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7 mars 2012

Une nouvelle convention de mandat de service public pour l'Apec partenaires sociaux, représentés au conseil d’administration de l’Association pour l’emploi des cadres (Apec), l’Etat représenté par l’Inspection générale des affaires sociales (Igas), et la Délégation Générale à l'Emploi et à la Formation Professionnelle (DGEFP) ont défini ensemble les missions de service public de l’Apec dans le cadre d’une convention finalisée aujourd’hui, à l’issue des travaux engagés le 21 novembre 2011.
En conformité avec les règles communautaires d’encadrement des aides d’Etat, ce mandat définit les missions de l’Apec et précise la stricte séparation de ses activités marchandes et non marchandes. Couvrant la période 2012-2016, il fixe également les volumes de prestations attendus et les modalités de suivi.
Ces missions de service public s’articulent autour de 4 axes majeurs:
1. la sécurisation des parcours professionnels des cadres et des jeunes diplômés issus de l’enseignement supérieur, avec la mise en oeuvre de services leur permettant de préparer et d’anticiper leurs évolutions professionnelles dans un contexte d’allongement des carrières, de réduire les risques ou les conséquences de ruptures professionnelles et de faciliter leur retour à l’emploi
2. La sécurisation des recrutements des entreprises qui se traduit par la mise oeuvre de services destinés aux employeurs avec des informations et des conseils adaptés.
3. La collecte et la diffusion gratuite des offres d’emploi cadre sur le site
4. la mise en place d’un programme d’études et de veille sur le marché du travail des cadres, afin de diffuser une information pertinente sur les métiers et l’emploi des cadres.
Le mandat précise que l’Apec peut mettre en oeuvre des activités marchandes mais que celles-ci ne peuvent en aucun cas être financées directement ou indirectement par la cotisation et doivent de ce fait s’équilibrer financièrement de façon autonome.
Enfin, le mandat fixe les modalités de suivi de l’action de l’Apec: chaque année, un Comité associant les partenaires sociaux et les représentants de l’Etat examinera les indicateurs d’efficience productive, de performance (efficacité de nos actions) et d’activité (volumes) définis dans le mandat.
La feuille de route est désormais tracée. Elle rend l’Accord National Interprofessionnel de juillet 2011 désormais applicable autour des missions traditionnelles de l’Apec qui sera donc ainsi un acteur majeur de la sécurisation des parcours professionnels des cadres et des jeunes diplômés. Contacts presse: Carine Nagot – Paulina Ciucka - Tél: 01 40 52 20 29 - Arbejdsmarkedets parter er repræsenteret i bestyrelsen for Foreningen for ansættelse af ledere (APEC), staten repræsenteret ved General tilsynet med sociale anliggender (IGAS), og den generelle Delegationen for Beskæftigelse og Erhvervsuddannelse (DGEFP) sammen defineret public service-opgaver af APEC som en del af en aftale færdigbehandlet i dag, efter at arbejdet begyndte November 21, 2011. Mere...

7 mars 2012

Les actions de professionnalisations

Luigi PomaLes actions de professionnalisations - Une réponse concrète au recrutement et à l'accès à l'emploi.
Le Contrat Unique d'Insertion/Contrat Initiative emploi
Avec les aides financières qui l’accompagnent, l’État et le Conseil général des Alpes Maritimes   visent à faciliter l’embauche et la reprise d’emploi .
Ce contrat:
- concerne  les employeurs du secteur marchand (entreprises et associations affiliées à l’Unedic),
- peut-être conclu sous la forme d’un  CDI ou d’un CDD (durée minimale d’au moins  6 mois),
- publics éligibles: les bénéficiaires du RSA, les demandeurs d’emploi longue durée (DELD), les travailleurs handicapés, les séniors de  + de 50 ans et les jeunes.

Le Contrat de Professionnalisation
Ouvert aux jeunes et aux adultes demandeurs d'emploi, il permet notamment l'acquisition d'une qualification , voire d'une certification en alternance.
* Un nouveau public spécifique: la loi relative à l'orientation et à la formation tout au long de la vie ouvre le dispositif aux bénéficiaires du revenu de solidarité active, de l'allocation de solidarité spécifique ou de l'allocation aux adultes handicapés ou aux personnes ayant bénéficié d'un contrat conclu en application de l'article L. 5134-19-1 (Contrat Unique d'Insertion).
Alternance: les modalités de l'alternance sont définies pour prendre en compte les besoins de l'entreprise et les pré requis du futur salarié.
Outre le financement de la formation, et de la fonction  tutorale par certains OPCA, des exonérations de charges patronales  sont prévues pour les adultes de 45 ans et plus. Réduction sur les bas salaires (FILLON) pour les autres publics.
Nous vous recommandons de vous rapprocher de votre OPCA pour connaître les modalités spécifiques (publics, certifications...): celui-ci est votre interlocuteur privilégié dans vos recrutements sous contrat de professionnalisation.
Le Contrat de Professionnalisation renforcé pour des publics spécifiques

