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10 juillet 2015

Formation professionnelle : comment mesurer le retour sur investissement de vos actions

Logo Chefdentreprise.comPar . La réforme de la formation professionnelle introduit une nouveauté essentielle dès 2016 : l'obligation de former ses salariés remplace celle de dépenser au titre du plan. La mesure du retour sur investissement des dispositifs de formation prend dès lors tout son sens. La marche à suivre. Voir l'article...

La réforme de la formation professionnelle introduit une nouveauté essentielle dès 2016 : l'obligation de former ses salariés remplace celle de dépenser au titre du plan. La mesure du retour sur investissement des dispositifs de formation prend dès lors tout son sens. La marche à suivre.

8 juillet 2015

Investments in game-based learning and learning technology continues to grow . The big question is though whether these investments will drive change in education, or whether the education market will reject one or more of these developments, either because they are too costly or difficult to implement (e.g. very high training costs to get teachers or learners to use them well) or because such technologies do not meet the actual learning needs of students. More...

25 juin 2015

Are we getting returns on our investments in education?

educationtodayBy Daniel Salinas. Countries and economies participating in PISA have invested substantial resources and used a wide variety of strategies during the past ten years to improve the quality of their schools. Have these efforts paid off? Yes and no. As this month’s PISA in Focus explains, schools are better-staffed and better-equipped today than they were a decade ago, and the learning environment in schools has improved as well, particularly when it comes to teacher-student relations. Read more...

24 juin 2015

Overcoming Barriers to International Investment in Clean Energy

By Geraldine Ang. Most of us would agree that clean energy is a worthwhile goal, and the world has invested more than $2 trillion on renewable-energy plants in the past decade. In 2014, energy generators added more renewable capacity than even before. But are we doing enough? According to the IEA, cumulative investment in low-carbon energy supply and energy efficiency will need to reach $53 trillion by 2035 to keep global warming to 2°C. More...

24 juin 2015

Investing in infrastructure

By Patrick Love. William Topaz McGonagall is universally acknowledged as the worst poet who ever wrote in the English language, but that didn’t stop him having an intuitive grasp of the economics of infrastructure investment. As he argued in “The Newport Railway” published to celebrate the Tay Bridge and the trains it carried to Dundee. More...

24 mai 2015

U. of Hawaii Board Votes to Disinvest in Fossil-Fuel Companies . The University of Hawaii’s Board of Regents voted on Thursday to divest the system’s financial holdings in any companies involved in the production of fossil fuels, Pacific Business News reports. More...

24 mai 2015

Oxford University rules out investing in coal and tar sands But UK’s second biggest university by endowment says it will not bow to campaigners’ demands for full divestment from fossil fuels. More...

24 mai 2015

Oxford says it does not invest in the most polluting firms

By . The University of Oxford has announced publicly that it does not invest in oil and tar sands companies. More...

16 mai 2015

The Policy Framework for Investment: What it is, why it exists, how it’s been used and what’s new

By Stephen Thomsen. Of all the acronyms in existence, “PFI” has to be one of the most popular. For many people, it is the Private Finance Initiative but that is only one of at least 40 meanings of the PFI, including institutes devoted to everything from pet foods to pellet fuels. For us at the OECD and for the many emerging economies we have been working with, the PFI stands for the Policy Framework for Investment. Our PFI means exactly what it says: it is a policy framework to stimulate investment and to enhance the impact from that investment. More...

25 avril 2015

Aides publiques à l'investissement : le GPS regrette que les services soient exclus du dispositif

Fédération de la Formation ProfessionnelleDans un communiqué de presse diffusé le 10 avril, le Groupement des Professions de Services (GPS) regrette l’éviction des activités de services du dispositif de soutien à l’investissement des entreprises présenté par le Gouvernement le 8 avril. Le GPS rappelle que les activités de services représentent aujourd’hui 80% des créations d’emploi et 45% de la valeur ajoutée du pays. Le GPS appelle à soutenir les services « en aidant ses entreprises à financer leurs investissements, notamment en matière de formation et de numérique ». Voir l'article...

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