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15 septembre 2019

Plagiarisme di UNJ: persekongkolan akademisi dan politikus

The ConversationTemuan plagiarisme beberapa disertasi para pejabat publik alumni program pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), yang berujung pada pemecatan Rektor UNJ Profesor Djaali minggu ini, adalah contoh kecil dari carut-marutnya pengelolaan universitas di Indonesia. More...
5 septembre 2019

Students Rebel Against Database Designed to Thwart Plagiarists

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Maria Glod[Edit][Delete]: Students Rebel Against Database Designed to Thwart Plagiarists, Washington Post [Edit][Delete] October 2, 2006
Well this is a good point. How can anti-plagiarism services operate without ignoring copyright? "They object to Turnitin's automatically adding their essays to the massive database, calling it an infringement of intellectual property rights." It's a good point, as is the presumption of guilt implicit in use of the service. More...

12 juillet 2019

Plagiarism: Another Perspective

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Charles Nelson[Edit][Delete]: Plagiarism: Another Perspective, Explorations in Learning [Edit][Delete] August 9, 2006
Interesting take on what may be called "institutional plagiarism," including "ghostwriting, honorary authorship, political speechwriting and beauracratic documents." Certainly I have seen no shortage of presentations written by staff for some executive member or officer who will present it (it's always sad to see them flip through slides knowing nothing about their content). For that matter, what would we call a news article that reprints a press release? An editorial that reprints a campaign circular. More...

24 juin 2019

The New Plagiarism

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Jonathan Bailey[Edit][Delete]: The New Plagiarism, Plagiarism Today [Edit][Delete] May 24, 2006
At the best of times I am pretty sceptical about accustaions of plagiarism. In this case, where the author depicts a type of (what he considers to be) excess block quoting with attribution to be a new form of plagiarism, I am inclined to side with the numerous critics of the piece. To be sure, there are blogs of the type he describes in our field. But I have never detected any loss of readership or confusion about attribution as a consequence. More...

22 avril 2019

Credentials in the cloud: how will MOOCs deal with plagiarism?

The ConversationThe courses are “massive” with sometimes tens of thousands of students and “open” (free to enrol) but one big unanswered questions is how these courses intend to preserve their credibility in assessment and accreditation. More...
21 avril 2019

Putin’s plagiarism, fake Ukrainian degrees and other tales of world leaders accused of academic fraud

The ConversationBut academic fraud is nothing new – and it wasn’t invented in the United States. In certain countries, my research on academic corruption attests, some public officials have built their entire political careers on the false pretense of scholastic achievement.
Accusations against Putin first surfaced in 2006, when an investigation by the Brookings Institution alleged he copied about 16 pages of his 200-page Ph.D. dissertation from other sources.
Twelve years later, the Russian strongman found himself defending against accusations that his dissertation had been ghostwritten. According to former Russian legislator Olga Litvinenko, Putin’s dissertation was written by her father, Vladimir Litvinenko, Putin’s academic advisor and the rector of Saint Petersburg Mining University. More...
5 avril 2019

Hinds calls on students to report peers who use essay-writing services

The GuardianStudents who are found guilty should face severe consequences, he said, including being kicked off their courses. He urged universities to get their students to sign “honour codes”, making a pledge not to cheat. More...

3 avril 2019

Universities must stop relying on software to deal with plagiarism

The ConversationEducational software – whether it’s a teaching aid or a program designed to help teachers with administration – is big business. The recent multi-billion dollar acquisition of Turnitin, a program that is used around the world to flag possible evidence of plagiarism, is further proof of this. More...

3 avril 2019

Plagiarism Policing and Profit

By Barbara Fister. John Warner had a perfect response to the news that Turnitin has been sold for big bucks. First imagined in 1998, it launched as an ed-tech product along with the site in 2000, but even then it had ambitions to be used in publishing as well. More...

2 avril 2019

‘Rampant Plagiarism’ and ‘Patently Deficient’ Online Education

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. Staff at a Virginia regulator recommend revoking certificate to operate small college catering to international students after an audit uncovered concerns about academic quality. More...

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