Article L6325-1-1 du Code du travail - modalités de mise en œuvre spécifiques pour les jeunes de 16 à 25 ans révolus non bacheliers et qui ne sont pas titulaires d'un diplôme de l'enseignement technologique ou professionnel, les bénéficiaires de minima sociaux (RSA, ASS, AAH) et les personnes ayant bénéficié d’un Contrat Unique d’Insertion.
L’ action de professionnalisation peut être allongée jusqu’à 24 mois.
Un accord de branche peut porter au-delà de 25% la durée de la formation et déterminer des forfaits horaires spécifiques.
Des forfaits horaires de prise en charge des coûts de formation majorés.
Un plafond spécifique de prise en charge des coûts liés à la fonction tutorale.
Les modalités de mise en oeuvre du tutorat externe seront progressivement définies par les branches professionnelles et leurs OPCA.
Actions de formation préalables au recrutement
Les aides à l'emploi.
Site de présentation des mesures pour l'emploi et la professionnalisation dans la gestion et la sécurisation de parcours professionnels. Actions expérimentales en partenariat avec les acteurs et opérateurs dans les Alpes Maritimes. 
Visiter le site

Luigi Poma Professionnalisations Azioni - una risposta concreta al reclutamento e l'accesso al lavoro.
L'unico contratto di inserimento/contratto di lavoro Initiative

Con il sostegno finanziario che lo accompagnano, lo Stato e il Consiglio generale delle Alpi Marittime hanno lo scopo di facilitare l'inserimento e tornare al lavoro.

Il presente contratto:

- Per i datori di lavoro nel settore del mercato (società e associazioni affiliate al Unedic)

- Può essere concluso come una CDI o un (durata minima di almeno 6 mesi) CDD

- Pubblica ammissibile: i beneficiari RSA, il termine disoccupati di lunga (DELD), i lavoratori con disabilità, anziani 50 + anni giovani.

Professionalizzazione del contratto
Aperto a giovani e adulti in cerca di lavoro, consente l'acquisizione di una particolare qualifica o certificazione in alternanza
. Più...

7 mars 2012

Enhancing the Competitiveness of Universities through Educational Facilities June 2012: Enhancing the Competitiveness of Universities through Educational Facilities, Seoul, Korea.
This conference - organised by OECD/CELE and the Educational Facilities Research & Management Center (EDUMAC) Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI) - will be the third in the series of conferences on the topic of “Higher Education Spaces and Places: for Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange”. These conferences have addressed the changing role of today’s higher education facilities, which must accommodate a range of activities – providing knowledge transfer through education, skills development, and cultural and community development - while coping with continuous societal and pedagogical changes as well as evolving information technology opportunities and demands.
The conference, organised on the basis of four themes, will explore measures to enhance the competitiveness of universities through educational facilities: Quality Assurance; Green Campuses; University Facilities and Public Private Partnerships (PPPs); and Facility Management System (FMS) of University Facilities.
Contact: OECD Centre for Effective Learning Environments (CELE) works to identify and analyse ways in which higher education facilities can be planned and managed to support the diverse activities of higher education. Higher education institutions have a distinctly different role from primary or secondary schools. They are centres for research and provide knowledge transfer through education, skills development, and cultural and community development. Higher education facilities must accommodate this range of activities while coping with continuous societal and pedagogical changes, as well as evolving information technology opportunities and demands. For CELE/PEB Exchange articles on this topic, see
Forthcoming: third in the series of conferences on the topic of “Higher Education Spaces and Places: for Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange”: Korea, 18-20 June 2012.
6-8 December 2009, International Conference on Higher Education Spaces and Places: for Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange, Riga, Latvia, co-organised by OECD/CELE with the University of Latvia: conference websiteprogramme and materials.
21-23 May 2008, International Conference on Higher Education: Spaces and Places for Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer, Helsinki University of Technology, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland.
Presentations made at the international PEB seminar "Higher Education Facilities: Issues and Trends" in Zacatecas, Mexico, 29–30 May 2006.
Presentations made at the international PEB seminar "The Changing Infrastructure of Tertiary Education" held in Quebec, Canada, in October 1999. This seminar was organised by PEB, the Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec and the Association of Institutional Property Managers, with the participation of the OECD Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE).
For more information, contact Alastair Blyth:
7 mars 2012

