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19 mars 2018

Infographie | Comprendre le CESU en 1 minute

Le CESU ou chèque Emploi Service Universel peut être en partie financé par votre employeur. Il simplifie vos démarches pour déclarer un employé ou une aide à domicile qui bénéficie d’un statut de salarié à part entière. Plus...

19 mars 2018

"L'accueil des migrants et des réfugiés en France" - Labège

carif espace-compétencesLe Carif Oref Occitanie organise une présentation "L’accueil des migrants et des réfugiés en France" le jeudi 29 mars 2018 à partir de 13h30 à la MCEF du Sud-Est Toulousain, Village d’entreprises-Bât.10- 31670 Labège.
Les professionnels de l’orientation qui accueillent des migrants se trouvent parfois démunis pour les orienter ou les accompagner efficacement.
Cette animation, assurée par l’OFII (Office français de l`immigration et de l`intégration), a pour objectif d’identifier les différents statuts juridiques (réfugiés, demandeurs d’asile, mineurs isolés…) et de connaitre les procédures de mise en œuvre des parcours d’intégration.
Retrouvez le programme ainsi que toute information utile à votre participation en suivant ce lien (inscription obligatoire).
Rendez-vous avec le Carif-Oref Occitanie le 29 mars prochain !

Découvrez toutes les possibilités de vous informer grâce au CARIF Espace Compétences !

19 mars 2018

Pushing Affordable E-learning Modules for Remote Barangays

Pushing Affordable E-learning Modules for Remote Barangays
Online learning in the Philippines will serve as a proving ground for an agreement between Microsoft and Blackboard. The two companies have signed a deal with Philippine company Systems Technology Institute (STI) and the national telco, Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT), to roll out basic e-learning content for remote schols within the next six months. More...

19 mars 2018

Online Graduate Degrees: A Look at Programs, Costs and Features

Online Graduate Degrees: A Look at Programs, Costs and Features
Overview article touting the benefits of online learning - especially accessibility - and describing the range of graduate programs available. More...

19 mars 2018

JSE / Liberty Schools Challenge

JSE / Liberty Schools Challenge
A number of things to note about this newly launched online version of a ghost trading competition in South Africa: first, the use of a simulation competition to promote learning; second, the sponsorship, for the first time, of the competition by an external agency; and third, the use of the simulation to promote sales (of "resources" - i.e., newspapers) online. More...

19 mars 2018

Education and Embodiment

Education and Embodiment
We hear over and over again the idea that our online experiences are impersonal, disembodied experiences, and that therefore a full education, which necessarily involves bodily experiences, is impossible online. More...

19 mars 2018

A New Look for Stephen's Web

A New Look for Stephen's Web
A new design and new features constribute my my vision of the newsletter website as the future of continuous professional development. By Stephen Downes, Stephen's Web, April 26, 2002 [Refer][Reflect]. More...

19 mars 2018

Understanding Weblogs

Understanding Weblogs
Now that weblogs, as the author says, have "solved the publishing problem," we should now look at the next generation of weblog capacities: weblogs as knowledge management systems (much as has been accomplished with the OLDaily [Research] feature), weblog communications, weblogs with limited or variable access. More...

19 mars 2018

Explaining E-Learning to Executives

Explaining E-Learning to Executives

You think that e-learning is the way to go for your organization. But how do you present your case to management. More...

19 mars 2018

The Art of Intellectual Property

The Art of Intellectual Property
The case against strong protection of intellectual property expressed by means of yet another analogy: wedding pictures. "We have a choice. We can treat the professional photographer's artistic work as proprietary intellectual property not to be meddled with. More...

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