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14 février 2016

Deepening inequality is the high price students will pay for free education

The ConversationBy . University students have scored some massive victories since “fees must fall” entered South Africa’s lexicon. They have secured more government funding for fees. More...
10 février 2016

Cambridge University entrance tests 'potential barrier to disadvantaged'

The Guardian homeBy. Cambridge University has been accused of making its application process potentially even more of a barrier to pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds after announcing it is to introduce written tests for all candidates. More...
9 février 2016

Universities not to blame for inequality . The difficulty, however, is that would-be students from these backgrounds tend not to obtain the necessary grades. The damage, in other words, has been done long before they sit their A-levels, or even GCSEs. Read more...

9 février 2016

Poorer students ‘disadvantaged’ in postgraduate funding struggle

By Chris Havergal. Nearly half of the richest applicants to postgraduate degrees expect to rely on their parents for funding, while as few as one in eight students from poorer backgrounds can say the same. More...

8 février 2016

Poor personal statement advice ‘harms university chances’

By Chris Havergal. Poor advice from teachers on how to write a personal statement is harming disadvantaged students’ hopes of winning a place at a highly selective university, a study suggests. More...

8 février 2016

‘Biased’ students give BME academics lower NSS scores, says study

By Chris Havergal. Students who are taught by black or ethnic minority academics are less likely to rate their courses positively in the National Student Survey, according to a study. More...

6 février 2016

De la nécessité de s’attaquer aux inégalités

Emploi Parlons Net, le webzine de l'emploi & du travail (Retour à l'accueil)Par Jean Pierre Gonguet. Les inégalités se creusent, peut-on inverser la tendance ? L’économiste anglais Anthony Atkinson qui travaille depuis très longtemps sur la question,  qui partage quelques idées fortes avec Amartya Sen et qui a inspiré Thomas Piketty a toujours estimé qu’il n’y avait aucune fatalité aux inégalités. Voir l'article...

6 février 2016

Mesurer les inégalités : une démarche toujours plus nécessaire

Par Institut Montaigne. Près de dix ans après la première enquête "Trajectoires et Origines" (TeO), conduite conjointement par l’Ined et l’Insee, une version actualisée a été publiée le 13 janvier dernier. Elle expose les résultats d’un travail de recherche dont l’ampleur est inédite en France. La dernière enquête d’envergure analysant l’intégration des immigrés et de leurs descendants remonte à 1992. Voir l'article...

3 février 2016

Network Inequality

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Network Inequality
Anil Dash, Medium, 2016/01/21

Why isn't there more diversity in ranks of social media A-listers? It's because platform-builders are often advised to focus on theoir own niche first, and the A-listers "were simply talented people who were early to the platform, and often were chosen by the platform as 'featured users'" picked out of that handful of friends and family who joined the platform. More...

20 janvier 2016

'It's the micro inequities that do the most damage': astrophysicist Jill Rathborne on biases in the world of science

The Guardian homeBy . A lead scientist on the world’s most powerful telescope discusses equity versus equality and having a thick skin in a male-dominated field. More...
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