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28 août 2016

Steve Jobs et Coco Chanel : le paradoxe des cols noirs

The ConversationPar . Steve Jobs est décédé en 2011, quarante ans à quelques mois près après Coco Chanel (1883-1971). Aussitôt se sont envolées les ventes de pulls noirs à col roulé, lequel donne progressivement son nom à une nouvelle catégorie de travailleurs : les « cols noirs ». Succédant aux cols bleus (les ouvriers), aux cols blancs (les cadres) et plus récemment aux cols gris (techniciens de l’industrie) les cols noirs renvoient à l’ensemble des individus, salariés ou non d’ailleurs, qui servent le développement des innovations et, à leur manière, contribuent au renouveau économique de leurs activités. Voir l'article...

28 août 2016

Most students borrow for college, but are they financially literate?

The ConversationBy and . By and large, a college degree is viewed as an important credential for gainful employment and professional success. At the same time, college is costly, and college financing strategies are complex. More...

28 août 2016

Why wearing sagging pants on a college campus becomes a criminal offense

The ConversationBy . A disciplinary board at Hinds Community College in Raymond, Mississippi, has ruled that a student arrested earlier this month for failing to show his student ID to campus police officers when asked to do so will not face punishment from the school. More...

28 août 2016

Wisconsin controversy: with fewer tenured positions, who benefits from academic freedom?

The ConversationBy . Sitting here in Madison, Wisconsin, a chancellor of two UW institutions, I find myself at the vortex of an enormous national conversation about tenure and shared governance. More...

28 août 2016

It’s a mess: graduate schools are failing to prepare students for jobs

The ConversationBy . Arthur Levine, the head of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, has been a vituperative critic of teacher education programs for years. His recent announcement that he’s partnering with MIT to start a new teacher education graduate degree program has brought new attention to these teacher training programs – and to teacher training generally. More...

28 août 2016

To see the legacy of slavery, look at present-day school systems

The ConversationBy . None of us alive today had any direct involvement in slavery in America, but we continue to be affected by its legacy and could even be perpetuating it in subtle, everyday ways. One of the ways the legacy of slavery manifests is through the school system. More...

28 août 2016

A teacher uses Star Trek for difficult conversations on race and gender

The ConversationBy . The television series Star Trek: The Original Series (1966–1969) debuted one year after my immediate family and I relocated from the Harlem district of New York City to an area of South Central Los Angeles in 1965. More...

28 août 2016

Reflections of a black female scholar: I know what it feels like to be invisible

The ConversationBy . A new insurance commercial shows comedian Mindy Kaling embracing what it means to be invisible: As Kaling walks down the grocery aisle messily eating ice cream, she uses her “cloak” of invisibility to feel up the muscles of a handsome basketball player. More...

28 août 2016

A dean’s plea: let students discover knowledge without pressure to impress

The ConversationBy . As a university vice president and an admissions dean, we’ve just finished contacting students whom we did admit, did not admit and would have liked to admit, but simply couldn’t. More...

28 août 2016

Without teacher guidance, all the tech in the world will be quite useless

The ConversationBy . A couple of years ago, I taught an afterschool class at a Seattle nonprofit, the Technology Access Foundation (TAF), which provides STEM education (science, technology, engineering, math) to children from less-privileged backgrounds. More...

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