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15 juillet 2016

Village des Initiatives FSE, on vous emmène ?

Le savez-vous ? Le Village des Initiatives du Fonds social européen, c’est 20 séquences de travail proposées pendant deux jours et plus de 50 intervenants sur le numérique, l’économie circulaire, le verdissement des emplois, l’entreprise inclusive, les enjeux TPE/PME, les jeunes adultes. Voir l'article...

14 juillet 2016

Où ça, des financements européens ? La nouvelle carte interactive des financements européens est arrivée !

Campus FranceAprès le lancement de la rubrique « financez votre projet ! », la direction générale de la mondialisation du ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international, en partenariat avec, poursuit sa volonté de rendre plus compréhensibles les financements européens, dans un exercice inédit : une carte interactive qui permet de visualiser les financements disponibles par pays et par zone géographique (y compris les Outremer) et en sens inverse, les pays couverts par les instruments et leurs différents programmes. Voir l'article...
14 juillet 2016

Erasmus + : la participation du Royaume-Uni au programme après le référendum sur la sortie de l'Union européenne

Logo Agence Erasmus+ France Education FormationSuite au résultat du référendum organisé au Royaume-Uni, la DG Education et Culture de la Commission européenne, en charge des programmes de l'Union européenne tels qu'Erasmus +, Europe Creative et les actions Marie Sklodowska-Curie, a reçu de nombreuses questions des partenaires et des participants à ces programmes. Voir l'article...
14 juillet 2016

Les initiatives européennes en faveur des jeunes

Logo Agence Erasmus+ France Education Formation

Le ministre des affaires étrangères et du développement international et le secrétaire d'Etat chargé des affaires européennes ont présenté une communication relative aux initiatives européennes en faveur des jeunes lors du conseil des ministres du 15 janvier 2015. Voir l'article...

14 juillet 2016

New skills agenda- 10 actions in education equipping Europe for the future

The European Commission has adopted a new Skills Agenda for Europe, as a further policy support measure for boosting Europe’s employability, competitiveness and growth, in line with the Europe 2020 strategy. The skills landscape in Europe continues to display mismatches between skills and labour market demands, high numbers of people with low literacy and numeracy skills, even more without adequate digital skills and a job market with seemingly ever increasing demands. More...

14 juillet 2016

SIU outreach seminar, EEA and Norway Grants- a new period of making a difference through partnerships

The seminar Making a difference - Partnerships in Education, held in Brussels 10 June, provided a platform for sharing achievements, learning outcomes and transferring best practices of the EEA and Norway Grants-Scholarships, emerging in the programme over the last years. The EEA and Norway Grants aim to reduce social and economic disparities in Europe and to strengthen bilateral relations between the donor and beneficiary countries, where the Scholarship programme seeks to remove obstacles to educational mobility, support students to acquire new skills and strengthen future employability. More...

14 juillet 2016

EP-Nuffic: Turning the Netherlands into a “hub for the permanent exchange of talent”

The study departs from the realisation that the Netherlands is an increasingly attractive destination for internationally-mobile students, and explores the ways in which this ‘attractiveness’ can be further extended, by convincing a larger number of international graduates to consider entering the Dutch labour market. This is particularly relevant as the economic impact of international students on the host country, including in the Netherlands, had already been calculated several years ago as being largely positive. More...

14 juillet 2016

Why do graduates who spent part of their studies abroad get higher wages? Evidence from Germany

The past decades have witnessed an enormous expansion of programmes to support the international mobility of students, the most popular example being ERASMUS. Lots of money has been invested to this end. Both policy-makers and scientists have therefore become increasingly curious to know whether international student mobility (ISM) pays off for the mobile students. More...

14 juillet 2016

(A)counting the losses on both sides - Sir Peter Scott on the Brexit

The UK's decision to abandon Europe, which is what leaving the European Union amounts to, has come as a shock - not least in the UK where many people who voted 'out' never expected to win. In effect this was a protest vote against immigration, tinged with nationalism and even racism, and austerity, a long delayed but inevitable reaction against the inequalities generated by neoliberal capitalism. The details of the UK's relationship with the EU as a member state were not particularly important in what was a bad-tempered and nasty referendum campaign. In effect the EU became a whipping boy for larger discontents. More...

14 juillet 2016

Liverpool a city reimagined

By . There are certain cities that, although neither capitals nor the largest in the nation, have a place in the world’s imagination. Liverpool is one such city. While this generation might associate it with the Beatles, Liverpool was once also the port of registry for the Titanic and one of the main maritime mercantile cities during the British Empire. In September 2016, the world of international higher education will flock to Liverpool en masse to experience the 28th Annual EAIE Conference. More...

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