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17 mars 2016

Protecting students' intellectual property in the web plagiarism detection process

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningLearning management systems (LMS) play a central role in communications in online and distance education. In the digital era, with all the information now accessible at students’ fingertips, plagiarism detection services (PDS) have become a must-have part of LMS. More...

28 février 2016

Separating Boilerplate From Plagiarism

By Matt Reed. What separates boilerplate from plagiarism?
When I read about President Starcevich, at Kirkwood Community College, having plagiarized in a speech, I had to wonder where that line goes. More...

27 février 2016

A Plague of Plagiarism . In academe, as well as in the republic of letters, plagiarism remains the unforgivable sin. The Oxford English Dictionary tells us that this dreadful word (and the activity for which it stands) has been in our language for four centuries, and further that it derives ultimately from “classical Latin plagiarius, person who abducts the child or slave of another, kidnapper, seducer, also a literary thief.”
Kidnapper of someone’s beloved words! No wonder we react so strongly. More...

30 janvier 2016

ANOSR:Students react against plagiarism and academic imposture

ESU - European Students' UnionThe National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania adopted, with student leaders from across the country, a study that condemned the phenomenon of plagiarism which is increasing in the Romanian education system, while also condemning the severe violations on ethics and academic integrity arising in this system.
The study, titled The "copy paste" Universities: plagiarism and academic deception in Romanian higher education - the students' perspective, presents an analysis at European level of how plagiarism is approached by EU states, a thorough analysis of academic imposture cases in Romania and the national legal framework governing this area. More...

24 janvier 2016

How universities can help students avoid plagiarism: get them to write better

The ConversationBy . As universities get better at detecting plagiarism, students are having to find new ways to avoid getting caught.
I have recently had quite a few students asking to see their reports from Turnitin – a plagiarism detection software used in most universities to root out internet plagiarism. More...
21 janvier 2016

Detecting More Than Plagiarism

HomeBy Carl Straumsheim. Turnitin, seeking to expand beyond plagiarism detection, launches a tool to help students improve their writing as they write. Many writing instructors continue to be skeptical of the company's products. Read more...

17 janvier 2016

Is nothing sacred? Our personal teaching philosophies have been plagiarized

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Mary Anne White and Joan Davison Conrod. The copyists range from a Grade 4 English teacher to an academic at a highly regarded university.
We are concerned that there appears to be widespread plagiarism of our personal statements of teaching philosophy. Teaching philosophies are meant to be intensely individual statements. The idea that academics would plagiarize in this area is absurd, especially since we know that plagiarism is a serious issue in academic circles. More...

3 décembre 2015

Write about Plagiarism and Win a $2,000 Scholarship

ESU - European Students' Union The Unplag plagiarism detection engine is willing to support students who appreciate originality and plagiarism-free content. That’s why its giving away a scholarship in the amount of $2,000 for studying purposes. A committee of educators and the Unplag team will choose the most interesting essays and publish them on the Unplag blog. More...

18 novembre 2015

Confessions of an Accidental Plagiarist Wendy Robinson. I was two days into a “dissertation vacation” (i.e. when I ditch my family and go on a writing binge somewhere without small children) when I discovered the note card. On it was a hastily drawn diagram and two sentences jotted heavily underlined, with stars nearby. Read more...

20 septembre 2015

Alleged Serial Plagiarizer on Leave From Arizona State

HomeA professor of history at Arizona State University who’s been accused of plagiarism multiple times was placed on administrative leave this week as the university looks into new allegations of misconduct, The Arizona Republic reported. Read more...

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