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19 août 2013

Controlling Your Web Destiny Joshua Kim. What is your web presence? Can colleagues, bloggers,  journalists, or potential employers find you online? What would they find if they searched for you? Is your CV updated and viewable online? Do you have one place that brings together your employment history, professional accomplishments, educational background, and links to your writing and presentations? 
If you are like me, the answer to all these questions would be no.
This past weekend, with some pushing and guidance from my brother Max, I finally changed that and created my own professional web page. Read more...

16 août 2013

EC-TEL 2013: Eighth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) is a unique opportunity for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to address current challenges and advances in the field. Through EC-TEL, established and emerging researchers as well as practitioners, entrepreneurs, and technology developers explore new collaborations, strengthen networks, and complement their core experience. This year's theme is "Scaling Up Learning for Sustained Impact". We invite contributions for demonstrations, workshops and project meetings, as well as original research papers. A doctoral consortium will also be organized concurrently with the workshops. Please find all details at the EC-TEL 2013 website.

16 août 2013

Workshop "Computational tools fostering Creativity in Learning Processes" at ECTEL2013 for Workshop Papers
"Computational tools fostering Creativity in Learning Processes" (CCL)
ECTEL 2013 conference: 18 September 2013
Paper submission: 12 July 2013
Learning can be viewed as a continuous iterative cycle through the processes of imagining, creating, playing, sharing and reflection. Learners develop and refine their abilities as creative thinkers. They learn to develop their own ideas, try them out, test the boundaries, experiment with alternatives, get input from others, and generate new ideas based on the feedback and their experiences. Fostering creativity in learning is increasingly seen as a key direction and focus for pedagogic approaches. Creative activity grows out of the relationship between the learner and the world of his or her educational context, as well as out of the ties between an individual and other learners. In this workshop we focus on the study, design, development and evaluation of emergent computational tools that aim to leverage creativity in learning processes.

15 août 2013

Outliers School 2013 to be held in collaboration with the Knowmad Society School is a multiplatform educational project launched in 2012 based on the methodology of Design Thinking Learning by Doing. The initiative (with online, offline and hibrid offerings) aims to promote new ideas and models about Education Design and Digital Communication, with learning methods based on problem-solving skills and the prototyping of solutions.
Encouraged by the success of the first edition, with participants from 17 cities across the world, the Outliers School 2013 will be taking place online from 4-14 November in coordination with the Knowmad Society movement, leaded by John Moravec. Only 20 participants will be selected to attend the seminar, targeted to out-of-the-box thinkers passionate about the future of education.
Design Thinking for Educators is based on the confidence that everyone can be part of creating a more desirable future, and a process to take action when faced with a difficult challenge. Educators across the world are using this method to solve challenges in their work. Projects range in scope and scale including design solutions- from curriculum, to space, to processes and to systems— addressing problems in the classroom and across entire districts.
The Outliers School portal showcases several experiences based on Design Thinking in Latin America and the final projects developed by the participants in the Outliers School 2012. Registration to participate in the 2013 edition will remain open until 20 October.

28 juillet 2013

How Google Rediscovered the 19th Century Paula Findlen. Around 2008, I began to notice an interesting fact: Google Books was reshaping the way I did research. I was on sabbatical and had more time than usual to pursue various projects. Like most historians, I went to libraries and archives in search of paper evidence, but I also delighted in digital discoveries, happily downloading my best finds. At the end of that year, I left my sabbatical office carrying a computer filled with the virtual books that are rapidly becoming the bread and butter of teaching and scholarship. Read more...
28 juillet 2013

The Professor Who Printed a Handgun Marc Parry. People have often seen cyberspace as separate from the physical world. But technologies like the augmented reality of Google Glass or the desktop manufacturing of three-dimensional printing are blurring that line. As the digital and physical converge, the results will have “a transformational effect on the nature of human experience,” says Matt Ratto, a critical-information scholar at the University of Toronto. Read more...
28 juillet 2013

