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19 octobre 2013

Thousands fight a virtual pandemic in 'Epidemics' MOOC"Moocdemic" is an online game in which users fight a virtual pandemic using their mobile devices. The game is running in tandem with Penn State's MOOC "Epidemics: the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases."
More than 29,000 people are signed up for a massive open online course (MOOC) titled "Epidemics: the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases" that opened this week. During part of this course, thousands of participants will be simultaneously fighting a virtual epidemic on their cellphones and tablets.
The course, offered by Penn State University's Eberly College of Science, "is different from all the other massive open online courses out there in a number of ways," said Marcel Salathe, the assistant professor of biology and of computer science and engineering who leads the team of eight Penn State faculty members teaching the eight-week course. "This is a multi-faculty course, meaning learners are exposed to the material from a leading expert in the field. On a weekly basis, we will release a video discussing questions that the learners have posted in the forums, making the course much more interactive than traditional MOOCs. Finally, a virtual epidemic will be unfolding during the course, and the learners will be able to determine the fate of the epidemic with their mobile device."
The location-based game "Moocdemic" simulates the spread of an infectious disease, and lets players spread it and attempt to control the outbreak. It is playable from any mobile device with a Web browser. More...

19 octobre 2013

Tales of a MOOC Dropout Cindy Londeore. In September 2013, Hybrid Pedagogy published an e-book of graduate student essays focused on student experiences in MOOCs -- from EdX, Udacity, and other xMOOCs, to improvisational MOOCs created by the students themselves using open web resources. The full collection, Learner Experiences with MOOCs and Open Online Learning, was published via GitHub. The following article from Cindy Londeore is one of the essays from that volume. You can read more about the e-book in George Veletsiano’s introduction, “How Do Learners Experience Open Online Learning?
Dropout. It’s such a nasty word. The high school dropout rate is held up by reformers to bolster their argument that the American public school system is failing. Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have an expected 90% dropout rate which is not considered a problem. This juxtaposition begs the question; when is dropping out not a big deal? More...

19 octobre 2013

Student Data is the New Oil: MOOCs, Metaphor, and Money . Below are the notes and slides from my talk yesterday at Columbia University. The talk was part of the university's Conversations About Online Learning series, and my trip was sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning. A big thanks in particular to Alex Gil for facilitating my invitation to speak there.
I am incredibly honored to be here to speak to you today. Columbia University has a very special place in my heart. I never attended, but my Uncle Jim did. He graduated in 1960 and still lives in the same little rent-controlled apartment just a few blocks from here. He became an entertainment journalist after he graduated, writing for LIFE and for People magazine. More...

19 octobre 2013

World Bank and Coursera to Partner on Open Learning World Bank has signed an agreement with Coursera, a leading provider of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), to help meet the demand for practical solutions-oriented learning on pressing issues in developing countries.  Ending extreme poverty within a generation and boosting shared prosperity among the bottom 40 percent of the population in developing countries are the goals guiding the World Bank Group's work.
These Massive Open Online Courses will be offered as part of the new Open Learning Campus being built by the World Bank, where practitioners, development partners, and the general public can more systematically access real-time, relevant and world-class learning. The Bank has offered e-learning successfully through its e-institute in critical areas of development, such as health, education, urban development and climate change, and is now planning to scale up its offerings through the Campus and through partnerships with regional and country-based institutions and via innovative delivery vehicles. This partnership with Coursera will give people across the globe easier access to valuable, evidence-based knowledge on complex development problems. Working together with 91 educational institutions across four continents, Coursera now offers more than 450 free online college-level courses to 5 million students around the world. More...

18 octobre 2013

Quality and openness Alastair Creelman. An article in Inside Higher Ed, Puzzling peer reviews, highlights supposed dangers of open access publications. John Bohannon of Harvard University wrote a deliberately flawed biology article using a fictitious name and non-existent institution and submitted it to over 300 open access publications. It was accepted by about half of them (read a longer description of the experiment can be found in ScienceWho's afraid of peer review?). The article was written as part of a survey to see how much peer review was involved in the rapidly expanding open access journal market and the results cast a serious shadow over many of them. It contained serious scientific flaws that would be obvious to any academic in the field so the journals who accepted it had clearly not carried out any sort of serious peer review. Interestingly it was not only obscure journals that failed the test, even journals run by the big academic publishers fell for the trap. More...

18 octobre 2013

Design of social networked language learning communities does the design of social networked language learning communities have an impact on the way evidence based research is conducted?
This paper critically examines the degree to which the design of data accessibility and data ownership impact the research activity and the challenges faced by researchers who take these communities as object of analysis. To illustrate these challenges, I take as example web 2.0 language learning communities, the most well-known being Babbel, Busuu and Livemocha, among all possible types of informal, social network based language learning. This study illustrates the tension between on the one hand, the need for a more evidence based understanding of the under-explored field of informal social network based learning, and on the other hand, the obstacles to this scientific exercise. Finally, I discuss how this tension is situated in the current landscape of global research activity that calls for more open, transparent and participatory structures for data sharing and collaborative research.
PDF Document: In-depth_34_4.pdf. More...