Plan régional de formation des acteurs "cvdufutur" 2012 Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour la Formation et l'Insertion Professionnelles de l'Académie de Nice a été chargé par la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur de mettre en place l'animation régionale autour du produit Eportfolio CVDUFUTUR, portefeuille numérique individuel de compétences que la Région a créé avec l'appui des institutions et organismes en charge de l'insertion et de l'emploi.
Véritable enjeu régional contractualisé via le Contrat de Plan Régional de Développement des Formations Professionnelles (CPRDFP) 2011-2015, l'Eportfolio cvdufutur a comme objectif de favoriser la construction et le développement du parcours professionnel des personnes par la mise en place d`un portefeuille de compétences, véritable outil pour la recherche d'emploi, la remobilisation de la personne et la reconnaissance sociale, professionnelle et personnelle.
Un plan de formation à l'usage des structures d'Accueil, d'Information, d'Orientation et de Formation est disponible en liaison avec le Carif Espace Compétences. Il est joint pour des inscriptions rapides permettant la programmation des 270 places disponibles au niveau régional. Alain MICHEL, Directeur du GIP FIPAN.
Consultez le programme et inscrivez-vous en vous rendant sur la page dédiée au plan de formation Eportfolio CVDUFUTUR. Renseignements: Carif Espace Compétences: Chantal Nami, Gip Fipan: Roger Raybaud Il gruppo di interesse pubblico per l'inserimento e la Formazione Professionale dell'Accademia di Nizza è stato incaricato dalla Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur per impostare il leadership regionale in tutto il CVDUFUTUR prodotto ePortfolio, digital wallet competenze individuali che la Regione ha creato istituzioni di supporto s `e le organizzazioni incaricate di integrazione e di idoneità. Più...
7 mars 2012

Liste des OPCA, mars 2012 fiche présente les OPCA (Organismes paritaires collecteurs agréés des salariés) après leur réorganisation finalisée en décembre 2011. Au sommaire: classement par champs d'intervention puis par numéro de convention collective et coordonnées des OPCA au plan national et régional. Pour télécharger la fiche (38 p. - pdf), cliquer ici.
Dans le cadre de la loi du 24 novembre 2009, qui prévoit la remise en cause de l'ensemble des agréments à la date du 31 décembre 2011, le réseau des OPCA s’est réorganisé, en particulier pour respecter le critère selon lequel un OPCA devra, à partir du 1er janvier 2012, atteindre un niveau de collecte d'au moins 100 millions d'euros.
L’articulation de ce document est faite en 3 parties:
Une première partie classée par champs d’intervention (métiers, branches professionnelles)
Une deuxième partie organisée par numéro de convention collective nationale (CCN) combinée avec la date de l’arrêté du Ministère du travail et sa parution au Journal Officiel
Et enfin une troisième partie regroupant tous les OPCA avec leurs coordonnées et leurs différents champs d’intervention.

Classement par champs d’intervention Page 2
Classement par numero de convention collective Page 13
Coordonnées des OPCA Page 28
Pour télécharger la fiche (38 p. - pdf), cliquer ici. list predstavuje OPCA (spoločné inkasných agentúr oprávnení zamestnanci) po reorganizácii dokončená v decembri 2011 Obsah: týždeň klasifikácia podľa skupín odborov zásahu a podľa počtu kolektívnych súradníc a OPCA na národnej a regionálnej úrovni Ak chcete stiahnuť súbor (38 s -. pdf), kliknite sem.
Podľa zákona z 24. novembra 2009, ktorý zahŕňa výsluch všetkých licencií k 31. decembru 2011, bola sieť OPCA reorganizovaná, najmä splniť kritérium, že OPCA sa od 1. januára 2012 dosiahla úroveň zberu na najmenej 100 miliónov eur
. Viac...
6 mars 2012

