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3 juillet 2018

There are a lot of rote tasks a good AI interviewer could do for you

There are a lot of rote tasks a good AI interviewer could do for you
Nicholas Diakopoulos, Columbia Journalism Review, 2018/06/29
We're not that far from seeing this sort of technology applied in day-to-day interactions. It will be mainstream within 20 years, I'd say. Already the technology exists to do narrowly-bounded applications. More...

3 juillet 2018

9 ways to use Artificial Intelligence in education

9 ways to use Artificial Intelligence in education
Emily Watts, Big Data Made Simple, 2018/06/22
This isn't an especially deep article but it serves to prompt some thinking about the subject. The uses of AI include things like chat, personalized learning and automatic grading. More...

3 juillet 2018

IBM’s Project Debater is an AI that's ready to argue

IBM’s Project Debater is an AI that's ready to argue
Roberto Baldwin, Engadget, 2018/06/19
Are we ready for an AI that can replace politicians? This is Project Debater', an AI that " listened to four minutes of its human opponent's opening remarks, then parsed that data and created an argument that highlighted and attempted to debunk information shared by the opposing side." The ways this could be misused are legion. More...

3 juillet 2018

Dank Learning: Generating Memes Using Deep Neural Network

Dank Learning: Generating Memes Using Deep Neural Network
Abel L. Peirson V, E. Meltem Tolunay, arXiv, 2018/06/18
I have a longstanding interest in memes as alternative forms of communication, and this paper demonstrating AI generated memes takes the conversation forward another step. The researchers fed the AI a series of images and associated captions, and the AI generated new captions. They are hard to distinguish from the original. More...

2 juillet 2018

Intelligence artificielle et RH : silence, on vous flique.

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnellePar Benoit Moransais. Le salon Unleash (HR Tech) de Londres de mars dernier était un incroyable mais aussi inquiétant révélateur des technologies qui vont révolutionner les RH. Après la vague de digitalisation du recrutement, l’objectif du recrutement 100% digital n’est pas loin. Plus...

26 juin 2018

Are graduates ready for artificial intelligence?

By Nelishia Pillay. The first industrial revolution saw the emergence of the steam engine and iron and textile industries. Electricity, gas and oil, the telephone and telegraph, automobile and plane were introduced as part of the second industrial revolution. The third industrial evolution was the era of electronics, the computer and nuclear energy. More...

24 juin 2018

Machine learning takes on college dropouts

University Business Magazine logoIf AI-driven machines can defeat the world’s greatest chess players and, even more improbable, the globe’s premier Go strategist, what chance does a college dropout have against machine learning technology? Slim to none, predicts one university research director. More...

23 juin 2018

AI and the holy grail of education

University Business Magazine logoPersonalized learning has long been a “holy grail” in education. Ideally, we would love to be able to work with each student to achieve a more personalized level of learning that taps into individual interests, skills and desires. More...

22 juin 2018

L'intelligence artificielle dans la banque : emploi et compétences

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Dans une étude récente, l'AFB montre que toutes les directions d’une banque et tous les niveaux hiérarchiques sont concernés. Les projets IA sont concentrés sur l'automatisation, l'optimisation et l'amélioration d’activités existantes. Plus...

16 juin 2018

Google Duplex beat the Turing test: Are we doomed?

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Google’s new Duplex AI sounds human, with stammers, pauses, and all. It could be a useful addition to Google Assistant or the harbinger of something much more dark and worrisome. Two years before his death, Turing was thinking about the relationship between human and computer intelligence. More...

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