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19 février 2017

Universités & Territoires n° 115

Universités & TerritoiresUniversités & Territoires est une lettre électronique qui existe depuis juin 2003. L’objectif de la lettre est de montrer, par la valorisation d’actions et d’expériences emblématiques et remarquables, aux décideurs territoriaux que l’Université joue un rôle centrale dans l’émergence d’une société de la connaissance. Universités & Territoires n° 115.

Au sommaire de Universités & Territoires n° 115
Pages 2 à 14 : Synthèse et étude d’impact et de pérennité des Tours de France universitaires des gestes éco-responsables et de la semaine Agir Ensemble
Page 15 : 21 novembre 2017 : 2° édition des Rendez-vous du logement étudiant à l’Université Paris- Dauphine
Page 16 : Les jeunes du réseau ESN France partie prenante de l’anniversaire des 30 ans d’Erasmus+
Page 18 : Le projet KAPS à Nantes
Page 20 : Des étudiants néerlandais transforment la vie dans les maisons de retraite. Voir la suite dans Universités & Territoires n°115 (Format PDF).
19 février 2017

Tracking innovations in online learning in Canada . These two projects in fact complement one another nicely, with the first aiming to provide a broad and accurate picture of the extent of online learning in Canada, and the other focusing on the more qualitative aspects of innovation in online learning, and all in time for not only for the 150th anniversary of Confederation in Canada (which was really the creation of a new, independent state in North America) but also ICDE’s World Congress on Online Learning in Toronto in October, whose theme is, guess what, Teaching in a Digital Age. More...

19 février 2017

A report on university distance education in Québec . Conseil supérieur de l’éducation (2015) La formation à distance dans les universités québécoises: un potential à optimiser Québec: Gouvernement du Québec.
This report is now nearly 18 months old, but I did not know about it until I was given a copy when I was in Québec last week. The report is in French and there is no English version, and it contains such a lot of good information that I want to make it more widely available to anglophones. More...

19 février 2017

A Spanish version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’ is now available . I am very pleased to announced that La Enseñanza en la Era Digital, a complete, open, online Spanish version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’, translated and adapted by the Centre for Distance Education, la Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, is now downloadable from the BCcampus open textbook web site. More...

19 février 2017

Recognising Fake news, the need for media literacy #digitalliteracy #literacy #education

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. I was working on a blogpost on books focusing on EdTech people (the woman, the tasks…), but then I opened up YouTube and I saw that president Trump had his first solo press conference.
I guess we can all benefit from Mike Caulfield's ebook (127 page) on web literacy for students (online version) or here for other versions including pdf), a fabulous book with lots of links and useful actions to become (more) web literate (thank you Stephen Downes for bringing it to my attention). Read more...

19 février 2017

How do Instructional Designers support and add to teacher knowledge

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. As online learning becomes more known, the quality of the delivered online materials become more essential, as learners can (partly) decide which courses they will follow based on the quality of the course material. One of the challenges is to give teachers and trainers an idea of how instructional designers can help (IDs are schooled in online learning options). Read more...

19 février 2017

Time to act: UK Universities will be overtaken unless they embrace new technology

The report reviews best practice around the world to show how technology is benefiting universities and students through better teaching and learning, improved retention rates and lower costs. More...

19 février 2017

Godot arrives: The Government WILL sell off income-contingent student loans

Today’s announcement on the sale of income-contingent student loans has been a long time coming. In fact it has been a decade since the Labour government passed the Sale of Student Loans Act 2008 and there have been numerous delays in the years since. More...

19 février 2017

Four Mega-trends in International Higher Education – Economics

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. If there’s one word everyone can agree upon when talking about international education, it’s “expensive”. Moving across borders to go to school isn’t cheap and so it’s no surprise that international education really got big certain after large developing countries (mainly but not exclusively China and India) started getting rich in the early 2000s. More...

19 février 2017

How to Fund (3)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Within the group of maybe 100 people who genuinely understand this stuff, I think the scoffing over points iii) and iv) were audible as far as the Maritimes.  Transparency and accountability are nice, but you don’t need a new funding formula to get them. More...

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