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21 juillet 2009

Le texte adopté par les députés sur la formation professionnelle: accroc à la décentralisation, "hold-up" de l'Etat

Retour à la page d'accueilL'Association des régions de France (ARF) a estimé que l'adoption mardi par les députés du projet de loi réformant la formation professionnelle représentait "un nouvel accroc à la décentralisation".

"Les régions considèrent que la proximité est un facteur indéniable d'efficacité dans la politique d'emploi et de formation", a jugé l'ARF, dans un communiqué.
"Compte tenu de leurs connaissances du tissu des entreprises régionales et de leurs besoins en qualification, elles prônent la création, et le pilotage par la région, d'un grand service public régional de l'orientation, de la formation et de l'emploi", a-t-elle souhaité.
L'ARF s'est également élevée contre "la mauvaise foi" de Laurent Wauquiez, secrétaire d'Etat à l'Emploi, qui laisse "entendre que la décentralisation entraînerait plus d'inégalités".
"La proportion de chômeurs accueillis en formation dépend de la sociologie de la population régionale, du nombre de chômeurs en provenance d'autres régions, de la nature des formations et ne reflète en rien le niveau d'implication du conseil régional", a également mis en avant l'association.
Le président du conseil régional d'Ile-de-France, Jean-Paul Huchon (PS), a dénoncé mardi le "hold up" de l'Etat sur les fonds de la formation professionnelle, "au détriment des partenaires sociaux et des régions", au lendemain de la réforme adoptée en première lecture par l'Assemblée nationale.
"Derrière des intentions partagées par tous, comme former plus ceux qui en ont le plus besoin et simplifier un système d'une grande complexité, se cachent une volonté de l'Etat de procéder à un "hold-up" sur les fonds de la formation professionnelle, au détriment des partenaires sociaux et des régions", estime M. Huchon dans un communiqué.
Selon lui, "au mépris de toutes les lois de décentralisation votées par toutes les majorités depuis 1982, le projet de loi entend soumettre le programme régional des formations, aujourd'hui adopté après large concertation par les régions, à l'aval du préfet et du recteur".
Pour M. Huchon, "il est clair qu'il ne sera plus possible de se doter de programmes stratégiques pluriannuels au niveau régional".
Le président de la région déplore que "l'Etat mette la main sur le fonds national de sécurisation des parcours, pourtant paritaire, et refuse d'associer les régions à une contractualisation".
Il faut à présent, estime M. Huchon, que le débat au Sénat permette "de poser les bases d'un véritable droit à la formation initiale différée, comme les régions l'initient depuis plusieurs années", d'organiser un service public régional de l'orientation" et d'"achever la décentralisation en transférant aux régions les compétences résiduelles de l'Etat (illettrisme, handicapés, etc)".
Back to home pageL'Association des régions de France (ARF) said Tuesday that the adoption by members of the bill reforming the training was "hooked on a new decentralization. "The regions consider that proximity is an undeniable factor in the effectiveness of employment policy and training", considered the ARF, in a statement. Le président du conseil régional d'Ile-de-France, Jean-Paul Huchon (PS), denounced Tuesday the "hold up" of the state funds for vocational training, "to the detriment of the social partners and regions "in the aftermath of the reform adopted in first reading by the National Assembly. "Behind the intentions shared by all, as train more people who most need and simplify a system of high complexity, hiding a desire for the State to conduct a" raid "on funds of vocational training, to the detriment of the social partners and regions, "Huchon says in a statement. More...
21 juillet 2009

Les députés ont adopté le texte sur la formation professionnelle

Retour à la page d'accueilLes députés ont adopté mardi 21 juillet 2009 le texte sur la formation professionnelle, qui doit "permettre à chacun de progresser d'au moins un niveau de qualification au cours de sa vie professionnelle".
Le projet de loi a été adopté par 311 voix contre 175. Sans surprise, la majorité (UMP et Nouveau Centre) a voté pour, l'opposition (PS, PCF, Verts) contre.
"La montagne va accoucher d'une souris", a estimé le socialiste Michel Issindou, jugeant le texte "très éloigné de l'accord" signé en janvier 2009 par tous les partenaires sociaux.
L'opposition dénonce aussi "un retour en force de l'Etat dans tous les rouages" et la "défiance envers les régions".
"En mettant sous tutelle les régions et les partenaires sociaux, vous recentralisez la formation professionnelle avec une ambition à peine dissimulée au cours des débats de créer un grand service public emploi-formation autour de Pôle emploi, dont on connaît les limites actuelles", a-t-il également souligné.
"C'est un bon texte" a rétorqué l'UMP Claude Goasguen? qui a mis en avant la volonté de "transparence" et "d'aboutir à une qualité" de la formation professionnelle.
"Contrairement à ce qu'ont dit nos amis socialistes, il n'y pas de remise en cause de la primauté des régions sur la formation professionnelle, il y a simplement une coordination qui fait privilégier le problème de l'emploi sur les autres attributions de la formation professionnelle", a ajouté M. Goasguen.
Le projet de loi crée notamment un fonds de sécurisation des parcours, veut rendre les circuits de financement plus efficients, et améliorer les outils de formation. Le texte doit désormais être examiné par le Sénat.Accueil Yahoo! Actualités

