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2 septembre 2019

Intelligence artificielle : pourquoi l’Europe a sa carte à jouer

C2RP Carif-Oref Hauts-de-FranceTribune - Si l'on en croit les commentateurs, les dés sont jetés : l'avenir de l'intelligence artificielle se jouera entre les Etats-Unis et la Chine. Mais la réalité est plus complexe. Avec sa politique d'IA responsable, l'Europe n'a pas dit son dernier mot. Plus...

31 août 2019

Intelligence artificielle ou humaine ?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Note d'information du Cedefop: "La numérisation et l’avenir des emplois et des compétences: opportunités et risques". Plus...
29 août 2019

IA : quelle responsabilité humaine pour les dirigeants ?

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnelleNous entendons un peu partout "le numérique, on ne peut y échapper ; l’IA, c’est la voie du futur pour améliorer nos conditions de vie, il faut s’y adapter". Et cette adaptation promet d’extraordinaires lendemains aux individus et aux entreprises. Plus...

21 août 2019

AI Ethics Still In Its Infancy

Techno-News BlogAI is having a moment in the sun. There’s no doubt about that. But despite the trillions in value that AI is expected to bring over the coming years thanks to widespread automation of repetitive tasks through emergent tech like neural networks, there’s a major issue dogging AI: the rules of road for what’s ethical and what’s not are vague, and that’s a problem. More...

20 août 2019

Why AI And Chatbots Need Personality

Techno-News BlogThe attribution of human feelings and beliefs to inanimate things is called anthropomorphism. It is important to keep this principle in mind and make use of it when creating responses that resonate with people. More...

20 août 2019

How Schools Can Fight Cheating with Artificial Intelligence

Techno-News BlogCheating is a serious problem in American high schools and universities. According to the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI), about 68 % of undergraduate students and about 43 % of graduate students admit to cheating on tests or in written assignments. More...

20 août 2019

Governments take first, tentative steps at regulating AI

Techno-News BlogState legislatures in New York and New Jersey have proposed legislation that represents the first, tentative steps at regulation. More...

20 août 2019

AI passes theory of mind test by imagining itself in another’s shoes

Techno-News BlogArtificial intelligence has passed a classic theory of mind test used with chimpanzees. More...

20 août 2019

AI can simulate quantum systems without massive computing power

Techno-News BlogIt’s difficult to simulate quantum physics, as the computing demand grows exponentially the more complex the quantum system gets — even a supercomputer might not be enough. More...

20 août 2019

Udacity’s AI generates lecture videos from audio narration

Techno-News BlogProfessional-level lecture clips require not only a veritable studio’s worth of equipment, but significant resources to transfer, edit, and upload footage of each lesson. More...

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