Formation professionnelle: installation du nouveau président du CNFPTLVée par la loi du 4 mai 2004 relative à la formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie et au dialogue social, le Conseil National de la Formation Professionnelle Tout au Long de la Vie (CNFPTLV) réunit l’ensemble des acteurs de la formation professionnelle: Etat, partenaires économiques et sociaux et Conseils régionaux. Il est l’espace de concertation entre ces acteurs au service de la coordination et de la gouvernance partagée de notre système de formation professionnelle.
Nadine Morano, Ministre de l’Apprentissage de la Formation professionnelle a officiellement installé le nouveau Président du Conseil national, Monsieur Christian Ville, nommé en Conseil des Ministres le 8 février dernier. Created by the law of 4 May 2004 on vocational training throughout life and social dialogue, the National Council for Vocational Training All Life Long (CNFPTLV) brings together all actors of vocational training: State, economic and social partners and regional councils. More...
6 mars 2012

Reframing the Agent Debate Scott Jaschik. When various panels started their presentations at a forum here on the use of commission-paid agents to recruit international students, it seemed like advocates for the use of agents might have the upper hand. One panel featured education officials from Australia, Britain and China -- all saying that such agents are an accepted part of recruiting foreign students in their countries, without any of the angst over the practice that exists in the United States. Another panel -- of U.S. government officials -- revealed that federal agencies are all over the map on the use of agents, and that at least some agencies are quite open to working with them.
But many members of the special panel of the National Association for College Admission Counseling seemed more ready to challenge the assumptions of the pro-agent side than to question the wisdom of bans on agents. And while there were also members who asked questions from the perspectives of those who use agents, much of the daylong meeting seemed skeptical of their use.
The NACAC panel has been charged with trying to find a path forward for the association on an issue that divides its members. Many American colleges (including NACAC members) use agents, saying that there are qualified, ethical representatives around the world who help identify students who will enroll in the U.S. The controversy arises because many of these agents are paid in part on commission. Federal law bars commission-based pay for recruiters of American students, and many at NACAC support that principle in all cases -- whether the the students are American or international.
When NACAC moved to clarify its views on the issue -- views that would have applied that principle to international recruiting -- many colleges objected, and the commission was formed. Its members include some who have been critics of the use of agents, as well as their defenders.
For NACAC, the issue has been challenging. its members take the association's code of conduct seriously, and some have feared that if NACAC takes a hard line against agents, it will either lose members or become an organization whose code of conduct is known to be violated by many members. Others have said that the association endangers its reputation for having a thoughtful code of ethics by failing to hold the line. And still others say that the world of international recruiting is full of ethical ambiguities -- many of them having nothing to do with agents.
One of the major arguments cited by defenders of agents is that universities in many other Western nations (those with which American universities compete) already use them, and that students in developing nations that send many students abroad (places like China and India) embrace their use. Officials from the embassies of Australia and Britain described how their countries' universities rely on agents, and an official from the Chinese embassy said that there was no great worry about the issue in her country.
But the commission members focused on the presentation of Sarah Wolf, Australia's education manager for North America, who described the laws and regulations about the use of agents by Australian universities. She described how Australia's universities are legally responsible to show that they deal only with reputable agents, have written agreements describing their relationships with agents, assure that agents have and provide accurate information, support an ombudsman to handle complaints, and release lists of all agents with which they work. Wolf described this regulatory framework (and many other rules) as evidence that the use of agents could be regulated.
Asked about whether there was person-power to manage these requirements, she said that "lots of people are employed to manage the system."
Philip Ballinger, chair of the NACAC panel and director of undergraduate admissions and assistant vice president for enrollment at the University of Washington, said that "in the United States we have nowhere near the infrastructure" that exists in Australia to regulate agents. Several other commission members chimed in on the point -- returning to it throughout the day -- noting how colleges oppose regulation, and how the diversity of American higher education makes the creation of new regulatory processes particularly difficult. (While American colleges of course complain about regulation all the time, much of that regulation is tied to federal student aid -- and foreign students are ineligible, thus removing their recruitment from that regulatory framework.)
The embassy officials were also asked whether there were any ethical issues inherent to the use of agents, and they generally said that there were not. This prompted questions on whether that might be different in an American context, when some colleges use agents, but others do not. The embassy response that may have been most notable was from Zhang Jin of the Chinese Embassy, whose remarks reflected the acceptance of capitalism in her country. Asked if there were ethical issues associated with the use of agents, she said that there was no problem because the agents "are for-profit" so the students are free to make their own judgments.
Differing Government Policies

