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3 avril 2016

How "economic despair" affects high school graduation rates for America’s poorest students

By Fred Dews. When it comes to staying in school, many economists talk about the "aspirational effects" of income inequality. When students look around them and see a better life, they are incentivized to invest in their own human capital—such as investing in their own education. More...

3 avril 2016

Giving up on high school: How income inequality affects drop-out rates for America’s poorest students

The conventional thinking among economists has been that income inequality would provide incentives for individuals to invest in their potential human capital to climb up the income ladder. More...

3 avril 2016

Financial gap between English universities widens

By John Morgan. Hefce report on sector finances also warns of fall in overseas entrants. More...

27 mars 2016

Bridging the Gap

HomeBy Ashley A. Smith. Educators and researchers have long urged colleges to get students on a college and career pathway as early as possible in order to raise completion rates. Read more...

19 mars 2016

Inégalités femmes-hommes en Guadeloupe : une moindre résorption qu’en moyenne nationale inégalités salariales, ou encore l'insertion sur le marché du travail, sont des domaines dans lesquels les Guadeloupéennes sont encore défavorisées par rapport aux hommes. Ainsi, l'écart entre les taux de chômage féminins et masculins est marqué (neuf points) et s'accentue. Voir l'article...

17 mars 2016

Les inégalités d’accès au marché du travail en France

Par Céline Desserre. « Pour trouver un emploi (bien rémunéré) en France, mieux vaut être un homme, sans ascendance migratoire », tel est le constat de France Stratégie dans son analyse économétrique. Les inégalités sur le marché du travail régressent mais les discriminations persistent. Voir l'article...
17 mars 2016

Inégalités. Impact des qualifications ou des catégories socioprofessionnelles sur l'espérance de vie

L'Insee révèle dans une étude, l'impact des diplômes et des catégories socioprofessionnelles sur l'espérance de vie. Les hommes cadres vivent 6,4 ans de plus que les ouvriers et les femmes cadres, 3,2 ans que de plus que les ouvrières. Par ailleurs, un homme diplômé du supérieur peut espérer vivre 1,8 an de plus qu'un bachelier, 3,5 ans de plus qu'un titulaire d'un CAP ou BEP et 7,5 ans de plus qu'un non-diplômé. Voir l'article...

13 mars 2016

Understanding and Managing the Unequal Consequences of Environment Pressures and Policies

By Shardul Agrawala and Rob Dellink. The consequences of degradation of environmental quality as well as the consequences of environmental policies are typically unevenly distributed. In general, poorer countries and lower income households are more severely affected by environmental degradation and at the same time have less capacity to adapt. More...

13 mars 2016

Connecting the dots on income inequality: what do official sources suggest when adjusted for top incomes?

By Nicolas Ruiz. Concerns about the distribution of income weigh heavily in the public policy debate and the economic crisis has added urgency to deal with the policy issues related to inequality. But if the current challenges are clear, there is less common understanding about the definition and measurement of income inequality. What may be seen as a straightforward concept to measure turns out in practice to be hard to quantify in a reliable way. More...

13 mars 2016

Yes, finance fuels income inequality

By Boris Cournede. The Great Financial Crisis has prompted a lively debate, where the financial sector has been accused of not only triggering crises but also concentrating income in the hands of a few. The Occupy Wall Street movement in New York coined the slogan “we are the 99%”, that is to say the bottom 99% in the income distribution. The OECD in Paris has extensively probed the data to examine how finance influences the distribution of income. More...

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