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16 avril 2016

Liban 2014-2015

5 premiers pays d’accueil des étudiants libanais en 2013
1 France (31,0 %) 3 718
2 Émirats Arabes Unis (12,3 %) 1 476
3 Arabie Saoudite (11,4 %) 1 373
4 États-Unis (10,1 %) 1 212
5 Italie (6,7 %) 804
En 2014-2015, la France a accueilli 4 716 étudiants libanais parmi lesquels 3 485 (73,9 %) étaient inscrits en université, 234 (4,9 %) en école de commerce, gestion et comptabilité et 276 (5,8 %) en formation d’ingénieurs (hors université).

15 avril 2016

More students turning to colleges over universities

The Jerusalem Post - Israel NewsBy LIDAR GRAVÉ-LAZI. The report also found that it is becoming increasingly difficult to get accepted to higher education institutions in Israel. More...

15 avril 2016

UAE universities eye more foreign students

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By Sarah Algethami. Universities in the UAE exhibiting at the Gulf Education and Training Exhibition (Getex) in Dubai are looking to attract more international students, with some offering scholarships and attractive student accommodation. More...
15 avril 2016

Second-gen expat students prefer varsities in UAE

LogoBy Dhanusha Gokulan. An increasing number of second-generation expatriate students in Dubai say they prefer to complete their higher education in the UAE because they consider it 'home' and "it is a much easier transit point to anywhere else in the world". More...

15 avril 2016

Syrien verliert seine geistige Elite

20 Minuten Online LogoVon Mareike Rehberg. Während die Krise um syrische Flüchtlinge Topthema auf den Konferenzen westlicher Staaten ist, spielt sich ein damit eng verbundenes Drama eher im Stillen ab: Mit den Hunderttausenden Menschen, die Syrien verlassen, verliert das Land auch seine geistige Elite. Unter den Flüchtlingen sind Professoren und Gelehrte – aber auch Studenten, die ihre Ausbildung nicht beenden können und Jahre ihres Lebens verloren haben. Mehr...
15 avril 2016

Sowing the seeds of Syria’s future

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By Gordon Brown. Today, almost all of those young people have been denied training in the skills they will need in the future. If there is to be any hope for meaningful reconstruction, it will have to be built on the bedrock of a higher education. More...
15 avril 2016

Oman education: GCC to have uniform policy for admissions to universities

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "times of oman logo"By REJIMON. A move to introduce a uniform admission process among universities and centrrs of higher education in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries will be a boon to students seeking to enroll in graduate courses. More...

15 avril 2016

Public universities trapped in vicious circle due to underfunding

By Dana Al Emam. The lack of government financial support to public universities is to blame for the high costs of higher education in Jordan, according to experts. More...

15 avril 2016

The digital age of Israeli higher academic learning

The Jerusalem Post - Israel NewsThe Council for Higher Education announced on Monday that for the first time Israeli higher academic institutions will be able to provide online courses to millions of students worldwide. More...

13 avril 2016

Government acts against fake degree holders

Kuwait has started taking measures to determine reasons behind the spread of fake university certificates and to prevent the use of such certificates in the future, after the Ministry of Higher Education in Kuwait referred 259 people found to be holding fake degrees to the courts, reports Arab TimesMore...

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