Les députés ont adopté par 311 voix contre 175 le projet de loi de réforme et de développement de la formation professionnelle avec, notamment, la création d'un fonds doté de 900 millions d'euros. Le texte prévoit également de réformer les organismes de collecte de fonds de la formation (OPCA). Les OPCA collectant moins de 100 millions d'euros devront se regrouper avant la fin juin 2011, l'objectif étant d'en compter une quinzaine au total au lieu de la centaine existant actuellement. Le texte étend le champ d'application du droit individuel à la formation (DIF) et du congé individuel de formation (CIF), en même temps qu'il propose de simplifier l'accès à la validation des acquis de l'expérience (VAE).
Il Parlamento ha adottato con 311 voti contro i 175 di legge per la riforma e lo sviluppo della formazione professionale, compresa la creazione di un fondo di 900 milioni di euro. Il testo prevede anche la riforma delle agenzie di raccolta di fondi di formazione (OPCA). L'OPCA raccolta inferiore a 100 milioni di euro si riuniranno prima della fine del mese di giugno 2011, con l'obiettivo di contare un totale di quindici invece di cento attualmente disponibili. Il testo si estende il campo di applicazione del diritto individuale alla formazione (DIF) e congedo di formazione individuale (CIF), allo stesso tempo essa si propone di semplificare l'accesso alla convalida di esperienza acquisita (VAE). Maggiori informazioni...

21 juillet 2009

"The future of Bologna, 10 years on", Lisbon, 21st - 22nd of September 2009

In conformity the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (FCG) will organize an international conference on the 21st and 22nd of September 2009 where the Portuguese and European Academic Community and also participants from outside the European Area of Higher Education will be invited to consider three topics: the curricular design in the Bologna context, the Bologna Process in a global setting, the future 10 years after Bologna.
Connected to the preparation of the conference the Foundation financed an analysis of the Bologna Reports that institutions were required by law to produce in order to evaluate the implementation of the Bologna Objectives.
21 juillet 2009

EFQUEL Forum: "Fostering Quality through Creative Learnscapes"

21 juillet 2009

The Bologna Process and Europe-Asia dialogue

Regional Higher Education Cooperation in the Next Decade: The Bologna Process and Europe-Asia dialogue, 1-3 July, 2009, Brussels, Belgium.
The Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area meet increasing interest and attention by universities and governments around the world.
In Asia, higher education reform is increasingly discussed in a regional setting and proposals to create tools for recognition and mobility have been tabled. The Bologna process is certainly a reference point, and the interest to cooperate with Europe on such reform is high.
The present Round Table invited senior leadership and management from Asian and European higher education institutions, organisations and government agencies to discuss some of the Bologna issues in more detail, in order to get a better understanding of the overall reform process. Equal attention was paid to evolving regional reform processes in Asia, and the implications they may have on European-Asia higher education and research cooperation.
The event included a pre-programme 'information visit' to the European Commission of the European Union and a post-programme visit to the city of Ghent and Ghent University, where guests were welcomed by the rector of Ghent University and the Ghent University Association.
While the Bologna Process is an intra-European project, it is of interest for Asia for several reasons. The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) stretches from Ireland to Russia. The latter makes it a neighbour of some Asian countries.
In addition, practically all higher education and research partners that Asia has in Europe participate in the Bologna Process, and have been undergoing and continue to undergo system changes due to the joint European reform agenda.
Therefore it is essential for Asia to know what important reform developments Europe is undergoing. It is also essential for Europe to better understand the evolving higher education landscape in Asia. Today, no higher education system can be seen in isolation. While this is a basic lesson of the Bologna Process, which enhances compatibility of national higher education systems in order to enhance exchange and cooperation, this is also true for the European Higher Education Area. Programme. Presentations. Photo Gallery.
21 juillet 2009

Meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group

se2009.euMeeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group: 28–29 September,  Hazeliusbacken 20, Stockholm, Sweden.
The Bologna Follow-Up Group, which has representatives from the 46 Bologna countries, will meet in Stockholm on 28–29 September. Its main task will be to decide on a work programme for the period until the next planned ministerial meetings in 2010 and 2012, in the context of a continued process until 2020.
The basis of the work programme is provided by the Communiqué adopted by the ministers at their meeting in Leuven/Louvain la Neuve on 28–29 April. The programme will specify the commitments etc. that are to govern the work ahead and the working parties to be established in order to carry out the ministers’ requests.
Startpage for Swedish National Agency for Higher Education
The meeting is being arranged by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education and will take place in Stockholm. Contact: Myrna Smitt, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Education and Research, Responsible for the meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group, Phone: +46 08 405 21 81.
21 juillet 2009

The role of VET in meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow

se2009.euThe role of vocational education and training (VET) in meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow: 12–13 November 2009, Norra Latin, Stockholm, Sweden.
During the Swedish Presidency, a conference on vocational education and training will be arranged in Stockholm on 12–13 November. The purpose of the conference is to offer an arena for sharing experience, knowledge, ideas and possible solutions related to current issues and challenges in the development of vocational education and training (VET). The conference will focus on VET for adults at both upper secondary and post-secondary levels.
The conference is expected to bring together around 200 participants, representing decision-makers from the countries’ ministries and government agencies, the social partners, the European Commission and EU institutions working with VET, as well as representatives of research institutions in VET and adult education.
The conference will last for one-and-a-half days and will address two main themes:
* The first theme concerns short-term challenges related to the current economic and financial crisis.
* The second theme concerns the challenges of the future and in this perspective issues will be discussed that are shared by the Member States in our common need to develop VET. Under this theme various studies and findings will be presented, with opportunities for discussion and debate.
To help prepare the conference, we have sent a short questionnaire survey to the Member States. The intention was to obtain information about the measures Member States have taken to offer VET and skills development for adults in response to the economic and financial crisis. The questions in the survey were mainly intended to obtain examples of publicly financed measures. During the conference various development measures will be presented and there will be opportunities to share and discuss the various measures taken by the Member States.
21 juillet 2009

Meeting of Directors-General for Higher Education

se2009.euMeeting of Directors-General for Higher Education: 06-07/10/2009, Kalmar, SWEDEN.
High quality higher education is of great importance for Europe’s development as a knowledge region and for stronger European competitiveness against other regions in the world. Within the framework of the modernisation process that the European universities are undergoing, it is important to consider the quality aspects of higher education, the parameters to be taken into account and methods of quality assurance used. The meeting of Directors-General for Higher Education will address issues concerning how the quality of higher education can be assured in a world of increasingly independent higher education institutions.
21 juillet 2009

Meeting of Directors-General for Vocational Training

se2009.euMeeting of Directors-General for Vocational Training: 10-13/10/2009, Västerås, SWEDEN.
The Meeting of Directors-General for Vocational Training is an informal meeting held during every EU Presidency. Senior officials from the Member States and from applicant and observer countries are invited to the meeting, together with representatives of the European Commission, the European social partners, the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). The purpose is to provide the opportunity for exchange of experience and to discuss current issues relating to vocational training in the EU context. The Presidency and the Commission are jointly responsible for planning the meeting and its content.
The theme of the meeting in Västerås is Vocational education and training – labour market – quality assurance.
Startsida Högskoleverket
The Swedish part of the meeting will include presentations of the following:
    * The National Agency for Vocational Higher Education
    * Vocational education and training in the upcoming reform of upper secondary education
    * An example of a Swedish company’s workplace learning activities
In addition, three workshops will give participants an opportunity to discuss current issues linked to the overall theme.
21 juillet 2009

Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research

Pre-conference Dates: 25-26 September 2009 (Friday - Saturday), Main Conference Dates: 28-30 September 2009 (Monday - Wednesday).
Private and public enterprises, national and international agencies provide a wealth of data and information about education systems and processes unknown to previous generations.
Concepts like “evidence-based policy making”, “quality assurance”, “data-driven decision making”, and “evidence-based teaching” have played an important part in this development. The rapid spread of national and international testing systems is another sign of the ongoing transformation of the field.
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