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22 décembre 2018

Portrait de Benyamin Netanyahou - Premier ministre d'Israël

Screenshot-2018-4-15 Egypte – des élections présidentielles jouées d’avancePeu après avoir été élu fin 2012, le Premier ministre nationaliste japonais Shinzo Abe est allé rencontrer Benyamin Netanyahou. Selon l'un des diplomates israéliens présents, cette expérience fut rafraîchissante pour le Premier ministre israélien. Plus...

22 décembre 2018

Au Maroc, quatrièmes Assises nationales de l'ESS

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Les quatrièmes assises nationales de l'ESS qui viennent de se dérouler à Skhirat au Maroc avaient pour thème " Nouvelle stratégie de l'économie sociale et solidaire, un défi futur pour un développement économique territorial durable ". Plus...

19 décembre 2018

Francis J Ricciardone, president, AUC, Egypt

By Amy Baker. During an event in London to raise scholarship funds for AUC, The PIE caught up with the president of this US-accredited university in Cairo to talk about its ambitions as a global university in Egypt. More...

10 décembre 2018

Answer threats to academic freedom with engagement

By Jason E Lane. Last month, the United Arab Emirates sentenced Matthew Hedges, a 31-year old PhD student from the United Kingdom, to life in prison on allegations of spying. The international outcry was immediate and vociferous. Five days later, the UAE pardoned Hedges and allowed him to return to the UK – due, in part, to the bilateral relationship between the UAE and the UK and to the protests of the global academic community. More...
7 décembre 2018

Crise politique au Liban : l'ombre de Damas à Beyrouth

Screenshot-2018-4-15 Egypte – des élections présidentielles jouées d’avanceLe 22 novembre, alors qu'il recevait, au palais présidentiel, des dignitaires pour la célébration du Jour de l'Indépendance, le Premier ministre libanais Saad Hariri a soudainement quitté la haie d’honneur pendant quelques minutes. Apparemment, c'était parce qu'il avait besoin de boire un verre d'eau. La véritable raison, cependant, réside dans le fait qu'il avait remarqué l'arrivée de l'ambassadeur de Syrie au Liban, Ali Abdel-Karim Ali, à la tête d'une délégation de l'ambassade, et qu’il ne voulait pas avoir à lui serrer la main. Plus...

4 décembre 2018

Middle East eLearning Forum

Middle East eLearning Forum
Jay Cross gives us a feel (but only a feel) for the Middle East e-learning market with this summary from the Middle Eastern Forum at Online Educa Berlin. More...

3 décembre 2018

E-Learning in the Middle East - A Fast Growing Market

E-Learning in the Middle East - A Fast Growing Market
This brief item points to a trend observed here - the growing e-learning market in the Middle East. It would have been nice had the article noted some key trends, such as the move of companies like Microsoft to entrench themselves in the region. But this teaser article contents itself with pointing to the high spending and the market penetration of companies like WebCT. More...

3 décembre 2018

UAE bows to pressure, jailed UK researcher freed

By Brendan O’Malley. United Kingdom PhD researcher Matthew Hedges, who was sentenced to life in prison on 21 November for ‘spying’ in the United Arab Emirates, has been pardoned with immediate effect and has been released. More...
2 décembre 2018

Understanding Higher Education in the Gulf

By Alex Usher. On my way home from India last week, I stopped off in Dubai to take a quick peek at what was going on in the Gulf (which, just to define our terms a bit, consist of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, the last of which is a confederation of seven tiny statelets, including Abu Dhabi and Dubai). More...

2 décembre 2018

Spy Conviction May Chill U.A.E. Research

eCampus NewsThe case of Matthew Hedges, the British doctoral student who was convicted of spying by the United Arab Emirates, has created an atmosphere of uncertainty among academics who are involved in study and research in the country.
Hedges, a doctoral candidate in political science at Durham University, in England, spent nearly seven months in detention in the Emirates—much of it in solitary confinement—after being arrested while researching security policy. He was among 785 prisoners given an official pardon on Monday ahead of the country’s national holiday. He was released and flew back to the United Kingdom. More...

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