Another major discussion concerned government policies on commission-paid agents. Officials from various agencies said that the State Department won't work with them, the Commerce Department will, and Education and Homeland Security have no policies.
Elizabeth Thornhill, branch chief of EducationUSA, the State Department program that has field offices around the world to promote American higher education, said that the agency was very intentional in not wanting to work with commission-paid agents. "Our principle is that the interests of the individual students are paramount," she said. And agents "do not present students with the full breadth of options."
She also said that since U.S. taxpayers fund the effort, "we should avoid activities that favor or give the impression of favoring one institution over another."
Greg Thompson, senior international trade specialist for the U.S. Department of Commerce, noted that his agency works with businesses all the time and treats agents as just other businesses. But Thompson was embarrassed when one of the commission members described a Commerce Department event in Vietnam for American colleges to promote themselves. After a typical program with local educators, the visiting delegation was faced with a large group of agents. The NACAC commission member said that some of them were "iffy" in terms of whether they should be doing business with American colleges.
Thompson replied that "we do our best to bring you ethical agents. Does that mean you shouldn’t do your due diligence? No," he said. "If you have a problem, you need to tell us about it."
The discussion in turn prompted David Bergeron, deputy assistant secretary for policy, planning and innovation at the U.S. Education Department, to suggest that federal policy should discourage the use of agents. "We too often forget the real purpose" of recruiting foreign students, which should be for them to have "the best possible experience," something that is more likely when those doing the recruiting don't have ties to some institutions but not others. He said the government should encourage recruiting approaches "that don't just pay for warm bodies."
Norman J. Peterson, a commission member who is vice provost for international education at Montana State University, and who favors the use of agents, did question Thornhill on whether there are other inequities associated with barring agents. Peterson said that many of those who use EducationUSA to find out how to apply to American colleges end up enrolling at a small, select group of institutions with the most international name recognition. He said that, as a result, EducationUSA's policies "inadvertently advantage some institutions more than others."
Defending the Agents

The strongest defenses of agents (in an American context) came during the open comment period at the end of the day. Josep Rota spoke on behalf of the American International Recruitment Council, a group that sets standards for agents, so that American colleges can be sure they are using reputable agents. Rota is chair of the AIRC's Certification Board and director emeritus of international development at Ohio University. Rota noted that many people in developing nations use agents -- regardless of how American colleges feel about the practice.
"Pretending that agents are not involved is a denial of reality," he said. The best approach is to regulate them.
But Rota was questioned by a NACAC commission member, Robert Watkins, assistant director of graduate admissions at the University of Texas at Austin. Watkins asked Rota if it was not true that one of the agents about which Bloomberg reported critically last year -- EIC Group -- had been accredited by AIRC. (In the article, Bloomberg reported about complaints that EIC Group agents placed Chinese students in a private American high school that focused on learned-disabled students, without telling the Chinese students of this feature of the high school. EIC Group officials said that they did not know of this characteristic of the high school and had received no complaints.)
Rota said that EIC Group had indeed been accredited at the time of the article, and still was, but had made changes since the article, and Rota said that AIRC had made some changes as well.
Mark Shay, an education consultant who represents a Chinese agent, and who formerly was a senior official at IDP, which has a major agent business, probably got in the most points for the agents side of the debate. He said at the beginning of his talk that he would be "blunt," and he was. He said that American colleges like to complain about agents "bypassing admissions requirements," instead of asking why American-style admissions is so bewildering to so many foreign students. In most of the world, he noted, admissions is "absolutely objective" and based on tests. In the United States, so much is subjective and "everything seems optional" to foreign applicants, who in turn rely on agents. "If you want to stamp out fraud, define a set of standards" for admissions, Shay said.
And while there is a perception in American academe that agents are "shady characters," he said that they are in fact "respected local business people, licensed and legal in their markets." It is American colleges, he said, who are seen as "carpetbaggers," when they come into some developing nation and say, " 'Sure, apply for admission, and be sure to include the $50 fee,' when they know that students have no chance of getting in." That's the practice, he said, that is real "profiteering."
While commission members did not rush to embrace Shay's vision, one of them did -- earlier in the day -- make the point that there are many ethical issues in international agents beyond the use of agents.
"I’d like to be clear that the issue of incentive compensation is not the whole of the story. It’s more like the tip of the iceberg," said Jim Miller, coordinator of enrollment research at the University of Wisconsin-Superior. "There are other aspects of the international recruiting and admission process that present equally formidable challenges. Transcript and test score integrity, fraudulent behavior of students and agents who are hired by families but are not compensated by colleges, third-party misrepresentation of the content and character of academic programs and campus life, and more."
The panel's work is expected to take a year. The commission meets today -- without the public.
6 mars 2012

