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27 janvier 2017

« Think Education » 2017 : partager les innovations et débattre des enjeux de l’ESR

Avenir des formations et de la recherche technologiques, impact du numérique sur les modèles pédagogique et économique, état et besoins de l’enseignement supérieur africain, mais aussi solutions proposées par les start-up, les associations ou les établissements eux-mêmes : le programme de Think Education 2017 s’annonce dense pour cette deuxième édition. Voir l'article...

27 janvier 2017

The emergent mission of varsities

By Datuk Ahmad Ibrahim Bajunid. Public and private institutions of higher learning work hard to be relevant by linking with community and industry. To this end a network of concepts is formulated and a language and conceptual register common to higher education institutions is developed.
Within the register, higher education institutions map out their strategic plans, typically connected to the plans and blueprints of education at school and higher education levels as well as to the broader national development plans. More...

27 janvier 2017

Free Japan’s universities so they can flourish

The Japan TimesBy . Here is the good news: Japan’s national universities are not, in fact, getting rid of social sciences and humanities. Earlier last year, it looked as if Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology told public schools to cease education in these areas. When I spoke to ministry officials this past fall in Tokyo, they were eager to clarify that this wasn’t what they had ordered. They blamed misinterpretation by the Japanese press and mistranslation by the Western press for the misunderstanding. More...

27 janvier 2017

University head in plea for education overhaul

Cyprus MailBy . The rector of the University of Cyprus Constantinos Christofides called over the weekend for a comprehensive overhaul of the state education system which excluded any say from the unions.
In an open letter published in Phileleftheros on Sunday, focusing on the poor results by Cypriot students at the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) between 2009 and 2012, Christofides criticised the educational reforms the government announced earlier last year.
The report was compiled by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and was first released in December 2013. It has been called the biggest-ever education league table so far. More...

27 janvier 2017

PM Modi’s push for prestige among India’s HE sector

By . Prime Minister Narendra Modi has instructed union secretaries to ensure sufficient measures are employed to boost India’s best universities into the world’s top 100 rankings. 
At a meeting held on New Year’s Eve, Modi expressed his desire to utilise new, technological platforms to keep tabs on student/teacher attendance within Indian schools, and discussed various plans to improve the region’s educational infrastructure and equipment. More...

27 janvier 2017

Effective online learning could be greatly beneficial to global HE sectors

By . Last month’s OBHE conference has found that digital tools and the provision of effective online learning can massively boost the reputation of an institution on both a national and international level.
The OBHE, or the Observatory on Borderless Higher Education, is a higher education ‘think tank’ with institutional members across 30 different countries. At a December conference held at Regent’s University London, experts from the board discussed matters of online learning in a session called The New Landscape of Higher Education, which examined the influence of technology, partnerships, pathways and other education innovations upon the higher education sector. More...

27 janvier 2017

Moocs: international credit transfer system edges closer

By Jack Grove. Six universities in talks on global credit transfer system for online.
Universities are set to pilot a global credit transfer system that will allow students to use courses taken online to count towards their degrees. More...

27 janvier 2017

Less than 1% international students involved in crime

The Star OnlineONLY 0.075% of 113,752 students from other countries registered in local universities are known to be involved in crime in Malaysia.
Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh said that this was because the arrival of foreign students was being effectively monitored through the Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) student identity card system since July. More...

27 janvier 2017

Recrutement d'enseignants en droit, histoire, littérature, philosophie et sociologie pour Moscou et Saint-Pétersbourg

Le M.E.N.E.S.R. en partenariat avec des établissements d'enseignement supérieur français, recrute des enseignants en droit, histoire, littérature, philosophie et sociologie pour les Collèges universitaires français de Moscou et de Saint-Pétersbourg, institutions relevant du ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international. Les postes sont à pourvoir à compter du 1er septembre 2017. Date de clôture pour postuler : 15 mai 2017. Voir l'article...
27 janvier 2017

CIFRE - La convention industrielle de formation par la recherche - Une aide au recrutement de doctorants en entreprise

Le dispositif CIFRE permet aux entreprises de bénéficier d'une aide financière pour recruter de jeunes doctorants dont les projets de recherche, menés en liaison avec un laboratoire extérieur, conduiront à la soutenance d'une thèse.
Fiche CIFRE (convention industrielle de formation)Voir l'article...
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