everyone else, podcasting - the syndication of MP3 music files via RSS to Apple iPod music players - has arrived and taken off before you knew what was happening. This link is to the Edu_RSS search page for podcasting - it will keep you up to date in this rapidly changing terrain. By Stephen Downes, Stephen's Web, November 15, 2004 [Refer][Research][Reflect]. More...