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15 avril 2016

Syrien verliert seine geistige Elite

20 Minuten Online LogoVon Mareike Rehberg. Während die Krise um syrische Flüchtlinge Topthema auf den Konferenzen westlicher Staaten ist, spielt sich ein damit eng verbundenes Drama eher im Stillen ab: Mit den Hunderttausenden Menschen, die Syrien verlassen, verliert das Land auch seine geistige Elite. Unter den Flüchtlingen sind Professoren und Gelehrte – aber auch Studenten, die ihre Ausbildung nicht beenden können und Jahre ihres Lebens verloren haben. Mehr...
15 avril 2016

Sowing the seeds of Syria’s future

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By Gordon Brown. Today, almost all of those young people have been denied training in the skills they will need in the future. If there is to be any hope for meaningful reconstruction, it will have to be built on the bedrock of a higher education. More...
15 avril 2016

One in five of the world’s college students are in China

Asian Correspondent logoBy . CHINA has the largest number of college students anywhere in the world, while one fifth of the world’s college student population live in the country, said a report by its Ministry of Education yesterday. 
This tremendous growth in students can only be properly illustrated by comparison to the past: when the People’s Republic of China was born in 1949, college and university students stood at only 117,000. Last year, that number was 37 million
15 avril 2016

State-run universities to apply for international rankings

LogoAndhra Pradesh government on Thursday asked all the State-run universities to apply for international rankings. According to a GO issued here by the State government stated that the Andhra University had applied for and got rankings in QS International Ranking and the Times Higher Education Ranking 2015More...
15 avril 2016

Feds set up fake university in visa sting operation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"The current state of some American institutions of higher learning, flush with debates about trigger warnings, sexual assault and affirmative action, have left some critics wondering whether college students have time to learn anything anymore. More...
15 avril 2016

North Korea’s Virtual Universities and Distant Learning Infrastructure

HomeBy Choi Sung. Recently, there has been a big change in North Korea’s educational landscape: North Korea has either newly built or expanded hundreds of college and school buildings and scaled up distant learning (e.g. online courses and classes) infrastructure. In North Korea, distant learning has increased annually: 1,280 North Korean companies provided online lectures in 2015; North Korea’s first virtual college last year produced its first batch of graduates. More...
15 avril 2016

Massive tertiary education shake up on the way

Queensland TimesBy . The move comes in the wake of a Parliamentary Budget Office report this week revealing the government's student loan scheme could involve up to $180 billion by 2025. More...
15 avril 2016

Three reasons Indians like to study abroad

moneycontrol.comSummer's almost here, and Embassies and Consulates of USA, UK, Germany and the like are gearing up for an influx of student visa applications, especially for post-graduate programmes. Not surprising, since India is the second largest exporter of international students. More...
15 avril 2016

Australian Government's university deregulation policy comes at steep cost to students, leads to billion dollar budget blowout

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " international business times logo"By . The annual burden placed on the budget by Australia's student loans program is expected to dramatically increase over the next decade, thanks to the coalition government’s policy to allow universities to regulate their own fees, a new report released on Wednesday has shown. More...
15 avril 2016

Wirtschaft kritisiert Trend zum Akademiker

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Arbeitgeberboss Volker Fasbender spricht Klartext: "Wir bilden immer mehr Akademiker aus, deren vorwiegend theoretische Kompetenz wir auf dem Arbeitmarkt nicht in gleichem Umfang brauchen “, wetterte der Hauptgeschäftsführer der Vereinigung hessischer Unternehmerverbände (VhU) bei der Vorstellung der VhU-Studie „Fachkräfte für die Industrie 4.0 – für eine Neuorientierung im Bildungssystem“. Das berichtet die „Wirtschaftswoche“ online. Mehr...
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