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13 novembre 2019


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Eagle

I am still in Duluth where I have been enjoying the museums as much as the conference (which reflects well on both museums and conference). Wireless access has been plentiful and reliable here (except in my hotel) which makes me happy. Stephen Downes, Flickr July 10, 2007 [Link] [Tags: ]. More...

13 novembre 2019


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. SREB-SCORE
From a comment in a session today... Created by the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) "SCORE (Sharable Content Object Repositories for Education) places reviewed course content in databases (repositories) to which all participating states have access... SCORE membership is limited to SREB state education agencies and schools or colleges designated by the state agency." Some useful resources - such as SREB's principles of Effective Learning Objects - but I would prefer to see open, not limited, access. More...

13 novembre 2019

Turnitin Bibliography

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Turnitin Bibliography
Turnitin is a system that copies students' essays (without their permission) and then compares them to submitted work, this all to combat plagiarism. This weblog post is a comprehensive resource on the topic, listing a number of the author's own posts in addition to numerous external resources. Good stuff. More...

13 novembre 2019

Cluetrain at 20

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Cluetrain at 20
Doc Searls, Doc Searls Weblog, 2019/03/27
The Cluetrain Manifesto was an influential document when it came out 20 years ago. It proclaimed such things as "markets are conversations". I was one of the signatories when it was first released. There's a lot of discussion about what Cluetrain means, but my attention focused on a remark about how it spread. Searls says, "we didn’t do it by mass media methods. We did it by hacker’s methods. We wrote something we thought was good and put it out for review. Lots of people agreed that it was good and word spread from there." That's not exactly true. It was promoted by the Wall Street Journal and became a book. If you or I write Cluetrain, it sits there dead and unnoticed. But if the writer has connections with mass media, it becomes a mass phenomenon. More...

13 novembre 2019

Carlyle and the Search for Authority

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Carlyle and the Search for Authority
"The authority of the hierarchical state was being challenged, and political discourse, like religious discourse, had begun to represent authority as vested in the individuals that con­stituted the state rather than in monarchical hierarchy. ... Society was understood as a series of contracts among competing individuals in­stead of a corporate body united as a single family." Sound familiar? No, it's not Web 2.0. Rather, these sentences describe the emergence of the modern capitalist economy, the subject of Thomas Carlyle's work in the 1800s. This book - and 49 others on different topics - have now been made available for free (on PDF, sadly) by The Ohio State University Press. Good for them. Let's see more of this. More...

13 novembre 2019

Woodbury University Island Destroyed

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Woodbury University Island Destroyed
Second Life administrators at Linden Labs have removed an island owned by Woodbury University in response to "incidents of grid attacks, racism and intolerance, persistent harassment of other residents, and crashing the Woodbury University region itself while testing their abusive scripts." As the authors write, "the question of 'ownership' of virtual land is brought into stark focus here. Will Woodbury write off its investment in virtual real estate? Will the Lindens refund all or part of their payments?". More...

13 novembre 2019

L'Été 14 : d'un monde à l'autre (1914-2014)

Accueil - Vie Publique1914 - 2014 : le centenaire de la Grande Guerre est l'occasion de s'interroger sur les conséquences à long terme de ce conflit majeur. En effet il a été longtemps occulté par le second plus mondial encore et par toute la période qui a suivi. Plus...

12 novembre 2019

Le peuple en justice

Accueil - Vie PubliqueDepuis l’Antiquité « l’appel au peuple » des Romains garantissait l’effectivité de la justice. Au Moyen Âge comme sous l’Ancien régime c’est encore sous le regard du peuple que se prononcent et s’exécutent les condamnations. Mais la puissance des juges qui affirment prendre leur décision « en ayant Dieu devant les yeux » s’impose jusqu’à la fin de l’Ancien Régime. La Révolution française en réaction contre une justice royale honnie a voulu replacer le peuple au cœur de la procédure. Plus...

12 novembre 2019

Les étrangers dans la Grande Guerre

Accueil - Vie PubliqueQuand la Première Guerre mondiale éclate la France est déjà un pays d’immigration. Les étrangers dont les situations sont très contrastées sont immédiatement et durablement affectés. Mais c’est aussi l’arrivée de centaines de milliers de soldats et de travailleurs recrutés dans les pays limitrophes ou dans les colonies pour combler les besoins humains devenus considérables. Plus...

12 novembre 2019

La Documentation française : 70 ans

Accueil - Vie PubliqueA l’occasion de ses 70 ans la Documentation française a souhaité publier un ouvrage retraçant son histoire et montrant les évolutions décisives qu’elle a connues. De service de l’information créé à la Libération pour les besoins des pouvoirs publics. La Documentation française s’est ensuite distinguée par la qualité de ses éditions sur tous les sujets qui touchent à l’actualité économique politique sociale et culturelle en France et à l’international avec un réseau de commercialisation et de diffusion efficace ; elle a ouvert en parallèle des centres de documentation pour le public ainsi que des services en ligne performants. Plus...

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