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Formation Continue du Supérieur
3 juillet 2014

Les MIAGE échangent sur l'usage du numérique

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolaireLes 20 formations de Méthodes Informatiques Appliquées à la Gestion d'Entreprise (MIAGE) de France seront réunies du 13 au 16 octobre à Toulouse pour leurs journées nationales annuelles. Rencontres, tables rondes, concours et forum entreprise seront au menu de cette nouvelle édition. Suite...

29 juin 2014

One week left to contribute to the Youth Manifesto for a better internet

The Youth Manifesto initiative aims high: its mission is to create a better internet. The Manifesto is an initiative to capture the voices of youth so that they can be represented at the European Commission and the European Parliament. Youth Manifesto website. More...

29 juin 2014

Use Copy for Cloud Storage Backup and File Sharing . Recent announcements are showing a trend in cheaper storage solutions and cloud backups. Google recently updated its pricing for Drive storage and now offers 15 GB for free and incredibly cheap prices for 100 GB, 1 TB, and 10TB+. At WWDC, Apple announced changes to its iCloud service towards a more Dropbox-like experience and revealed a new pricing model that includes a baseline 20 GB for $0.99 per month. And just this week, Amazon revealed its plans for unlimited storage for photographs for those purchasing the new Fire Phone. Cloud storage, it seems, is everywhere and dirt cheap. More...

29 juin 2014

Survey on Digital Games Use in the Classroom . A survey of grade school educators on using games in the classroom was recently released by the Games and Learning Publishing Council (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). While this survey isn’t directly applicable to those of us working in higher education, the adoption and success of games methods in K-12 will impact responses to those approaches when we try them in our classes with those students years later. More...

29 juin 2014

In the Digital Era, Print Still Gets Plenty of Love From Scholars

By . Nothing gladdens a publisher’s heart more than hearing readers say they still like to buy books—and printed books at that. At the Association of American University Presses’ annual meeting, which wrapped up here this week, a panel of scholars talked about how much of their work was still print-based even as chatter at the conference focused on e-books, metadata, and new ideas about how to make it easier to publish monographs digitally. More...

28 juin 2014

Digital Feedback

HomeBy Paul Fain. Many lower-income students wrestle with doubts about belonging in college -- particularly first-generation college students. Yet while experts say doling out positive reinforcement could improve graduation rates, systematic methods of giving students a pat on the back remain rare. Read more...
28 juin 2014

Numérique : de nouveaux établissements rejoignent l’association Pasc@line

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolaireL’association Pasc@line, destinée à promouvoir les formations et métiers du numérique auprès des jeunes, vient de se rapprocher de nouveaux établissements de l’enseignement supérieur.
Les maîtrises en informatique de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), et l’ESIAG Miage de l’Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne (UPEC) viennent de rejoindre l’association Pasc@line. Suite...

27 juin 2014

La formation à l'heure du numérique

Logo AmueLe Sénat met à disposition sur son site le compte rendu de la table ronde du 28 mai 2014 qui revenait sur la place du numérique dans les pratiques éducatives et dont les débats ont porté sur le développement des cours en ligne destinés au grand public. A cette occasion, le programme "France Université Numérique" (FUN) a été présenté.

En savoir + > Comptes rendus de la commission de la culture, de l’éducation et de la communication

23 juin 2014


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Qualt
Qualt, June 16, 2014
Qualt advertises "Free mobile courses in internationally recognised professional qualifications. Anytime, anywhere." The courses are available for mobile devices only. The first course, which started in May, is based on a professional accounting course. More...

22 juin 2014

Washington Post, New York Times and Mozilla team up for new Web site comment system

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Washington Post, New York Times and Mozilla team up for new Web site comment system
Paul Farhi, Washington Post, June 21, 2014
I want this: "The Washington Post, the New York Times and software developer Mozilla will team up to create digital tools that will make it easier for readers to post comments and photos on news sites and to interact with journalists and each other." People complain about the gRSShopper comment system more than anything else, but I've resisted focusing my energies on developing a centralized system. But this (as compared to the extant Disqus system) might be the ticket. More...

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