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23 mars 2017

How Wales can ensure the successful implementation of its reforms

Education & Skills TodayBy Andreas Schleicher. Wales is committed to providing high-quality and inclusive education for all its citizens. The disappointing 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment results however showed Wales was far removed from realising this commitment, which sparked a national debate on the quality and future of education in Wales. More...

23 mars 2017

Single bidding in Europe is back, and you should be worried

Let’s imagine for a moment, you are taking part in an online auction for a piece of designer furniture and you are the only bidder – it’s your lucky day, right? Now imagine you wanted to take part in the bidding, but somehow the auction was set up to undermine your participation. More...

23 mars 2017

Brexit and Swedish universities, event and new report

The event is organised by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis (Tillväxtanalys), who have recently published a report about Brexit and Swedish universities. More...

22 mars 2017

EUA argues for efficient, high-performing Horizon 2020 at Commission meeting

EUA participated in a panel reflecting stakeholders’ views, alongside the European Court of Auditors and the European Parliament, and brought forward the outcomes of its own large-scale membership consultation on the mid-term review, to support the following points:

  • Simplification must benefit the beneficiaries;
  • Accepting nationally-recognised management and accounting practices is the most important step towards effective simplification;
  • Measures presented on additional remuneration cannot alone address the challenges involved in widening participation;
  • Financial instruments must be designed in full recognition of the specificities of research work (and therefore not be result-based). More...
22 mars 2017

Juncker presents White Paper on Future of Europe

The White Paper looks at how Europe might change over the next decade and spells out the choice between being swept along by those developments or embracing them and seizing the new opportunities they bring. It points out that countries will have to work closely together to achieve more and outlines five scenarios on how to do this, concluding that no matter what the cooperation model will be, Europe's prosperity is likely to depend on openness and strong links with partners. More...

22 mars 2017

L'eBac au Luxembourg

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

L’eBac n’utilise pas les moyens électroniques pour évaluer les compétences des élèves. Comment pourriez-vous envisager une telle chose ?
Ou, autrement, est-ce possible d’envisager une évaluation électronique à ce niveau. Voir l'article...
21 mars 2017

Reducing share of low-skilled adults in the EU ‘a benefit for all’

HomeAt a European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)/Labour Market Observatory conference on tackling long-term unemployment, on 28 February in Brussels, Cedefop Deputy Director Mara Brugia presented the agency’s latest study on the economic and social cost of low-skilled adults in the EU. More...

20 mars 2017

Brexit: l’université d’Oxford envisage d‘ouvrir un campus à Paris

Par Jean-Marc De Jaeger. En réaction au Brexit et afin de rester dans l’Union européenne, plusieurs universités britanniques, dont celle d’Oxford, envisagent de s’installer à Paris dès 2018. Voir l'article...

20 mars 2017

L’Allemagne, pays le plus attractif d’Europe pour les étudiants internationaux

Par Aude Bariéty. Selon le classement réalisé par Study.EU, l’Allemagne est la destination européenne la plus recommandable pour les étudiants étrangers, notamment grâce à la qualité de ses formations. La France se place quatrième. Voir l'article...

20 mars 2017

Recherche de consensus au parlement européenès avoir suscité un franc désaccord entre les pays de l'Est et de l'Ouest, le texte revient sur la table. 472 amendements venant des nations ont été reçus. Objectif loin d'être atteint : trouver un consensus avant le vote en juillet 2017. Voir l'article...

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