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17 février 2020

Springer Nature publishes its first machine-generated book

Springer Nature publishes its first machine-generated book
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Springer Nature publishes its first machine-generated book Springer Nature, 2019/04/04It seems reasonable that an AI could author this sort of book. The prototype "provides a compelling machine-generated overview about...
31 janvier 2020

Spiders and Starfish

Spiders and Starfish
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Spiders and Starfish Summary of a recent book, The Starfish and the Spider, by Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom, another book about centralized versus decentralized organizations. The authors talk about a 'sweet spot' half...
31 janvier 2020

Clear and to the Point

Clear and to the Point
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Clear and to the Point Summary of a new book by Stephen Kosslyn, Chair of the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, Clear and to the point, which describes "8 psychological principles for compelling PowerPoint...
30 janvier 2020

‘Food Routes’ and the Logistics Behind How We Eat

‘Food Routes’ and the Logistics Behind How We Eat
By Joshua Kim. A great book to build a course around. More...
28 janvier 2020

Mind in Matter

Mind in Matter
Scott McLemee reviews Daniel Belgrad's The Culture of Feedback: Ecological Thinking in '70s America. More...
14 janvier 2020

2019 Nonfiction Reviews

2019 Nonfiction Reviews
By Joshua Kim. Another year of ill-conceived efforts to read every book through higher ed eyes. More...
14 janvier 2020

Only Books

Only Books
By Joshua Kim. Placing books, rather than articles or podcasts or social media, at the center of our conversations. More...
13 janvier 2020

Books to Give the Educator in Your Life for the Holidays

Books to Give the Educator in Your Life for the Holidays
By John Warner. Books make great gifts. Some personal recommendations. More...
13 janvier 2020

Is 350 Books Enough?

Is 350 Books Enough?
By Elin Johnson. University of Florida professor reprimanded after heatedly contesting the university library’s book checkout limit. More...
1 décembre 2019

Superstar Theory and Why Higher Education is Different

Superstar Theory and Why Higher Education is Different
By Alex Usher . I spent part of this weekend reading Rockonomics: A Backstage Tour of What the Music Industry Can Teach Us About Economics and Life , by the late Princeton Economist Alan Krueger (whose work on higher education I highlighted here when...
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