Le FAFSEA souhaite habiliter sur l’ensemble du territoire les organismes de formation qui mettront en œuvre les CQP ou blocs de compétences de :
- « Opérateur Qualifié en Conduite – maintenance des machines d’embouteillage – conditionnement »,
- « Agent spécialisé en travail de cave, de cuve et de chai »,
- « Opérateur logistique » ;
Date limite de réception des offres : le 21 février 2017 à 12 heures au plus tard.
Télécharger le dossier de consultation. Voir l'article...
Should a Graduate Student Save for Retirement in a Roth IRA?
By Emily Roberts. For graduate students with sufficient stipends, investing during graduate school is a fantastic financial goal. Counterintuitively, the long-term goal of funding retirement should be the first or one of the first investing goals any individual has. Read more...
'Slippage' Problems, a Textbook Example
It’s very rare that fortunes change suddenly. Instead, issues accrue over time, like getting older and gaining weight. You don’t suddenly wake up one day twenty-five pounds heavier. Read more...
Do Nots and Dos When Defending Tenure
No duh, right?
State representatives in Missouri and Iowa have proposed legislation that will end tenure at their public institutions. Read more...
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Grading Contract Advice
By John Warner. Hindsight is 20/20, but sometimes you just have to deal with things being blurry for awhile. Read more...
'CVs of Failure' Don't Tell the Whole Story
By John Warner. Writing at her personal blog, Ellie Mackin identifies something that’s been nagging me about the “CVs of Failure” that now make their way through academic circles. Read more...
Grading Contract Journey Part II: Fiction Writing
By John Warner. My desire to change how I used grades in my introductory fiction writing class came from the same place as my desire for change in first-year writing; what I was doing didn’t seem to be working as well as I wished. Read more...
Grading Contract Journey Part I: First-Year Writing
By John Warner. If you are among the grading contract curious, perhaps you can learn from my experience and missteps along the way. Read more...
Germany's Innovative Strategies to Enroll Refugees
By Lisa Unangst. It seems clear that continuing, large-scale migration to Germany has created multiple challenges for educational institutions. Read more...
A National Educational Technology Call to Action
By Steven Mintz. Worthy of attention.
The U.S. Department of Education places ed tech front and center in the effort to meet the nation’s postsecondary attainment goals. Read more...