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30 octobre 2016

Stuff And Nonsense About Coding

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. The ubiquity of a given technology does not mean that everyone needs to be experts in its nuts and bolts. Pretty much no job is untouched by, say, electricity, or indoor plumbing. Yet the economy works fine without 10 million people knowing how to do preventive maintenance on electrical wiring or install a toilet. More...

30 octobre 2016

Recommended Reading: Article in Chronicle on Measuring Learning

By O'Neal Spicer. Dan Barrett’s piece over the weekend in The Chronicle, “The Next Great Hope for Measuring Learning,” deserves a close read. He describes in some detail a ground up effort by faculty and administrators across several institutions to define and measure what it is that students are learning and why it’s important. More...

30 octobre 2016

Introducing “Recommended Reading” and O’Neal Spicer

By . First, we’re creating a new category of short posts called “Recommended Reading.” We have always appreciated the news digests produced by folks like Stephen Downes and Audrey Watters as ways to keep up on important pieces we might have missed. More...

29 octobre 2016

The 3 campus bandwidth offenders—and how to manage them

eCampus NewsBy Bruce Miller. Over the past five years, student Wi-Fi expectations have gone from convenience to pervasive. Wi-Fi connectivity permeates every location, available no matter where students are on campus. More...

28 octobre 2016

Higher ed has massive misconceptions about low-income student success

eCampus NewsBy Laura Devaney. Contrary to a commonly-held belief that low-income students are more likely to struggle in a four-year institution, new data indicates students from low-income households are, in fact, likely to thrive in four-year institutions, according to a new survey. More...

28 octobre 2016

Professors staying and the impact on adjuncts

University Business LogoBy Deborah Yaffe. Are universities hiring non-tenured adjuncts—who now make up two-thirds of the faculty workforce—because their tenured veterans won’t retire. More...

28 octobre 2016

Re-inventing the first-year experience

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Located in the far western part of the state, West Kentucky Community and Technical College (WKCTC) serves a population of students who often struggle to understand the expectations of college and how to reach the educational goal of earning a college credential. More...

28 octobre 2016

The subtle strength of ambient learning

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Public community colleges across the nation have an inherent obligation for inclusion. It is important for the nation to continue to welcome, recruit, include and represent everyone across the nation, especially those in our respective communities. More...

28 octobre 2016

Fewer grads are standing on tradition

University Business LogoSubmitted by Tim Goral. High school students have become so mindful of financial planning for college in recent years that many who are academically eligible to attend a traditional four-year college are choosing to minimize their cost by enrolling in two-year community colleges instead. More...

27 octobre 2016

These are the 50 majors with the highest earnings

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Engineering and technology are among the most challenging fields of study in college, but all of that hard work apparently is paying off, as many of the top-earning entry-level jobs are tied to related majors, according to a Glassdoor study released Monday. More...

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