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5 juillet 2015

Bridging the gap between education and the future workforce

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. The school year has come to an end. For newly minted college graduates it can be a tumultuous time filled with anticipation, anxiety, happiness and disappointment. Although some college graduates will find their first, degree-related job right out of college, it’s not the case for most.
Read more.
28 juin 2015

Top 10 industries for graduates 2014 graduating in 2014 were the last round of students to pay the lower level of tuition fees, but they will still have been feeling the pressure as they headed out of university into an increasingly competitive jobs market. Social and career networking site, LinkedIn, has crunched the numbers and figured out the 10 most popular industries that 2014 graduates from the UK have headed to. Read more...

28 juin 2015

Firms should break through the 'class ceiling', says Sir Terry Leahy . British companies should break through the “class ceiling” by hiring the best suitable people instead of focusing of those who went to the “right universities”. Read more...

15 juin 2015

3 ways employers can engage millennials at work Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. In order to keep up with this coming transformation in our world of work, companies can evolve their corporate learning programs in three ways to better engage and equip millennial employees. Employers need to provide ongoing, online learning that is engaging and valuable to this new workforce. Millennial employees are “screenagers,” born and raised online. More...

23 mai 2015

Airbus lance la construction de sa propre université

Par Figaro Etudiant.  La direction du groupe Airbus a officiellement lancé les travaux de construction de son université, la dénommée Leadership University, à Blagnac près de Toulouse. L’établissement ouvrira ses portes à l’automne 2016. 
Hier étaient réunis Tom Enders, président d’Airbus Group, Jean-Luc Moudenc, président de Toulouse Métropole et Bernard Keller, maire de Blagnac. Et pour cause, les trois hommes posaient ensemble la première pierre de l’Ellipse, la future université de la société d’aéronautique. Suite...

17 mai 2015

The Upwardly Mobile Barista and Arizona State University are collaborating to help cafe workers get college degrees. Is this a model for helping more Americans reach the middle class?
 Our class-based higher-education divide explains more about America’s widening income gap than does any other single factor. More...

16 mai 2015

Studenten sollen enger mit Firmen zusammenarbeiten

SPIEGEL ONLINEKooperationen zwischen Unis und Wirtschaft, längere Praxisphasen im Studium: Bachelor-Studenten sollen mehr Erfahrungen in Unternehmen sammeln, haben die europäischen Bildungsminister beschlossen.
Bachelor-Absolventen seien nicht fit genug für den Arbeitsmarkt, monieren Unternehmen immer wieder. Das soll sich nun ändern: Hochschulen sollen stärker mit Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten. Zudem sollen sie Studiengänge anbieten, die praxisnaher sind. Darauf haben sich die europäischen Bildungsminister auf ihrer zweitägigen Konferenz im armenischen Eriwan geeinigt. Mehr...

15 mai 2015

Enseignement supérieur en Afrique : les patrons aux abonnés absents

Par Clarisse Juompan-Yakam. Rapprocher organismes de formation et entreprises. Sur le papier, l'idée est bonne. Mais, en pratique, de nombreux obstacles et une certaine indifférence du secteur privé rendent sa mise en oeuvre difficile.
Alors que les entreprises recherchent des cadres bien formés, l'enseignement supérieur privé a besoin, lui, de plus de moyens pour améliorer sa qualité de service. Seule solution, rapprocher les deux camps : financer un cursus permet à l'entreprise d'avoir un droit de regard sur les programmes de formation et d'identifier les profils dont elle a besoin dans un vivier de jeunes diplômés à haut potentiel. Sauf que ce n'est pas si simple. Voir l'article...

5 mai 2015

University group calls for deeper business links to research

afr.comBy Tim Dodd. The Innovative Research Universities (IRU) grouping has clashed with a key science and engineering body over how to encourage more links between university researchers and industry. 
Last week the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) called for a new measure of industry participation in university research based on the dollars spent by business in research projects. It contends that its approach is simple and can use existing information. More...

2 mai 2015

6th European University-Business Forum

Fact Sheet: tackling radicalisation through education and youth policyThe 6th University-Business Forum brought together 300 high-level representatives from Europe and beyond, including:

  • higher education institutions;
  • large companies;
  • SMEs;
  • national, regional, and local authorities; and
  • organisations and associations.
The Forum was a unique opportunity to share and discuss experiences, exchange good practices, network and to learn from each other.
This year's Forum addressed topics related to entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial university, change and impact, people and innovation, social entrepreneurship and other major trends in University-Business Cooperation.
Further information on the event can be found on its website  where participants also have the option to provide feedback on the proceedings. More...
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