Catching up with Western standards of education Olga Gorshkova. RBTH got in touch with former Minister of Education Vladimir Filippov to discuss how Russia has been adjusting to the Bologna Process that started in 2003.
On Nov. 17, 2011, the website of the newspaper Izvestia posted an article on the decision of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to reform the academic degree system. Izvestia quoted Elena Nechaeva, director of the Ministry’s Department of Scientific and Pedagogical Staff, as saying that there were plans to abolish the Candidate of Science degree in the next two years. Russia Beyond the Headlines’ Olga Gorshkova spoke with Vladimir Filippov, the rector of Peoples’ Friendship University and a former Minister of Education who led Russia’s accession to the Bologna Process in 2003 about the changes.
Russia Beyond the Headlines: The new reform of academic degrees is a continuation of the reform you initiated back in 2003, isn’t it?
Vladimir Filippov:
This sort of transformation in Russia is a natural process. Russia joined the Bologna Process, which currently has 49 signatories from Europe, as well as from many CIS countries. It is the uniform system of higher education and research personnel training. However, it is a three-tier system [Bachelor’s-Master’s-Ph.D.] rather than a two-tier system [Bachelor’s-Master’s]. Abroad, they call what we know in Russia as a doctor’s degree a Ph.D. Russia started the transition to this system in 2003, when it joined the Bologna Accords, and we now have to complete it.
RBTH: Does this mean that the Candidate of Science degree will soon cease to exist?

V.F.: For decades, Russia has had its own unique system of accreditation and training for academic staff, with two successive degrees – a Candidate and Doctor of Science. Our task is not to abolish the Candidate’s or Doctor’s degree, but to have our Candidates practically and legally be recognized as Ph.D.s. This already works for some academic disciplines – mathematics, physics and chemistry –  but we need the same for the social sciences and humanities, where we traditionally award too many degrees and often to those who do not deserve them. As for the Doctor’s degree, the West has never asked us to abolish it. The only thing we want is to have our Candidates recognized globally as Ph.D.s – this will only benefit our students.
RBTH: What benefits will the new system offer?

V.F.: It is in the best interests of most people, now that globalization and internationalization are happening. We know that scientific exchange is very useful, and it is important to encourage our researchers who obtain Ph.D. degrees in the West to come back to Russia to obtain globally-recognized Ph.D. degrees in Russia, and vice versa. In this context, we have to create a system of easy, automatic recognition of our education certificates. This is a global trend that is recognized by the world community. In 2009, the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education in Paris, where more than 180 countries were represented, declared that all higher education systems would be harmonized based on the Bologna system of Bachelor’s-Master’s-Ph.D. If Russia fails to follow suit, it will be left all alone, so there is no way around it for us. Many countries, including China and some CIS countries, have been sending their students to complete post-graduate programs only at universities that provide Ph.D.s. Chinese students are aware that a Ph.D. degree will offer better employment opportunities.
RBTH: What will the reform look like in our country?
When adopting an international system, each country needs to factor in its special features. For example, Russia has preserved the 4+2-year pattern for the Bachelor’s-Master’s system, although many countries have adopted a 3+2-year system. We told our counterparts – education ministers from other countries – that we needed the 4+2-year system, because our students have 11 years of schooling, while theirs have 12 or 13 years. We now have every chance of modifying our graduate education system [aspirantura] in order to have our Candidates of Science equal Ph.D.s. The Ministry of Education and Science has adopted a four-year postgraduate course. We can also make other changes to the timeframe. When it comes to the structure, we can make amendments to have more exams within post-graduate programs instead of having combined qualifying exams for foreign languages, history and philosophy and a single big, complicated specialist exam. The latter can be split into six or seven smaller exams that postgraduates can take once every semester, as they do it in the West. But the main thing is the level of publications. We have to challenge our postgraduates to publish their work not only in the journals approved by the Higher Attestation Commission, but also in leading global academic periodicals. Among the many benefits of this initiative are the enhanced prestige of Russian academics and the promotion of Russian researchers and publications in the English language. Also, publications in foreign journals confirm the high level and authenticity of research. We will thus comply with all requirements.
RBTH: A Ph.D. degree means a Doctor abroad. After the reform, will we have two doctoral degrees – ours and theirs
A Ph.D. is a Doctor of Philosophy, an outdated name. We will have a Ph.D. degree first and then the Doctor of Science, followed by an Academician. A Doctor of Science degree is an incentive for those who obtain a Ph.D. degree and want to go further in an academic field. In Russia, you cannot become a professor without a Doctor of Science degree, and a Doctor earns 40-50 percent more than a Candidate. Furthermore, a Doctor of Science has a far better chance of being employed abroad than a Ph.D. Statistically, only 10 percent of Candidates in Russia go on for a Doctor’s degree later. That proportion should stay the same. Speaking of which, some countries have academic degrees higher than the Ph.D.
RBTH: Why wasn’t the Ph.D. degree adopted simultaneously with the transition to Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees?

