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27 août 2018

Journée Européenne des Langues 28 septembre 2018

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "allsh amu"Journée Européenne des Langues 28 septembre 2018

Venez rencontrer des étudiants qui parlent d'autres langues dans un cadre convivial. Participez à des animations en langues étrangères. Faites découvrir votre langue et votre culture.


Espace Langues de la Faculté de Droit et de Science Politique
Vendredi 28 septembre 9h30 - 12h00
3 av Schuman Aix-en-Provence
Bâtiment Portalis

Centre de Formation et Autoformation en Langues Faculté ALLSH
Vendredi 28 septembre 13h00 - 16h00
29 av Schuman Aix-en-Provence
Salle C 115, bât Egger, 1er étage

Centre d'Apprentissage et de Ressources en Langues de la MIRREL
Vendredi 28 septembre 13h00 - 16h00
3 place Victor Hugo Marseille
A côté de l'Amphi Massiani

Journée Européenne des Langues - 28 Septembre 2018

27 août 2018

Measuring the impact of OER at the University of Georgia

Measuring the impact of OER at the University of Georgia
Lindsay McKenzie, Inside Higher Ed, 2018/07/16

This article reports on a study (15 page PDF) reporting that students who receive open educational resources (OER) earlier in the course obtain better course grades. More...

27 août 2018

HTTPS explained with carrier pigeons

HTTPS explained with carrier pigeons
Andrea Zanin, freecodecamp, 2018/07/16

Web security is one of those arcane topics that defies simple understanding. This article tries to bring it down to earth using pigeons. "Bob sends a pigeon to Alice without any message. Alice sends the pigeon back carrying a box with an open lock, but keeping the key. Bob puts the message in the box, closes the locks and sends the box to Alice. Alice receives the box, opens it with the key and reads the message." Now of course there's mathematics involved in the design of the lock. More...

27 août 2018

Science / Fiction

Science / Fiction
Carol Black, 2018/07/16

I think this is a really important article, and not just because of the more contentious statements it makes when it discusses "'evidence-based' education, scientific racism, & how learning styles became a myth." As readers know, I have addressed the topic of learning styles over the years and have clashed with learning styles debunkers who seem to think its really important that we treat them as a myth. My analysis is slightly different from Carol Black's, but we agree on the basics: there is widespread agreement that there are differences in cognitive style, and the argument that "learning styles don't exist" is based on bad science. More...

27 août 2018

Still Amusing Ourselves To Death

Still Amusing Ourselves To Death
Dean Shareski, Ideas and Thoughts, 2018/07/16

Dean Shareski reflects on how Neil Poistman's warnings about television also apply to social media. The warnings were certainly accurate for television, as the emergence of fake news channels and mass delusion have shown. What aboutonline media? These magnifiy the falshoods spread by television and have offered little remedy. More...

27 août 2018

Merging work & learning to develop the human skills that matter

Merging work & learning to develop the human skills that matter
Joe Deegan, Nathan Martin, Pearson, 2018/07/16

This report (44 page PDF) posits that we're entering a Now marks the transition to a "third wave" of education. The first wave was about access, the second wave was about quality, and now the third wave is about what the authors call "'demand driven education'  — where programs focus more strongly than ever on ensuring graduates are job-ready and have access to rewarding careers over the course of their lifetimes." That actually sounds like the opposite of demand-driven education, but let's continue. More...

27 août 2018

The Fabrication that is OER

The Fabrication that is OER
Stephen Downes, Half an Hour, 2018/07/16

We have created a beautiful world of billions of images, videos, articles and messages that we've shared back and forth with each other since the 1980s and this world is our heritage and our legacy. More...

27 août 2018

Universities recognised for cyber security research

Three universities in the United Kingdom have been recognised as ‘Academic Centres of Excellence in Cyber Security Research’, highlighting the breadth of cyber security skills that are being developed in the UK, writes Neil Tyler for New Electronics. More...
27 août 2018

Amazon expands Alexa Fund Fellowship

American electronic commerce and cloud computing company Amazon has expanded its Alexa Fund Fellowship, a programme designed to fund and support researchers and universities working on voice technology, from four universities to 18, including its hometown institution, the University of Washington, reports Nat Levy for GeekWire. More...
27 août 2018

President pledges support to RUFORUM

Malawi’s President Professor Peter Mutharika, ‘champion for higher education in Africa’, has pledged to support the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) activities in advancing broader investment in higher education with a focus on science and technology, writes Manasse Nyirenda-Mana for Nyasa Times. More...
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