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31 mars 2015

Rhodes Scholarships Expanding to Include Chinese Students

The New York TimesBy . The organization that administers Rhodes scholarships, the prestigious grant program that sends promising students to the University of Oxford, is preparing to expand to the developing world and other countries and will soon begin naming scholars from China. More...

29 mars 2015

Foreign students add to campus attraction – Research

By David Jobbins. A survey on behalf of the Higher Education Policy Institute and the university pathway provider Kaplan found that 87% felt they would gain a “better world view”, 85% said it would be useful preparation for working in a global environment, and 76% that it would help them develop a global network. More...

29 mars 2015

Faculty Critic of NYU’s Role in Abu Dhabi Is Target of Secret Investigation . Andrew Ross, a faculty member at New York University who has been a sharp critic of the abuse of migrant workers in the construction of its campus in the United Arab Emirates, is the target of a mysterious investigation, The New York Times reports. An investigator has been seeking out “people to comment negatively” about him, the Times says, but has refused to disclose who hired her. More...

29 mars 2015

'I feel like I am in Harry Potter': a year in the life of an American studying at Cambridge Yorker Caroline Calloway can't help gushing about her 'magical' adventures at one of Britain's most prestigious universities - and it seems she's quite a fan of the accents. Read more...

29 mars 2015

Research network aims to bring East Asia closer to UK

By . A new network has been launched at a UK university to help develop research partnerships between East and Southeast Asia and Europe. More...

28 mars 2015

What can we learn? An international perspective on regulation

HEFCE logo

By . What can English higher education learn from regulation in other countries? HEFCE is thinking carefully about how we should perform our role as the lead regulator for higher education in England and what can be learned from other countries. More...

28 mars 2015

Academic freedom defended in Canada

By Jeannie Rea (NTEU National Office). In Australia, at times, we toss around the expression ‘academic freedom’ rather loosely and at others we are not vigilant enough to name decisions and behaviours of universities as violations of academic freedom. Would you be prepared to challenge what a department is or is not teaching as a violation of academic freedom? Our Canadian counterparts have taken this on. More...
28 mars 2015

US Adjuncts stage Walk Out Day

By Jeannie Rea (NTEU National Office). Thousands of adjunct academic staff in US universities walked off the job on 25 February in the first National Adjunct Walkout Day. Organised by a loose coalition of activists using social media to get their message out, many universities and colleges were impacted particularly when students and other staff backed up the adjuncts by participating in meetings and rallies. More...
28 mars 2015

Call for Applications: CONFINTEA Fellowship Programme 2015

In October 2015 the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) will offer six CONFINTEA Fellowships for a period of one month each to government officials or representatives of civil society organisations working in decisive positions within the field of adult learning and education (ALE) in UNESCO Member States (particularly from the global South). More...

28 mars 2015

Les universités d’Haïti et de France liées par une convention de partenariat pour 5 ans

Les universités haïtiennes et françaises ont convenu le 23 mars de renforcer leur coopération à travers la signature d’un accord-cadre de partenariat, à la résidence de France à Bourdon (secteur est).
La convention a été signée par Jean Vernet Henry, président de la Conférence des recteurs et présidents d’université d’Haïti (CORPUHA), et Jean-Paul Jourdan, représentant de la Conférence française des présidents d’université (CPU), en présence de l’ambassadeur de France, Elisabeth Beton Delègue, du ministre de l’éducation nationale, Nesmy Manigat, et de nombreux universitaires haïtiens et français. Voir l'article...
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