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5 juin 2016

Le « slacktivisme » peut être porteur de changement

Logo - Thot CursusPar Alexandre Roberge. Internet a, certes, changé les façons de se renseigner. Maintenant, un petit tour sur un moteur de recherche dès qu’il y a un doute ou qu’une question nous traverse l’esprit. Or, a-t-il eu de l’impact sur notre vie? Pas celle virtuelle qui s’est enrichie de différents réseaux pour interagir entre nous, mais celle réelle. Voir l'article...

4 juin 2016

Angelina Jolie wird Professorin in London

SPIEGEL ONLINEDas fehlt noch in ihrer Karriere: Die Schauspielerin Angelina Jolie geht als Professorin an eine Londoner Universität, um dort zu lehren. Dabei hat der Filmstar ein besonderes Anliegen. Mehr...

4 juin 2016

Umstrittene Immobilienkurse: Die Psychotricks der Trump University

SPIEGEL ONLINENeu veröffentlichte Dokumente zeigen: Die Trump University warb Studenten mit aggressiven Psychotricks an. Um Inhalte sei es dabei gar nicht gegangen. Mehr...

4 juin 2016

Neuseeland jagt Studiengebührenschuldner

SPIEGEL ONLINEMehr als 110.000 neuseeländische Uni-Absolventen haben ihre Studienkredite nicht zurückgezahlt. Nun fängt die Regierung die Schuldner am Flughafen ab. Mehr...

4 juin 2016

Moral Panics About Kids in Basements

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. Every once in awhile you see a news story saying something along the lines of “oh my, so many people in their 20s living with their failure to launch, my God, won’t somebody do something” followed usually by some freaking out about housing prices and – if we’re really lucky – something about humanities and working at Starbucks as well.  Like this one from the CBC last week. More...

4 juin 2016

Taking Advantage of Course Duplication

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. I recently came across an interesting blogpost from a professor in the UK named Thomas Leeper (see here), talking about the way in which professors the world over spend so much time duplicating each others’ work in terms of developing curricula. More...

4 juin 2016


Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. It’s a metaphor that’s been used in more than one way.  The unbundling allusion is mostly to the music industry which has seen technology allow consumers to unbundle its main product (albums) into smaller discrete chunks (songs), but there are also allusions here to the cable TV industry and to journalism.  Universities, it is argued, provide a whole bunch of disparate services, not all of which are of equal quality or are equally desired by the customer. More...

4 juin 2016

No, Blackboard Report Did Not Conclude That Online Classes Are “A Poorer Experience”

By . Did Blackboard just commit an act of unintentional honesty acknowledging that students don’t like online courses in general? That would be quite the headline. But it would not be accurate. More...

4 juin 2016

Playful language and communication

By Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda. As parents, our days are filled with to-do lists—dropping children at school or daycare, commuting to work, doing laundry, changing diapers, cooking child-friendly meals, shooting off texts and emails, and so forth. More...

3 juin 2016

Becoming brilliant: Reimagining education for our time

By . The amount of knowledge available in books and online is doubling every two and a half years. The consequence? Even if we knew every bit of information available today, we’d be at a 50 percent deficit by 2018 and 75 percent by 2021! If our education is founded solely on our ability to learn facts, we will not succeed in a Google and Wiki world. More...

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