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1 février 2017

L'AIU demande le retrait de l'interdiction d’entrée sur le territoire américan pour les citoyens de 7 pays

L'Association internationale des universités (AIU) déplore le récent décret pris par le Président Donald Trump interdisant aux citoyens de 7 pays d'entrer sur le territoire américain. Ce décret a des conséquences néfastes sur beaucoup d'individus ainsi que sur les étudiants, les chercheurs, les professeurs et les employés de nombreuses universités membres de l'AIU. Dans le cadre de son engagement pour la collaboration internationale et la mobilité académique, et, condamnant toute forme de discrimination, l'AIU demande au Président des Etats-Unis un retrait rapide de ce décret qui a non seulement des conséquences désastreuses mais transmet également un message dangereux et honteux au reste du monde. Voir l'article...

1 février 2017

Prix AIU / Palgrave / Alliance COPERNICUS en Recherche sur les Politiques d'Enseignement supérieur - nouvelle compétition lancée

Grâce à, et en partenariat avec, Palgrave Macmillan, éditeur des travaux de recherche et des publications de référence de l'Association et l’Alliance COPERNICUS (CA) sont heureux d'annoncer deux Prix AIU/Palgrave et CA en Recherche sur les Politiques d'Enseignement supérieur 2016-2017. Plus d’information ici. Voir l'article...

1 février 2017

HEP 29/4 vient de paraître

Le dernier numéro du Volume 29 de HEP vient de paraître ; ce numéro spécial examine les conséquences de la concurrence internationale et les indicateurs de performance sur la recherche nationale, et les auteurs présentent des études sur l'Australie, Taiwan, le Japon, l'Afrique du Sud, la Chine et Hong Kong.
S’ajoutent à ce numéro un article sur la synergie entre la politique d'internationalisation du gouvernement canadien et stratégie institutionnelle, et une critique d'un livre traitant du financement de l’enseignement supérieur en Afrique subsaharienne. Voir l'article...

1 février 2017

IAU calls for the withdrawal of the order banning citizens of 7 countries from entering the US

The International Association of Universities (IAU) deplores the recent executive order to ban citizens of 7 countries from entering the US, signed by US President Trump. This order has a very high human cost and affects students, researchers and academic staff of many IAU member universities around the globe. Committed to international collaboration and academic mobility, and condemning all forms of discrimination, IAU calls upon the US President to rescind this order which has extremely negative consequences and sends a dangerous and shameful signal to the world. More...
1 février 2017

HEP 29/4 - Just released

The final edition of volume 29 of HEP is a special edition entitled Measuring Up: Consequences of Global Competition and Metrics on Local Scholarship and looks at national examples of the consequences of pressures associated with the drive for world-class universities and the assumption that English-language citable research should in fact be an important measure of progress toward that goal. More...
1 février 2017

Call for applications for the position of IAU Secretary General

The International Association of Universities (IAU) seeks a new Secretary General. The candidate should be a high-energy individual with international experience at a senior level, interested in strengthening the central role of higher education in meeting local and global societal challenges, ready to lead a unique organization that is committed to promoting the fundamental core values and responsibilities of universities. The full job description can be downloaded here. The IAU will work with the University of London Institute in Paris in the recruitment of its new Secretary General who will take forward the organization’s important mission in support of global higher education. More...
1 février 2017

IAU/Palgrave/Copernicus Alliance Prize in Higher Education Policy Research 2016-2017 Essay Competition launched

The 2016-2017 edition of the Prize Essay Competition has been launched. The new competition is open to both Members of IAU and of the COPERNICUS Alliance and two prizes, valued at €2,000 each, will be awarded: one each to the most outstanding essay received from a researcher/scholar from an IAU Member Institution or Organization and one researcher from COPERNICUS Alliance. More...
1 février 2017

IAU New Strategic Plan

IAU pursues a new 4-year Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan was adopted during the 15th IAU General Conference in November 2016. It deepens IAU’s focus on four key higher education challenges, namely Leadership, Internationalization, Sustainable Development, Information and Communications Technologies, while improving support and services to Members as well as enhancing their visibility and engagement. More...
1 février 2017

Successful IAU 15th General Conference- Speakers’ presentations available online

From November 13 to 16, the IAU held its 15th General Conference in Bangkok which was hosted by a consortium of Thai universities. More than 300 participants from 85 nations worldwide took part in the event and engaged in lively debates on “Higher Education as a catalyst for innovative and sustainable societies”. During the conference, the new IAU President and Board were elected and the new IAU 4-year Strategy was adopted. More...
1 février 2017

The state of digital education discussed in Malta

ESU OnlineFrom 19th to 20th of January, Malta hosted an international conference on the topic of digital education, with the title “The State of Digital Education: Engaging with Connected, Blended and Open Learning”. Our Executive Committee member, Aleksandar Šušnjar, participated in the conference on behalf of the European Students’ Union.
Most of the talks and discussions tackled one of the two broad issues: digitalization of education (e-learning, blended learning, impact and development of MOOCs) its possible future development, and open education (open access to all learning resources which are a part of the educational process)
. More...

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