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14 avril 2018

Les 12èmes journées européennes des métiers d’art

Lancées en 2002, les Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art sont la plus grande manifestation internationale dédiée à ce secteur remarquable par sa diversité et sa vitalité. 281 métiers répartis en 16 domaines de compétences composent cet univers situé à la croisée de la culture, de l’économie, du patrimoine et de la création. Cette année à nouveau, ce grand rendez-vous culturel, économique et touristique sera proposé en France mais aussi dans dix-huit autres pays européens. Plus...

13 avril 2018
Jeswein wrote me this morning to let me know that the European commissioner for education and culture, Viviane Reding, launched the portal at the Learntec 2003 conference in Karlsruhe (Germany) a couple of days ago. More...

11 avril 2018

Le nouvel Europass est en route

Logo Agence Erasmus+ France Education FormationL'Agence Erasmus+ a développé à l'attention des porteurs de projets "éducation des adultes" et "formation professionnelle continue" un petit module de formation pour découvrir toutes les fonctionnalités de la plateforme EPALE. Intitulé EPALE : tremplin des projets Erasmus +, ce module de 20 minutes aide à s'approprier EPALE pour mieux rendre visible son projet et mieux en optimiser l'impact et les résultatse 15 mars 2018, une résolution législative du Parlement européen concernant un cadre commun pour la fourniture de meilleurs services dans le domaine des compétences et des certifications (Europass) a été adoptée. Ce texte vise à encadrer la mise en oeuvre du nouvel Europass et à en fixer les objectifs. Le nouvel Europass devra en effet permettre de décrire les aptitudes acquises dans le cadre d'apprentissages non formels ou informels et devra être davantage orienté utilisateurs. Le texte préconise pour cela de prendre en compte les besoins et les avis d'utilisateurs en ayant recours à des sondages et à des tests. Le nouvel Europass devrait voir le jour en 2019. D'ici là, la plateforme actuelle continuera d'exister et d'assurer le service aux utilisateurs. Plus...
11 avril 2018

The New E.U.

The New E.U.
The European universities have lost their way, according to this article, but may find redemption through embracing elitism instead of accessibility, private ownership instead of government management. More...

11 avril 2018

Investigation into the Part-time work of Pupils in Britain and Germany

Investigation into the Part-time work of Pupils in Britain and Germany
One of the reasons people tout online learning is the ability of flexible delivery to support students who have jobs. This survey looks at the types, impact and pay for working students in Britain and in Germany. More than half the students in both countries are working. More...

10 avril 2018

Together Moving Forward: Call for Selection Committee Members

After a first successful edition, ESU has recently launched a second edition of Together, Moving Forward small-grants programme. The idea behind the programme is to support student-led initiatives with the aim to encourage positive host-refugees interactions across Europe. The objectives are, amongst others, to reshape the discourse around refugees, work with refugees and other stakeholders to improve access to Higher Education and living conditions, work for successful inclusion in our communities, build National Union of Students (NUSes) capacity to take up an active role in supporting or advocating for positive change. More...

10 avril 2018

Child sexual abuse in sport: Council of Europe calls for action to break the silence

The Council of Europe today made a call on public authorities and the sports movement to take determined action to prevent sexual abuse of children. Under the theme “Start to talk”, it launched in Madrid an international awareness-raising initiative urging governments, sports clubs, associations and federations, as well as athletes, coaches and parents to take concrete measures to prevent and respond to abuse. More...
10 avril 2018

Implementing ECHR judgments: Record number of cases closed in 2017, but challenges remain

The Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, which oversees the implementation of European Court of Human Rights judgments, closed a record number of 3,691 cases last year, leading to a 24% decrease in the total number of outstanding cases. More...
10 avril 2018

Council of Europe issues policy guidelines to protect children of imprisoned parents

The Committee of Ministers – the executive body of the organisation - adopted a Recommendation recalling that children with imprisoned parents are entitled to the same rights as other children, including regular contact with their parents, except if it is considered contrary to the child´s best interests. More...
10 avril 2018

21st century slavery: European anti-trafficking experts raise the alarm over labour exploitation

Trafficking for labour exploitation is on the rise across Europe. In several countries, it has overtaken sexual exploitation as the main form of human trafficking. Official figures underestimate the true scale of the problem and there have been few successful prosecutions and convictions. More...
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