Fusionner technologie et éducation
Appel à propositions: Intégration rapide sur le marché du travail en faveur des demandeurs d’asile, des réfugiés...
Journées Vincent Merle : Valeurs de l'expérience
France - new measure tackles early leaving from education and training
As of September 2016, a new financial incentive has been introduced for 16 to 18 year-olds, who have left school early. Beneficiaries will be given an allowance on condition that they go back to their studies. This new measure is in addition to a host of others deployed to fight dropping out of education. More...
Spain - new techniques for skills anticipation: big data
Globalisation and technological changes are bringing about new trends in the labour market and challenges for policy-makers, businesses and workers. Anticipating skill needs and being prepared to meet them effectively is one of the leitmotifs of the political agenda. More...
Spain - extending active employment policies
The Activation programme for employment (Programa de Activación para el Empleo - PAE), agreed between the government and the social partners in December 2014, aims to improve employability of the long-term unemployed in a situation of special need. More...
Spain - OECD stresses benefits of education on employment
The percentage of young Spaniards between 15 and 29 not in education, employment, or training (NEETs) has decreased. According to OECD’s Education at a glance 2016, there has been a reduction from the peak 25.7%, reached in 2012, to 19.4% in 2015. Although figures indicate a clear improvement, the number of NEETs in Spain is the fourth highest among OECD countries and well above the average rate of 14.5%. This shows that there is still much work to do to increase the number of young people entering the labour market or taking up training. More...
Spain - PICE programme for youth employment
The Comprehensive qualification and employment programme (Programa Integral de Cualificación y Empleo – PICE) is led by the Chamber of Commerce of Spain. It aims to reach a total of 16 600 contracts and 1 228 new companies for young people as well as 3 000 youth on mobility during 2016-18. More...
Building the right workforce for the future
Cedefop’s key objective is to look at the world of work and the world of education and to see how we can align them to build the right workforce for the future, the EU agency’s Director James Calleja said at the European Parliament in Brussels on 26 January. More...