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29 novembre 2019

A Citizenship Factory

By Matt Reed. If you haven’t already seen the CityLab piece on Helsinki’s new central library, check it out. The pictures alone are well worth it, though the article is excellent, too. It’s a reminder of what a culture can do if it decides to make something a priority. More...

25 novembre 2019

Thinking Nonbinary

HomeScott McLemee reviews George Estreich's Fables and Futures: Biotechnology, Disability, and the Stories We Tell Ourselves. More...

25 novembre 2019

Willful and for Itself, as Such

HomeScott McLemee reviews Willful: How We Choose What We Do by Richard Robb. More...

25 novembre 2019

Think Positive

HomeScott McLemee reviews Why We're Wrong about Nearly Everything: A Theory of Human Misunderstanding by Bobby Duffy. More...

25 novembre 2019

Topic: Trending

HomeScott McLemee reviews Devon Powers's On Trend: The Business of Forecasting the Future. More...

13 novembre 2019

Mathematics for Machine Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mathematics for Machine Learning
Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong, Cambridge University Press, 2019/03/25
There are many many reasons why I would recommend this book (421 page PDF). But what makes me link to it here is the simple introductory paragraph on page 12: "The goal of machine learning is to design general-purpose  methodologies  to  extract  valuable  patterns  from  data... To achieve this goal, we design that are typically related to the process that generates data... Learning can be understood as a way to automatically find patterns and structure in data by optimizing the parameters of the model." Another 409 pages explaining this concept follow. More...

13 novembre 2019

Story time with e-books 'not as helpful' as print books

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Story time with e-books 'not as helpful' as print books
BBC News, 2019/03/27
On CBC as I type this they're interviewing Geoffrey Hinton, who is talking about real science. Meanwhile, this ridiculous article describes the results of "studying 37 pairs of parents and toddlers." The study "found that with e-books parents ended up focusing more on the technology, including, for example, telling children not to push buttons or change the volume... electronic book enhancements were likely to be 'interfering with parents' ability to engage in parent-guided conversation' during reading. More...

8 novembre 2019

La librairie et l'accès au livre dans les départements d'outre-mer

Accueil - Vie PubliqueEn décembre 2013, le ministre de l'intérieur, la ministre de la culture et de la communication et le ministre des outre-mer ont confié à l'Inspection générale de l'administration et à l'Inspection générale des affaires culturelles une mission sur la librairie et l'accès au livre dans les départements d'outre-mer, visant à évaluer le dispositif dérogatoire à la loi Lang de 1981 portant prix unique pour le livre, mis en place en 2003, et à formuler des recommandations afin d'établir, pour les années à venir, un système de régulation et de soutien au commerce de détail du livre dans les départements d'outre-mer. Plus...

7 novembre 2019

La condition du traducteur

Accueil - Vie PubliqueLe rapport dresse un bilan de la profession de traducteur. Il revient notamment sur la formation, la rémunération, les aides du Conseil national du livre et les relations entre traducteurs et éditeurs. Plus...

30 octobre 2019

Yes, Books Are Banned

By Barbara Fister. … in Virginia, and all over the country.
Every year since 1982, the American Library Association, publishers, booksellers, and allied organizations like PEN America have dedicated a week in September to highlight the importance of the freedom to read. This is Banned Books Week. More...

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