Web-Hosting Project Hopes to Help Students Reclaim Digital Destinies Sara Grossman. Jim Groom and Tim Owens believe that college students are not being adequately prepared to be good “digital citizens” of the 21st century. Partly to blame, they say, is the prebuilt and prepackaged software that many use to create digital identities or to curate their interests online. Services like Facebook and Tumblr do not allow for online experimentation or for a true understanding of how the Web works, they argue. Read more...
27 juillet 2013

Derrière le mille-feuille territorial, le cent-mille-feuille numérique français Pascal Perez. La libre administration des collectivités locales a abouti à une Tour de Babel avec 100.000 systèmes informatiques ruineux et fermés. Il faut mobiliser les 20.000 informaticiens des collectivités locales afin qu’ils agissent comme les « nouveaux hussards » d’une République numérique moderne.
Des entreprises bancaires, d’assurances, de téléphonie gèrent des millions de clients avec 4 centres informatiques, en incluant des centres de secours en cas de sinistre. L’État, pour ses activités civiles, pourrait se contenter de 4 centres informatiques pour la totalité de ses besoins de communications électroniques. Les territoires resteront-ils avec plus de 100.000 systèmes informatiques publics? Les 36.000 communes et leurs satellites (associations, sociétés d’économie mixte et établissements publics locaux) génèrent une rente pour les équipementiers, les éditeurs de logiciels et les personnels. La redondance des logiciels de gestion de cantines, de bibliothèques, de paie, d’état-civil, … est invraisemblable. Il n’y a pas de dénombrement officiel mais le secteur public local emploierait environ 20.000 informaticiens. Tous les conseils généraux, régionaux et les grandes villes comme Lyon et Paris, construisent des petits bâtiments pour héberger leurs ordinateurs et leurs serveurs. Suite de l'article... Iki Pascal Perez. Nemokama administracija vietos bendruomenių lėmė Babelio bokšto 100.000 pražūtingas ir uždara kompiuterines sistemas. Turime mobilizuoti 20.000 kompiuterių vietines bendruomenes, kad jie veikia kaip "naujų husarai" šiuolaikinės skaitmeninės Respublikoje. Daugiau...
27 juillet 2013

Désignation d’un fonctionnaire de sécurité des systèmes d’information auprès du haut fonctionnaire de défense et de sécuritéésignation d’un fonctionnaire de sécurité des systèmes d’information auprès du haut fonctionnaire de défense et de sécurité des ministères de l’éducation nationale et de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. NOR: MENA1300327A, arrêté du 28-6-2013, MEN - SAAM A1.
Vu code de la défense, notamment article R. 1143-5 ; arrêté du 30-11-2011, notamment articles 85 à 92
Article 1 - Benoît Moreau est désigné fonctionnaire de sécurité des systèmes d'information (FSSI) au sein du service du haut fonctionnaire de défense et de sécurité.
Article 2 - Le présent arrêté sera publié au Bulletin officiel du ministère de l'éducation nationale et au Bulletin officiel du ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche.
Fait le 28 Juin 2013
Pour le ministre de l'éducation nationale et par délégation,
Le secrétaire général, Frédéric Guin.
Skyrimas apsaugos pareigūno informacinių sistemų su vyresniųjų saugumo ir gynybos ministerijų švietimo ir aukštojo mokslo ir mokslinių tyrimų. NOR: MENA1300327A nutarties 28-6-2013, vyrams - SAAM A1. Daugiau...
22 juillet 2013

Universities Face a Rising Barrage of Cyberattacks . America’s research universities, among the most open and robust centers of information exchange in the world, are increasingly coming under cyberattack, most of it thought to be from China, with millions of hacking attempts weekly. Campuses are being forced to tighten security, constrict their culture of openness and try to determine what has been stolen. University officials concede that some of the hacking attempts have succeeded. But they have declined to reveal specifics, other than those involving the theft of personal data like Social Security numbers. They acknowledge that they often do not learn of break-ins until much later, if ever, and that even after discovering the breaches they may not be able to tell what was taken. Read more...
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