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27 mars 2017

11ème édition des journées Européennes des métiers d’art (JEMA), du 31 mars au 2 avril 2017

Aquitaine Cap MétiersDepuis 2002, les JEMA se sont imposées à l'échelle internationale comme le plus grand événement dédié à la découverte des métiers d'art. Voir l'article...

25 mars 2017

Focus Pays de Campus France : Géorgie

Université franco-géorgienne
La création d’une université franco-géorgienne avec la mise en place de doubles diplômes dans les domaines du tourisme et de l’agriculture est l’un des objectifs prioritaires de la coopération universitaire française en Géorgie.
Ce projet vise à renforcer les compétences des futurs cadres géorgiens des secteurs touristiques et agricoles en mettant l’accent sur la dimension professionnalisante des formations (BTS, DUT, Licence pro, Master). La rentrée de la première promotion constituée d’une centaine d’étudiants peut-être attendue pour le dernier trimestre 2018. Télécharger : 860.88 KB flag

25 mars 2017

European shared strategies to put in place a coherent involvement of migrants, youth migrants, asylum seekers and refugees

Logo Agence Erasmus+ France Education Formation

European shared strategies to put in place a coherent involvement of migrants, youth migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Erasmus + », du 15 au 17 mai 2017, Rome (Italie)
Les agences Erasmus + italiennes organisent une conférence transsectorielle sur le thème de l'inclusion des migrants, des jeunes migrants, des demandeurs d'asile et des refugiés au travers du programme Erasmus +. Les représentants d'autorités nationales et locales, d'ONG, d'écoles, établissements d'enseignement professionnel ainsi que d'organismes d'éducation pour adultes travaillant avec ces publics cibles sont invités à s'inscrire. Voir l'article...

25 mars 2017

BSA: Belarusian students to present suggestions for the new Education Code

ESU OnlineThe adoption of the Code may mean a step forward in the implementation of the Bologna roadmap, which Belarus follows since 2015. The Belarusian Independent Bologna Committee, which analyses the implementation of the Bologna process in the country claims that, at the moment, Belarus only fulfilled about 10% of all requirements. They further stated that: “This is why it is important to reform the education system”. More...

25 mars 2017

ESU supports the National Union of Students in Denmark in their fight against education ceiling

ESU OnlineThe majority of representatives in the Danish parliament have passed a law this past December, popularly known as “uddannelsesloftet” or “education ceiling”. This law denies students (with few exceptions) the possibility to pursue a second degree at the same level or lower than what one initially pursued. This means that, for instance, students with a graduate degree are not be able to take another masters degree and neither an undergraduate one, since the latter would count as a lower degree. More...

25 mars 2017

How can we serve you better?

By . How can the EAIE best support you in achieving your goals? What products and services do you need? The EAIE is currently conducting a comprehensive survey to find out how we can better serve professionals like you. Your input will help to ensure that the EAIE continues to add value to the international higher education community. In return, we will offer you a chance to win a fee waiver to EAIE Seville 2017. It’s a win-win. More...

24 mars 2017

Committee of Ministers´ recommendation calls for strong regulations on lobbying

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""In a Recommendation, the Committee of Ministers – the executive body of the organisation – recognises that lobbying can make a legitimate contribution to open government and well informed decision making, but points out that most countries do not yet have a comprehensive framework for regulating it. More...

24 mars 2017

Trafficking in human beings: Latvia should improve the identification, protection and compensation of victims

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""In a report published today, the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) considers that Latvia has strengthened its legislation but asks the authorities to improve the identification, protection and compensation of victims of trafficking. More...

24 mars 2017

SRSG identifies main challenges for migrant and refugee children in Europe

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""The report, based on his on-the-ground experience gathered during the fact-finding missions in 2016*, calls for urgent measures to find alternatives to detention of children and guarantee minimum living conditions in camps, such as gender-separate sanitary facilities, better lighting and child-friendly spaces in order to eliminate risks of sexual abuse. More...

24 mars 2017

Combatting human trafficking: Armenia has made good progress, but more effort needed to prevent the crime and help victims

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Armenia has advanced in the legislation and practices for preventing and combatting trafficking in human beings, said the Council of Europe Group of experts on action against trafficking in human beings (GRETA), in its new report published today. However, more needs to be done to prevent trafficking of children, trafficking for labour exploitation, as well as to protect and assist victims. The Armenian Government’s comments are published together with the report. More...

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