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6 avril 2019

Ernst Kirchner, 30 ans en 1910

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (né en mai 1880 à Aschaffenbourg (Bavière), mort en juin 1938 à Frauenkirch (Suisse). Plus...
6 avril 2019

From the Shelves of HESA Towers (I)

It’s Friday, so it seems like a good day to write about one of the crazy books I have on my shelves (which, as any of my staff can tell you, is a theme that could last for quite some time).  Here’s one that’s kind of relevant, given that it’s about an event that ended 50 years ago next week: Shut It Down!  A College in Crisis, which is about the strike at San Francisco State (SFS) College in 1968-1969. More...
6 avril 2019

The Krueger/Card Studies

Very sadly, Princeton labor economist Alan Krueger died by suicide last week.  Krueger was much-loved in the profession. He produced an enormous amount of work on the minimum wage and for a couple of years served as Chair of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. More...
5 avril 2019

Oxford college to investigate its own role in colonialism

The GuardianNew academic post will enable St John’s to study the part it played in the British Empire. More...

5 avril 2019

Ruskin at 120: has the workers’ college lost its way?

The GuardianFor its 120th anniversary, Ruskin has delved into its history to find 120 stories of its alumni, many of whom went on to be prominent figures in politics or trade unions, or leaders for social change. Ruskin Hall, as it was then called, was founded by two American postgraduate students who wanted, through education, to turn the increasingly vocal working class radicals from “windbags” into “sandbags”. More...

5 avril 2019

Histoire : la longue marche des filles vers l’université

The ConversationÀ l’orée du XXe siècle, l’accès des femmes aux études supérieures était encore loin d’être une évidence. En témoigne cette manifestation de 1894 en Sorbonne aux cris de « Pas de femmes ! » et de « La science se fait entre hommes ». Un an plus tôt, Marie Curie décrit dans une complainte la difficile situation des pionnières à l’Université :

« Combien âpre est la vie de la jeune étudiante,
Entourée de garçons qui cherchent le plaisir,
Obscure et seule elle a pourtant la joie ardente
De voir son cœur à l’infini s’épanouir »

En 1900, le taux de jeunes filles parmi les étudiants inscrits à l’Université n’est que de 3,3 %. Plus...
5 avril 2019

Les enseignements de Paulo Freire : un pédagogue toujours actuel…

The ConversationLe 2 mai 1997, il y a 20 ans, décédait le pédagogue brésilien Paulo Freire. Dans les pays de langues ibériques et anglaises, il est l'un des penseurs les plus influents du monde intellectuel. Mais en France, et dans l’aire francophone en général, son œuvre reste méconnue, confinée à la période des années 1960 - 1970. Plus...
4 avril 2019

The Real Roadblocks to Linux in Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Real Roadblocks to Linux in Education
There has been a lot of talk about the use of open source software in learning, but movement in that direction in Australia has been slow. Why? According to this author, the schools themselves wouldn't save any money, since computer equipment is paid for at the departmental level. More...

4 avril 2019

Good Morning Silicon Valley Blog

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Good Morning Silicon Valley Blog
Good Morning Silicon Valley (GMSV) used to be my pipeline into the inner workings of information technology in the late 90s. Then it disappeared behind a registration wall. More...

4 avril 2019

Group And Multi-User Blog Platforms Compared

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Group And Multi-User Blog Platforms Compared
If you are considering the installation of a multi-user blog, it will be worth your while to read this article and dowload the report (free PDF, at the bottom of the article) comparing major multi-user blogging systems. More...

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