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30 décembre 2016

Kit de contact en langue tchèque

Vous êtes un touriste curieux ? Un passionné de langues ? Un professionnel se préparant pour un séjour en République tchèque ? Ce MOOC vous propose d’acquérir les bases de la langue de ce pays très proche de nous, géographiquement et historiquement.
De très courts dialogues pratiques vous permettront d’acquérir les mots et les automatismes nécessaires à vos échanges quotidiens. Les dialogues seront accompagnés de points de grammaire et d’un vocabulaire simple. Des activités en vidéo et des exercices écrits vous permettront de vérifier vos connaissances et votre progression. Enfin, nous vous parlerons de la vie quotidienne en République tchèque. Voir l'article...
30 décembre 2016

De l'atome à l'humain : à la racine des mots scientifiques

Logo FUNQuand on fait des études de sciences et de santé, on doit assimiler des milliers de mots. Ces mots sont fabriqués au moyen d’un certain nombre de briques, dont le nombre est limité, et qui sont faciles à reconnaître. Le but du cours est de vous familiariser avec ces briques et aussi avec leur mode d’assemblage, afin que, devant un mot que vous n’avez encore jamais vu, vous soyez capable de le décomposer et d’en déduire le sens grâce aux connaissances que vous aurez acquises. Voir l'article...
29 décembre 2016

Sign language opens clearer channel for college police

University Business LogoBy Matt Zalaznick. A group of campus officers bought into her novel policing solution, volunteering to learn American Sign Language (ASL) in the summer and fall of 2016. More...

24 décembre 2016

#DonostiaForum: Language Diversity in Action the last two days, Donostia, San Sebastian is a hub of experts on language policies. UNESCO Etxea, in collaboration with the Donostia-San Sebastián Foundation 2016 organised the European Language Diversity Forum to reflect on and debate the different aspects of the development of minority languages in Europe. More...

24 décembre 2016

Ensuring Language Diversity: The Donostia Protocol text is finalized final meeting of the Organising Committee for the Protocol to Ensure Language Rights was held yesterday at Donostia’s San Telmo Museum. The process that began on the 31st of March, 2015 has come full cycle, and the commitments that were undertaken at that time have been fulfilled, it was declared at the noon press conference. More...

24 décembre 2016

ECMI - Evaluating Policy Measures for Minority Languages

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness can be considered as principles of good governance, to which a third one must be added, namely the principle of "democracy". The latter, in this context, means more than formal democratic insitutions, and refers to the existence of structures facilitating democracy from below. More...

24 décembre 2016

ECMI - Support for Minority Languages in the European Union

The project Support for Minority Languages in the European Union: Analytical and Strategic Options for the Community Action aimed to review information and develop analytical tools required in order to define a strategy for cost-effective minority language promotion within the European Union. More...

24 décembre 2016

ECMI - Language Politics in Transition Countries

This Project aimed to develop critical scholarship on the role of language legislation and language politics in selected transition countries. More...

23 décembre 2016

FUEN - Federal Union of European Nationalities - Linguistic diversity

Multilingualism and linguistic diversity are fundamental values of Europe. This is enshrined in Article 22 of the Charter for Fundamental Rights of the European Union: “The Union shall respect cultural, religious and linguistic diversity.”
The EUROMOSAIC study, which was commissioned by the European Commission, found that the critical threshold for the survival of a language lies at 300,000 speakers. More...

23 décembre 2016

Hungary needs to strengthen use of and access to minority languages

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Strasbourg, 14.12.2016 – A report published today by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers praises Hungary for having strengthened minority language policies, which have led to increased funding for the country’s rich linguistic diversity, but notes that gaps remain. The report includes recommendations towards the full application of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in Hungary, together with a response from the Hungarian government. According to the report, Hungary has highly detailed and complex legislation governing national minority policies and the use of all 14 minority languages. Read more

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