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15 octobre 2018

Urbanisme : villes du Golfe, modèles urbains ?

Fidèle à la longue tradition de monographies urbaines publiées par la revue, le nouveau numéro d’Urbanisme (n°409) s’interroge sur l’existence d’un modèle des villes du Golfe Persique. Les diverses contributions mettent en évidence des points de convergence entre elles, qui relèvent d’ailleurs plus d’une uniformisation à l’œuvre à l’échelle mondiale. Plus...

13 octobre 2018

L'ESS de plus en plus présente dans le débat public en Algérie

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. En Algérie, la question du développement de l'ESS devient de plus en plus présente dans le débat public. On le voit dans des initiatives institutionnelles (voir Un séminaire fondateur pour l'ESS en Algérie et En Algérie, la mise en évidence de la nécessité d'un cadre légal pour développer l'ESS), dans les médias (voir Le développement de l'ESS en Algérie ne sera pas un long fleuve tranquille), dans la participation aux rencontres internationales. Plus...

8 octobre 2018

Student death at sea highlights education crisis

By Wagdy Sawahel. Outcry after a student was killed by the Moroccan navy during an illegal migration journey at sea has highlighted the ongoing emigration by young Moroccans in search of a better education and living standards in Europe. More...
8 octobre 2018

Protests as government shuts down Islamic HE institutions

By Wagdy Sawahel. Student demonstrations erupted and two academics were arrested by Mauritanian police in the outcry following a government shutdown of two Islamic higher education institutions at the end of September, after their teaching licences were revoked due to alleged links with the main opposition Islamic political party and the Muslim Brotherhood. More...
30 septembre 2018

Arabic Podcasts Find a Growing Audience

Al Fanar

Podcasts, digital audio series that can be downloaded and listened to through a smartphone, are becoming increasingly common in the Arab region. More...

30 septembre 2018

Egypt Prescribes Changes for Doctors in Training

Al Fanar

Future doctors in Egypt will complete their basic medical-education course work in five years instead of six, and then will get two years of clinical training instead of just one, under a system that will be phased in at all of the country’s medical schools, at both public and private universities, starting next week. More...

30 septembre 2018

‘Reconciliation Studies’ Seeks Inroads In Arab Region

Al Fanar

Although academic courses in reconciliation studies have been gaining ground at universities around the world in recent years, “they are still relatively absent from the academic curricula of universities in the Middle East and North Africa,” according to Martin Leiner, a professor of theology at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany. More...

30 septembre 2018

Keeping an Eye on Blindness, A Regional Issue

Al Fanar

This city on the central coast of Tunisia lies in the heart of the country’s tourism economy. Five-star, all-inclusive resorts have been built en masse to house the European tourists who descend on the sandy beaches during the summer months. More...

30 septembre 2018

Tunisian Youth Find a Political Voice in Rap

Al Fanar

Mounir Saidani is studying the explosion of political youth expression since 2011, through the medium of rap music. He says rap has progressed from a fringe movement to the cultural mainstream among Tunisia’s young people—and it’s changing the way they debate the issues of the day. More...

30 septembre 2018

Egyptian Artist Explores Themes of Identity and Belonging

Al Fanar

The Egyptian artist Ibrahim Ahmed has traveled many miles to arrive back at his homeland. His studio today is situated in Ard El-Lewa, a lower-middle class neighborhood in Giza located on the outskirts of Cairo’s city center. More...

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