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3 décembre 2018

When Plagiarism's Shadow Falls on Admired Scholars

When Plagiarism's Shadow Falls on Admired Scholars
Rip. Mix. Burn. Two Harvard professors are caught with unattributed remix content in their books. Piracy? Plagiarism? Of course not - it was all an oversight. The punishment? "'The discovery is the punishment,' Professor Gillers said." Sure. Let's punish students in the same way, then, or underground remix artists. More...

30 novembre 2018

Changing the Citation Conversation

Rethinking the ways we talk to our students about plagiarism. More...

28 novembre 2018

2 Cases of Plagiarism, and an Explanation of Why the Practice Might Be Worth It

2 Cases of Plagiarism, and an Explanation of Why the Practice Might Be Worth It
So anyhow, welcome from Cairns, Australia. I had a fun day today, which began by my missing my flight from Brisbane to Cairns (more accurately - I arrived at the airport in plenty of time, Quantas had me stand in line for an hour and then told me I was too late). So Monday's OLDaily arrives sometime Tuesday. More...

20 novembre 2018

Période d'examen : attention plagiat

sup-numerique.gouv.frQuel étudiant n'a jamais été sur internet, taper son sujet de dissertation dans la barre de recherche pour copier un plan ? Qui ne s'est jamais "inspiré" de travaux de recherche ? Qui n'a jamais été tenté de partager sur Internet les cours d'un enseignant ?
Le plagiat est une fraude courante et ignorée par les étudiants.
Elle ne se remarque pas, puisque seules certaines informations sont reproduites sur une copie sans en être un copier-coller. Les risques vont bien au delà de la simple sanction disciplinaire lorsque l'on :

  • "s'inspire" d'un sujet de thèse
  • reprend les théories issues d'un travail de recherche ou d'un ouvrage

Le plagiat est un délit, il se définit comme "toute reproduction, représentation ou diffusion, par quelque moyen que ce soit, d'une oeuvre de l'esprit en violation des droits de l'auteur, tels qu'ils sont définis et réglementés par la loi". Plus...

3 novembre 2018

‘Essay mills’ may be morally dubious, but it was good to work for one

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianOK, so helping students plagiarise work was unethical – but it was also intellectually challenging and stimulating. More...

25 octobre 2018

New Software Detects Plagiarized Passages

New Software Detects Plagiarized Passages
This is pretty funny and pretty sad at the same time. Although plagiarism is something that seems to involve colleges and universities most of all, it is apparently rampant in the work world - after all, there are no professors to remember that the paragraph you used on page 5 was previously written in an obscure essay twenty years ago. More...

1 octobre 2018

University heads call for ban on essay-writing companies

More than 40 university bosses in the United Kingdom have written to the education secretary calling for so-called essay mill companies to be banned. Some students pay for bespoke, original assignments – which cannot easily be detected by anti-plagiarism software, writes Katherine Smith for the BBC News. More...
24 septembre 2018

Judge upholds right to rescind degree over plagiarism

An Alberta judge says the University of Calgary can rescind a masters degree awarded to a student 15 years ago before allegations he plagiarised parts of his thesis, reports The Canadian Press. More...
18 septembre 2018

Will anti-plagiarism rules improve research credibility?

By Shuriah Niazi. New rules, binding on all universities, were brought into force last month by India’s higher education regulator, the University Grants Commission (UGC), to prevent plagiarism and academic misconduct by students, researchers and faculty in higher education institutions. But experts are sceptical about whether they are enough to end rampant plagiarism. More...
5 septembre 2018

Perennial Plagiarism

Perennial Plagiarism
Good analysis of the topic, with many links (as usual). Covers definitions of plagiarism, reports and statistics, analyses of the reasons why students plagiarize, and suggestions for reducing plagiarism. More...

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