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13 mars 2019

Situated Logic and Standardized Pests

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Situated Logic and Standardized Pests
Someone well versed with a general principle typically doesn't have a problem telling a story around that principle, to illustrate it. We see this all the time when someone in a profession needs to explain something to someone outside that profession. It's a hard task. More...

13 mars 2019

Heading to Athabasca University

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Heading to Athabasca University
George Siemens is moving to Athabasca University. How this impacts projects I have on the go with him, I don't know yet. More...

13 mars 2019

Video File Formats, What and When to Use

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Video File Formats, What and When to Use
What I like about this item is that it doesn't try to be an encyclopedia or to analyze all possible options. Instead, it addresses directly the question: what video format should I use. More...

13 mars 2019

Year of the Cloud

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Year of the Cloud
George Siemens puts his stake into the prognostication arena with this post on 'the year of the cloud' - cloud computing, to be precise. He decides to embrace the cloud to answer some questions: "How will my communication and information processing habits change when I don't need to confine myself to a particular computer? What types of software do I need when I don't want to be tied to a particular laptop?" More...

13 mars 2019

A Matter of Perspective — Elsevier Acquires Mendeley . . . or, Mendeley Sells Itself to Elsevier

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Matter of Perspective — Elsevier Acquires Mendeley . . . or, Mendeley Sells Itself to Elsevier
Kent Anderson, The Scholarly Kitchen, April 9, 2013
Once again my reluctance to embrace what appeared to be a really good project has been justified. According to their website, "Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research." More...

13 mars 2019

The Post-PC Age is Upon Us

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Post-PC Age is Upon Us
Wesley Fryer, Moving, April 11, 2013
The frightening news for PC manufacturers:

But wait. In most cases, rapidly expanding growth has a terminus point. You can't keep increasing sales indefinitely, because eventually the market reaches saturation. More...

13 mars 2019

How to Set Up Your Own Private Cloud Storage Service in Five Minutes with OwnCloud

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How to Set Up Your Own Private Cloud Storage Service in Five Minutes with OwnCloud
Thorin Klosowski , LifeHacker, April 8, 2013
I ran across this while looking for something else, but would definitely like to point to it as the way of the future. Most of us are familiar with cloud applications, such as Google Docs or Windows Live, and some us are familiar with cloud storage, such as Dropbox or Amazon Web Services. More...

13 mars 2019

Magdalene Islands

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web.
Stephen Downes[Edit][Delete]: Magdalene Islands, April 3, 2006
[link: 13 Hits] I decided that I needed to go away for a while and so spent three weeks on the Magdalene Islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, a place I've always wanted to visit. This is a Flickr photoset from that time - as of right now I've uploaded twelve photos, but I have many more which I will add over the next few days. My time on the islands meant a lot to me and I honestly wish I were back there - I'm trying to find that place, you know, where I can have a meaningful life, where I can be completely engaged and committed and passionate, where I can matter and be important. These pictures will always be special to me, because they will always remind me that I can and sometimes do dare to hope and dream of being something more, and that there are, absolutely, some things worth dreaming about. I hope you enjoy them. [Tags: ] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]. More...
13 mars 2019

Broadband to Go Free in 2 Yrs Add to Clippings

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Broadband to Go Free in 2 Yrs Add to Clippings
Interesting news - according to this Indis Times report, the Indian government will provide free wireless broadband (2 megabit per second) across the country by 2008. In a similar story, the government of the province of Saskatchewan, Canada, is creating a free wireless network that will cover its four largest cities. Here in New Brunswick, of course, we have Fred-E Zone covering the capital city and even some parts beyond. More...

13 mars 2019

One Laptop Per Child and the Commonwealth of Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. One Laptop Per Child and the Commonwealth of Learning
Alastair Sweeny sends along some links, observing that students making their own wiki textbooks with free Wikispaces. here's a sample. More...

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