18 octobre 2013

Le programme des journées outils organisées par le CARIF Espace Compétences CARIF Espace Compétences vous rappelle le détail de ses prochaines journées outils prévues d`ici la fin 2013 :

Matinale d`information sur la Validation des Acquis de l`Expérience, le 29 octobre à Hyères à 9h00
Présentation gratuite : informer sur les enjeux, les principes généraux de la VAE, le cadre juridique et expliquer les différentes étapes de la démarche
Programme détaillé

Présentation du service KOMPASO : Un ensemble de solutions pour faciliter le montage de projets sur financements européens
Présentation gratuite le 6 novembre 2013 à Aubagne de 9h30 à 11h30
Objectif : faire connaître aux structures publiques ou privées souhaitant bénéficier de financements européens, l`offre de service KOMPASO développée par le GIP FIPAN
Programme détaillé

Présentation d`outils d`aide à l`orientation de la fondation JAE : Inforizon, Pass`Avenir, Transférence
Présentation gratuite le 19 novembre 2013 à Aix-en-Provence
Objectif : faire connaitre les principaux outils d`aide à l`orientation professionnelle de la fondation JAE.
Programme détaillé

Présentation d`outils d`aide à l`orientation des Editions Qui plus est : guide Compétences, l`Explorama, Chemin Faisant et 4 atouts pour un job
Présentation gratuite le 22 novembre 2013 à Aubagne
Objectif : faire connaitre les principaux outils d`aide à l`orientation professionnelle des Editions Qui plus est.
Programme détaillé

Echanges de pratiques autour des outils d`aide à l`orientation de la fondation JAE : Pass`Avenir et Transférence
Deux demi-journées d`échanges gratuites le 3 décembre 2013 à Aubagne
Objectif : faire échanger les professionnel-le-s sur leur pratique de l`outil Pass’Avenir (le matin) ou Transférence (l`après-midi) pour améliorer leur utilisation et renforcer leurs compétences
Programme détaillé

Initiation à la veille technologique et à la documentation
Journée gratuite le 6 décembre 2013 à Aubagne
Initiation au traitement d`une documentation professionnelle et à la détermination d`une stratégie de veille basée sur la présentation des outils utilisés par le CARIF et le repérage d`outils.
Programme détaillé

Pour vous inscrire, merci de remplir la fiche d`inscription et la renvoyer par fax au 04 42 82 43 32, ou par courriel à

Gestion des inscriptions et des conventions de formation : Céline Simoncini,, tél : 04 42 82 43 20
Conseil sur le choix des actions ou pour un devis : Hélène Destin,, tél. 04 42 82 43 36

18 octobre 2013

EU to make it easier for Indian students to visit Europe European Union is working on a legislation which will make it easier for students and researchers from India to visit Europe.
"We are working on a Europe-wide legislation which will help us (EU) to welcome Indian students and researchers. Within the next few years, we are going to see a much greater ease of access for bonafide students and researchers in European Union," H.E.Joao Cravinho, Ambassador and head of delegation of EU in India, told reporters here today. More...

18 octobre 2013

THE World University Rankings 2013-2014 results discussion Phil Baty. The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2013-2014, published on 3 October 2013, saw the continued rise of top universities in East Asia - particularly in Singapore, Japan, South Korea and China - while universities in their Pacific neighbour, Australia, struggled. Here, rankings editor Phil Baty discusses the rankings results, and the implications for the international student market, with the ABC in Australia. Read more...
18 octobre 2013

Contribution à la formation professionnelle des non salariées la Rédaction de Net-iris. Hausse des taux de la contribution à la formation professionnelle des travailleurs indépendants, des professions libérales et non salariées...
La loi a porté le taux minimum de cette contribution, fixé à l'article L6331-48 du Code du travail, à:
  • 0,25% (au lieu de 0,15%) du montant du plafond annuel de la sécurité sociale pour les travailleurs indépendants, les membres des professions libérales et des professions non salariées, y compris ceux n'employant aucun salarié;
  • 0,34% (au lieu de 0,24%) du même montant, lorsque le travailleur indépendant, le membre des professions libérales et des professions non salariées bénéficie du concours de son conjoint collaborateur dans les conditions prévues au premier alinéa de l'article L121-4 du Code de commerce. Suite de l'article... By Writing Net-iris. Increased rate of contribution to the training of self-employed, professionals and self-employed ...
The law increased the minimum rate of this contribution, attached to the Article L6331-48 of the Labour Code, to
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