First, because at that time we had the Ministry of Education, and science was supervised by a different agency. Now that we have the Ministry of Education and Science, the transition is possible. Second, it would have been hard to make such a complex change – first, we needed to have a smooth transition to the Bachelor’s-Master’s track and work out new standards, which required lots of effort and time. The final transition had been postponed twice, but on Sept. 1, 2011, the entire Russian higher education system finally adopted the Bachelor’s-Master’s program, so it became possible to think about the next step.
RBTH: Will foreign degrees also be easily recognized in Russia?
V.F.: When our students come back to Russia after completing education programs abroad, they are unwanted on the Russian job market, even if they obtain Master’s degrees. Russian Master’s programs do not accept students with European Bachelor’s degrees, because they completed three-year courses, while we require a four-year Bachelor's program. They have four-year Bachelor’s programs in China, but we still need interstate agreements to accept them. This is why our students often try to complete foreign and domestic graduate programs simultaneously. If they come home with a Ph.D. degree, they can obtain Candidate’s degrees here based on the decision of the Russian Higher Attestation Commission, but on the condition that the duration of the educational programs are equal.
RBTH: How will employers respond to this transition?
V.F.: Their attitude is still distrustful. We have no standards yet to identify which positions require which degrees. All the ministries are working to develop these standards. In the West, only 20-30 percent of graduates of Bachelor’s programs choose to apply for Master’s programs, but the figure is at 70-80 percent  in our country – this is a huge waste of time and effort, but many graduates are afraid they won’t be able to find a job, because their Bachelor’s degrees might not be recognized. As a result, the country loses billions, and people lose time and then work in positions that do not require Master’s degrees.
RBTH: Won’t this reform result in another wave of brain drain?

We could shut all borders and never let anyone out, and then do everything our own way, but it wouldn’t be efficient. In order to keep academics in Russia, we must provide an adequate standard of living – pay decent salaries, provide housing to young researchers, and, above all, invest in modern equipment; otherwise we will lag behind the entire world. Young people leave looking not only for more money, but also for equipment and opportunities that we cannot offer them here.
6 mars 2012

Comment faire partie d'un Jury VAE

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Le jury de validation est la dernière étape de la démarche de la VAE. Le rôle des professionnels y est essentiel: Ils y apportent leur connaissance concrète du monde du travail et des situations professionnelles et complètent l’appréciation des autres membres du jury (formateurs et enseignants spécialistes du diplôme ou du titre).
Tout représentant qualifié d'une profession peut participer à un jury de VAE et contribuer à la reconnaissance de l’expérience d’un autre professionnel.
L'ARFTLV a réalisé une plaquette d'information à leur intention afin de montrer la procédure à suivre. Consulter la plaquette sur les jurys VAE.
Vous êtes un(e) professionnel(le) qualifié(e)
Votre pouvez mettre votre expérience au service de votre métier en participant à un Jury de
Les professionnels sont appelés à siéger dans les jurys de Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience.
« Apportez votre regard et votre expertise du métier: vous pourrez ainsi aider un autre professionnel à faire reconnaître son expérience ».
Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience

C’est un droit individuel qui permet de demander la validation d’une expérience salariée, non salariée ou bénévole d’au moins trois ans pour obtenir tout ou partie d’un diplôme, ou titre ou un certificat de qualification professionnelle, celui-ci étant inscrit au Répertoire national de certification professionnelle (RNCP).
«Toute personne engagée dans la vie active est en droit de faire valider les acquis de son expérience en vue de l’acquisition d’un diplôme, d’un titre à finalité professionnelle ou d’un certificat de qualification…. » Loi de modernisation sociale janvier 2002
Renseignez-vous au 05 46 00 32 33 Ligne Horizon

