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7 novembre 2018

Why is the UK so far behind in Tertiary Education enrolment?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"World Bank data on the gross enrolment ratio in tertiary education provides one useful comparison metric of what is happening on the macro scale. To be clear, this is not just measuring Higher Education, which the UK tends to score fairly well on, but all forms of educatioafter higher secondary (defined as ISCED levels 5-8). More...

6 novembre 2018

12 things chief enrollment officers say about their role

eCampus NewsThe role of chief enrollment officers is complex due to increasing pressure, yet many who responded to a recent survey say they feel optimistic about the future of their position. More...

5 novembre 2018

The College of Southern Idaho continues to see its enrollment drop

University Business Magazine logoThe College of Southern Idaho continues to see its overall enrollment drop, but its students are taking more classes. More...

5 novembre 2018

Edinboro University sees signs of hope amid declining enrollment

University Business Magazine logoFor years, the state university here that prides itself in sports as being the “home of the Fighting Scots” has been locked in a different and less enjoyable struggle, as have many of Pennsylvania’s other state-owned universities. More...

4 novembre 2018

Minn. college's undergrad enrollment keeps dropping, but there's a silver lining

University Business Magazine logoUndergraduate enrollment at Minnesota State University Moorhead has reached a low point not seen since at least 2000, while graduate enrollment has surged to its highest level in years, according to figures the university released Wednesday, Oct. 10. More...

4 novembre 2018

New graduate student recruitment solution from ETS and Liaison

University Business Magazine logoA new tool will help admissions professionals at colleges and universities in the U.S. and around the world to drive awareness of opportunities available to prospective graduate students. More...

2 novembre 2018

What Nobody Told Me About Dual Enrollment Matt Reed. We have a number of dual enrollment and early college high school arrangements with local high schools, both public and private. They allow students to take college classes for transcripted college credit while still in high school. In the ECHS programs, students who earn enough credits can complete an associate degree at the same time as a high school diploma. More...

1 novembre 2018

A Wet Blanket on Idaho's Blanket Admissions

HomeBy Rick SeltzerSome have praised Idaho's 2015 move to tell all qualifying high school seniors they are admitted to public colleges, but high school counselors and college admissions officers say details have been bedeviling. More...

28 octobre 2018

Difficultés de recrutement : des actions ciblées pour accompagner les entreprises

Certaines entreprises franciliennes rencontrent des difficultés de recrutement. Afin de les aider, Pôle emploi a mis en place des actions ciblées dans chacune de ses agences. Plus...
28 octobre 2018

Robotisation. Le nouvel atout recrutement du secteur de la propreté

Le secteur de la propreté souffre d'un déficit d'image (pénibilité du travail, contrats courts, faibles salaires) et peine à attirer les jeunes : ses salariés ont en moyenne 46 ans. Cette situation pourrait changer avec l'arrivée des robots, qui investissent depuis 3 à 4 ans l'univers du nettoyage. Ce mouvement à incité la Fédération des entreprises de propreté (FEP) à commander une étude au cabinet Accenture afin d'en mesurer l'impact sur ses entreprises, dont la moitié sont des PME et TPE.
Source :

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