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10 septembre 2016

Universities UK Statement: European university leaders call for continued collaboration after Brexit vote

University leaders from 24 European countries, including Germany and France, have signed a joint statement to stress the importance of continued European university collaboration following the UK's vote to leave the EU. More...

10 septembre 2016

The Organisation of the Academic Year in Europe – 2016/17

The academic calendar contains national data on how the academic year is structured (beginning of the academic year, term times, holidays and examination periods). Differences between university and non-university study programmes are also highlighted. The information is available for 37 countries. More...

10 septembre 2016

The Organisation of School Time in Europe. Primary and General Secondary Education – 2016/17

The school calendar contains national data on the length of the school year, the start and the end dates of each school year, the timing and length of school holidays and the number of school days. It covers both primary and general secondary education and key points are illustrated by comparative figures. The information is available for 37 countries. More...

10 septembre 2016

Czech Republic: Inclusive education as a priority

One of the main priorities of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic is the common education of all pupils within mainstream education. Therefore, several legislative changes have been made to promote inclusive education, including the adoption of the Education Act Amendment. More...

10 septembre 2016

The long and winding road back to school!

Let's imagine that you wanted to organise a summer music festival for teenagers from all over Europe. What would be the best time to maximise attendance? The answer is simple. If you consult the Eurydice publication 'Organisation of school time in Europe' you will find out that every child attending a public school in Europe is on holiday in the third week of July. More...

10 septembre 2016

Report published on structural higher education reform

Fact Sheet: tackling radicalisation through education and youth policyStructural reform of higher education  analyses how different types of system-level (or ‘landscape’) structural reforms in higher education have been designed and implemented in selected higher education systems. In the 12 case studies that form the core of the project, the researchers examine reforms aimed at:

  • Increasing horizontal differentiation between different types of higher education institutions (for example reforms to introduce or modify the role of universities of applied science); 
  • Increasing vertical differentiation through increasing or decreasing positional or status differences between higher education institutions (for example, reforms aimed at concentrating research in a limited number of universities) and; 
  • Changing institutional interrelationships between higher education institutions (for example, through mergers, the formation of associations of institutions). More...
10 septembre 2016

Report on NEET diversity published

Fact Sheet: tackling radicalisation through education and youth policyA report on the diversity of young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET) has been published by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofund).
The report , issued to better understand the economic and social vulnerability of young people, provides a unique perspective into the reasons or causes for not being in employment, education, or training. More...

10 septembre 2016

Ce qu'attend la CES du nouveau Cadre de qualité européen pour l'apprentissage

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

Les dernières années ont été marquées par une prise de conscience soudaine sur le plan national et européen, de la nécessité de développer la formation par l'apprentissage pour aider les jeunes sortant de l'école à entrer sur le marché du travail. Pourtant, le nombre d'apprentis continue de diminuer. Voir l'article...
10 septembre 2016

Qui assure la formation dans les PME?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

En 2013, 99,8 % des entreprises sont des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) qui emploient environ les trois quarts de la main-d'œuvre totale. Les adultes passant une grande partie de leur temps sur leur lieu de travail, ce dernier est considéré comme un environnement de formation important. De nombreux documents européens (tels que ceux de la Déclaration de Riga) dressent le même constat. Voir l'article...
10 septembre 2016

Ressources documentaires sur la formation en situation de travail et l'apprentissage

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

Le Centre de Ressources et d'Ingénierie Documentaires (CRID) du Centre International d'Etudes Pédagogiques a mis à disposition une bibliographie de sélection de ressources sur la formation en situation de travail et l'apprentissage. Voir l'article...
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