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24 mai 2019

Video Games: Are the Myths True?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Dave Munger: Video Games: Are the Myths True?, Cognitive Daily December 20, 2005

Good discussion of an essay by Henry Jenkins intended to dispel the myths about the role of video games in causing aggression and violence. What I like is not so much the thrust of the argument - because I think that the relation between games and anti-social behaviour is misrepresented and overblown - but in the rigor applied to the reasoning. Bad argumentation helps nobody, whether or not it supports your point of view. More...

23 mai 2019

How to Prototype a Game in Under 7 Days: Tips and Tricks from 4 Grad Students Who Made Over 50 Games in 1 Semester

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Kyle Gabler, Kyle Gray, Matt Kucic and Shalin Shodhan: How to Prototype a Game in Under 7 Days: Tips and Tricks from 4 Grad Students Who Made Over 50 Games in 1 Semester, Gamasutra November 25, 2005

This is a fun article, and not simply because of the goofy games described in passing. It offers some good insights into things like game design, such as: "You only need a few days. It seems like a natural and comforting thing to say, 'Hey we made a great game in one week. Therefore, if we spend TWO weeks, it will be TWICE as good!' Of course this isn't the case. We found that generally any gameplay idea can be prototyped effectively in less than one week. Extra slop time tends to yield diminishing returns." Via Peter Rawsthorne, who also sent along this link about the same group of designers. More...

23 mai 2019

Proof of Learning: Assessment in Serious Games

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Sande Chen and David Michael: Proof of Learning: Assessment in Serious Games, Gamasutra October 24, 2005

I don't really like the author's distinction between 'serious' games where "serious games have education as a primary goal while video games focus on entertainment." That said, this is nonetheless an article worth reading on the task of evaluating educational achievement within games. Methodologies (which will be familiar to game players) include passage through tutorial sessions, game scoring, levels, completion evaluation and more. More...

21 mai 2019

Living the Game - Modelling in Ed-tech

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Dave Cormier: Living the Game - Modelling in Ed-tech, Dave’s Educational Blog October 4, 2005

Dave Tosh points us to this new blog by Dave Cormier and in turn I link here to his latest post, a reflection on whether those who promote ed tech should model it. More...

7 mai 2019

Teaching with Games

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Teaching with Games
Mostly a short item with links to resources, but I couldn't resist citing the opening bit: "Parent: How can I get my child to stop playing video games? Me: That's simple. Make "video games" a required subject in school. More...

22 avril 2019

Videogames should be a teacher’s best friend

The ConversationAlthough videogames are seen by many as a waste of time, one thing they do undeniably well is teach. The problem is that educational games are about as much a game as low-fat ice cream is delicious. Both leave a bad taste in your mouth and are generally unfulfilling. More...
21 avril 2019

Playing a science-based video game? It might be all wrong

The ConversationYou look down from the sky, manipulating the world and seeing how it responds to your changes. You are able to alter vegetation and climate while watching their effects on the surrounding organisms. More...
12 avril 2019

Le jeu COURSOPAPIERS disponible à la commande !

UNMLLe jeu Coursopapiers, support à l’animation ludique et collective, vise à familiariser les jeunes quant à leurs démarches administratives. Le prototype, conçu par des jeunes, a été présenté lors des dernières Rencontres nationales. Plus...

7 avril 2019

L'univers d’un jeu vidéo influence positivement la motivation dans l’apprentissage

logoIl existe des jeux vidéo auxquels on joue sans voir le temps passer, alors que d'autres sont abandonnés sans regret après quelques minutes. Nos expériences antérieures de jeu affectent nos choix et pratiques ludiques postérieures. Ainsi un «hardcore gamer» est parfois plus exigeant et regardant sur la qualité ludique, l’univers, le gameplay ou la scénarisation d’un jeu. Plus...

31 mars 2019

Hauts-de-France : un escape game pédagogique en histoire-géographie sur le thème de la guerre froide

l'emag de l'educationUn collectif de dix professeurs d’histoire-géographie des Hauts-de-France a créé un jeu d’évasion sur le thème de la guerre froide. Plus...

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