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12 octobre 2013

Online journal/magazine 'Lifelong Learning in Europe' Learning in Europe (LLinE) is a unique combination of academic journal and magazine that focuses on adult and lifelong learning. It targets the whole adult education field, including researchers, decision-makers, advocates, and educators. The current issue of the journal explores the theme of mobility and migration.
LLinE aims to further the status of lifelong learning in society. The core mission of the journal is to publish top quality articles on adult education research, policy and good practices. LLinE also comments on topical events and phenomena, meets and talks to interesting colleagues, offers resources for education advocates and reviews literature. The writing is clear and non-technical, so anyone can understand and gain insight from the articles. More...

12 octobre 2013

Speed learning : Apprendre en travaillant, ingénierie en pédagogie de formation auprès des utilisateurs de logiciels informatique créée en 1996 propose une solution de speed Learning ou apprendre en travaillant, simple, efficace et disponible en on line.
A l'heure des bureaux partagés, de l'arrivée de la génération Y, des collaborateurs connectés et des temps de travail compressés, il est indispensable de  penser autrement les formations, moteur indispensable d'une adaptation économique réussie. More...

12 octobre 2013

Imposer des quotas d'entrée en IUT est la pire des méthodes !

VousNousIlsPropos recueillis par Charles Centofanti. La loi sur l'enseignement supé­rieur et la recherche (ESR), votée en juillet der­nier, impose aux IUT des quo­tas de bache­liers tech­no­lo­giques. Guillaume Bordry, pré­sident de l'Association des direc­teurs d'IUT (ADIUT) salue l'objectif mais cri­tique la méthode.
La loi ESR pré­voit des quo­tas d'admission en IUT, fixés par les rec­teurs d'académie et obli­ga­toires à la ren­trée 2014, pour les bache­liers tech­no­lo­giques. Cette mesure va-t-elle dans le bon sens?
L'objectif visé, qui est de per­mettre la réus­site du plus grand nombre de bache­liers tech­no­lo­giques, est tout à fait louable. Mais nous n'avons pas attendu la loi pour œuvrer dans ce sens : la preuve en est que les IUT ont adapté tous les pro­grammes de la ren­trée 2013/2014, avec un accom­pa­gne­ment spé­ci­fique pour les bache­liers tech­no­lo­giques. La méthode uti­li­sée, qui consiste à impo­ser des quo­tas d'entrée en IUT, est la pire de toutes ! Suite de l'article...
12 octobre 2013

Online consultation on speeding up TEL innovation behalf of the HoTEL project (Holistic Approach to Technology Enhanced Learning), supported by the European Union’s FP7, we invite you to contribute to our consultation on key levers that could bring about faster and more effective innovation cycles in Technology Enhanced Learning.
Your feedback will help to inform future research and policy strategies on how to effectively reduce the time span of innovation cycles. More...

12 octobre 2013

Free teaching resources for consumer education are living in a consumer society. It is important that we understand how our actions as consumers can affect the market, the environment, and the world. Consumer Classroom is a website that provides teaching tools and opportunities for collaboration to improve consumer education in schools.
The website hosts a large collection of teaching resources which are organized by school subject (i.e. biology, art, etc.), theme (i.e. consumer rights, financial literacy) and type of resource. The resources come in diverse forms such as printable worksheets, serious games, and e-learning materials. More...

12 octobre 2013

French national online learning portal to be launched in October 2013 French Ministry of Higher Education has announced the launch of France's new strategy for digital learning in higher education (France Université Numerique) which includes a massive open online course (MOOC) and blended learning portal.
Over 100 higher education institutions have signed on to participate in France’s new national portal for massive open online courses (MOOCs) and blended learning. The French Ministry of Higher Education has created the portal as part of the France Université Numerique initiative, which aims to increase access to high quality online learning opportunities in French. More...

12 octobre 2013

International Conference on e-Learning Call for Proposals Sixth International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies will take place on 14-15 November, 2013, in Madrid. Proposals are still being accepted for the conference. In-person presentations will be accommodated depending on availability, and virtual presentations maybe submitted at any time.
The conference investigates new forms of pedagogy emerging with the use of innovative techologies, including devices with computing and networked capabilities. Not only do such innovations present possiblities for new forms of learning, they also allow more flexibility in term of space and time than was previously possible. More...

12 octobre 2013

iLearning Forum showcases innovative e-learning technologies 14th edition of the iLearning Forum will take place in Paris on 11-12 February, 2014, in Paris. The conference brings together various stakeholders in the fields of e-learning, training, human resources, and talent management.
The event promises to showcase the latest innovations in e-learning technology and its applications. With over 40 exhibitors and 5,000 participants expected, there will undoubtedly be a wide array of exciting activities and sessions. The full conference program will be available in January 2014. More...

12 octobre 2013

8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2014) 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2014) is a platform for international experts to discuss the latest developments in the technologies and methodologies of teaching and learning. We invite you to submit your abstracts and participate in the conference.
INTED2014 will take place on 10-12 March, 2014, bringing together over 700 delegates from 75 countries at the conference location in Valencia, Spain. More...

12 octobre 2013

Is Beginning a BA Program a Good Investment?

My PhotoBy Jonathan Kantrowitz. Using data from California’s higher education systems, this paper estimates individuals’ and society’s economic returns to a Bachelor’s (BA) degree and evaluates the quality as an investment of a beginning a BA program .
Most studies of the rate of return to college use a best-case scenario in which students earn a degree with certainty in four years. More realistic calculations that account for students who take more than four years and students who drop out without a degree, etc. result in an average rate of return that is lower than it was in 2000 but still exceeds the interest rate on unsubsidized Stafford student loans – i.e. college remains a good investment by the normal criteria. More...

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