Plus d’informations sur la VAE: - Rubrique VAE et Certifications
Jury de VAE
Le jury de validation est la dernière étape (l’aboutissement) de la démarche de la VAE. Le rôle des professionnels y est essentiel: Ils y apportent leur connaissance concrète du monde du travail et des situations professionnelles. Ils complètent l’appréciation des autres membres du jury: formateurs et enseignants spécialistes du diplôme ou du titre.
En tant que membre de jury, vous aurez à vérifier si les expériences présentées par le candidat mettent en oeuvre les compétences, aptitudes et connaissances exigées pour la certification visée: diplôme, titre ou certificat de qualification professionnelle. Cette vérification peut prendre plusieurs formes:
- Examiner un dossier qui présente l’expérience du candidat, en apprécier la cohérence et analyser les activités décrites
- Observer une mise en situation et apprécier la prestation du candidat selon des critères définis dans le référentiel
- S’entretenir avec le candidat sur des situations concrètes tirées de son expérience
Le jury est souverain: C'est à lui seul qu’il revient d'attribuer, complètement, partiellement ou pas du tout le diplôme, titre ou certificat que le candidat souhaite valider.
En tant que membre de jury, vous participez à la décision.
Qui peut devenir juré de
Tout représentant qualifié des professions qui répond aux règles générales de constitution des jurys de validation fixées par les décrets 2002-615 du 26 avril 2002, art. 4 et 2002-590 du 24 avril 2002, art. 5 (enseignement supérieur). La composition d’un jury varie selon les organismes valideurs. Le jury est présidé et constitué
conformément au règlement du titre, diplôme ou certificat concerné.
Participer à un jury de VAE c’est
- Être reconnu comme un professionnel de référence
- Dialoguer avec d’autres professionnels et enrichir votre perception du métier et de ses évolutions
- Contribuer à la valorisation du secteur
Tuteurs et
- Les professionnels exerçant une fonction de tuteur sont particulièrement préparés à remplir les missions de membre de jury de VAE
Quelle prise en charge ?

- Lorsqu'un salarié participe à un jury d'examen ou de validation des acquis de l'expérience, sa rémunération et les dépenses afférentes sont prises en charge par l’OPCA (selon accord de branche) Art. L 6313-12 du code du travail. Consulter la plaquette sur les jurys VAE.
Voir aussi Devenir membre de jury VAE pour participer à l'excellence du secteur.

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes) Valideringen panel er det sidste skridt i processen med VAE rolle fagfolk er afgørende: De bringer deres praktiske kendskab til arbejdspladsen og faglige indstillinger og afslutte vurdering af andre jurymedlemmer (instruktører og faglærere af eksamensbevis eller certifikat).
Ethvert kvalificeret repræsentant for ethvert erhverv kan deltage i et panel af VAE og bidrage til anerkendelse af oplevelsen af en anden professionel.

Den ARFTLV gennemført en informationsbrochure for dem at vise procedure. Se brochure om VAE juryer
. Mere...

6 mars 2012

Le stage de A à Z Julien Pompey. Déjà fortement réglementés, les stages ont encore fait l’objet, l'été 2011, de nouvelles évolutions avec l’arrivée de la loi Cherpion, dont l’objectif est de mieux encadrer ces périodes en entreprise. De la convention à la gratification, en passant par les obligations et les déductions, tour d’horizon des principales règles et des grands changements.
L'Assemblée nationale a définitivement adopté, le 13 juillet 2011, la proposition de loi Cherpion, "pour le développement de l'alternance et la sécurisation des parcours professionnels". Ce nouveau texte apporte une série de changements en matière de recrutement des étudiants alternants, mais également de stagiaires.
L'objectif affiché est de mieux encadrer les stages, pour mettre fin aux dérives observées en entreprise, en instaurant notamment un délai de carence entre deux stages ainsi qu'une durée maximale des stages limitée à six mois.
La loi Cherpion introduit également la prise en compte de la durée du stage dans la période d'essai, en cas d'embauche, et la création par l'entreprise d'accueil d'un registre des conventions de stages, à différencier du registre unique du personnel. A noter enfin la création du statut de "stagiaire de la formation professionnelle" pour les jeunes en CFA n'ayant pas signé de contrat d'apprentissage avec une entreprise. Voir l'abécédaire dans l'article entier. ~ ~ V Julian Pompey. Už veľmi regulovaný, stáže boli stále, leto 2011, nový vývoj s príchodom práva Cherpion, ktorej cieľom je lepšie regulovať tieto doby v podniku. Dohovoru na odmenu, na povinnosti a zrážkami, prehľad hlavných pravidiel a veľkých zmien. Národné zhromaždenie s konečnou platnosťou dňa 13. júla 2011 návrh zákona Cherpion, "Rozvoj striedanie a kariérny bezpečnosti." Toto nové znenie obsahuje množstvo zmien v prijímaní študentov striedavo, ale aj stážisti. Viac...
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