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9 septembre 2016

Academic co-operation with the UK remains essential for Europe

The League of European Research Universities (LERU), one of the strongest collaborations of leading research universities in the world, regrets the outcome of the recent UK referendum. With 21 members across 10 countries, LERU nonetheless respects the result as the democratic will of the British people. More...

9 septembre 2016

EuroScience Open Forum - Manchester 2016

Now in its seventh iteration, ESOF attracts about 5,000 delegates from across the world to the host city during the week of the conference, which, in 2016, will be held between 24 and 27 July in Manchester. ESOF is one of the best opportunities for everyone from leading scientists, early careers researchers, business people, policy makers, science and technology communicators to the general public to come together to find out more about the latest scientific breakthroughs and how science is helping us advance today. More...

9 septembre 2016

EOSC - European Open Science Cloud

On 20 June 2016 the EC's High Level Expert Group on the European Open Science Cloud, on which LERU was represented by Dr Paul Ayris (UCL) and Prof Barend Moons (Leiden University), published its draft Report. This is the product of months of deliberation and discussion amongst the Group's international membership. More...

9 septembre 2016

“2,5 pages of nonsense” - The STM statement on the Open Science Council conclusions

On 28 May 2016, the International Association for Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) issued a response to the EU Competitiveness Council’s Conclusions on Open Science. Although welcoming the move to Open Science, STM noted its concern at a number of Conclusions which the Council has reached. More...

9 septembre 2016

The Dutch Presidency rises to the occasion

Today, the EU Member State Ministers responsible for Research have adopted conclusions that will set the way forward for research and innovation. These conclusions are the result of the exemplary Dutch Presidency of the EU Council. A Presidency that has put research high on the agenda and has made its actions match its words by delivering on its priorities. The Council conclusions set the course of action on the three main priorities identified by the Dutch Presidency in research and innovation: higher impact of investments in R&I via better circulation and access to knowledge (Open Science); improved framework conditions (R&I friendly regulation); and investment in R&I as essential for economic growth & jobs and tackling societal challenges (Framework Programmes). More...

9 septembre 2016

Thinking Knows No Boundaries

The Universities of Basel, Freiburg (member of LERU), Upper Alsace, Strasbourg (member of LERU) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have taken a big step toward creating the first European university: On Wednesday, 11 May 2016, they opened “Eucor – The European Campus” with a ceremony at the Palais universitaire in Strasbourg, thus giving themselves the possibility to act as a single entity. The cross-border alliance had previously elected Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Schiewer, Rector of the University of Freiburg, to serve as its first president for the coming three years. More...

9 septembre 2016

Diversité et dynamiques des intermédiaires du marché du travail un document, intitulé "Diversité et dynamiques des intermédiaires du marché du travail", le Centre d’études de l’emploi (CEE) se penche sur les activités et les interactions des intermédiaires du marché du travail et propose une cartographie de ces acteurs en privilégiant une approche territoriale. Voir l'article...

9 septembre 2016

L'ANLCI présente des cas pratiques pour que le numérique profite à tousès de 400 personnes avaient répondu à l’invitation de l’Agence Nationale de Lutte Contre l’Illettrisme (ANLCI) les 6 et 7 septembre 2016 à Lyon : « Pour que le numérique profite à tous, mobilisons-nous contre l’illettrisme ! ». Voir l'article...

9 septembre 2016

Un MOOC pour découvrir des principes pédagogiques innovants’Université de Mons propose, du 31 octobre au 23 décembre 2016, un MOOC « l’innovation pédagogique dont vous êtes le héros ».
Il vise à faire découvrir de manière active différents principes pédagogiques qui peuvent faire la différence en termes d’apprentissage. Voir l'article...

9 septembre 2016

Une nouvelle dépense déductible de la contribution OETH décret n° 2016-1192 du 1er septembre 2016 étend la liste des dépenses déductibles de la contribution due au titre de l’obligation d’emploi des travailleurs handicapés (OETH). Il ajoute à la liste de ces dépenses, les démarches précédant l’ouverture de la négociation, dès lors qu’elles aboutissent à l’agrément d’un premier accord.
Décret n° 2016-1192 du 1er septembre 2016. Voir l'article...

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