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10 mai 2014

Results from the ECVET pilot projects and impulses for national implementation

Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational TrainingKeeping you informed about European Credit System for Vocational Education & Training. The latest issue of the ECVET magazine is available for download: ECVET Magazine - Issue 19 (May 2014).
Results from the ECVET pilot projects and impulses for national implementation
An article by Anette Curth, ICF GHK.
One of the main objectives of the eight ECVET pilot projects 2011-2014 was to contribute to the national implementation of ECVET. However, they all came from very different starting positions: the projects VET-CCS and CPU-Europe in Malta and the French Community of Belgium were implemented by governmental institutions and connected to comprehensive VET-reforms; the French project MENECVET was implemented by the Ministry of Education, with the aim of testing the compatibility of the existing regulatory framework for the design and description of French qualifications with the ECVET technical specifications; the Italian project CO.L.O.R was implemented by ISFOL, a national centre of VET-expertise, and was designed to support greater coherence in the Italian VET system; and the German projects EASYMetal, 2get1care, and ESyCQ and the Italian project ICARE were instead driven by practitioners who developed solutions and recommended them to the competent institutions for implementation at the systemic level. This article briefly summarises the suggestions, models, impulses and contributions of the projects to the national implementation of ECVET. Read more in ECVET Magazine - Issue 19 (May 2014).

10 mai 2014

Results from the ECVET pilot projects and recommendations for further ECVET practice across Europe

Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational TrainingKeeping you informed about European Credit System for Vocational Education & Training. The latest issue of the ECVET magazine is available for download: ECVET Magazine - Issue 19 (May 2014).
Results from the ECVET pilot projects and recommendations for further ECVET practice across Europe
An Article by Karin Luomi-Messerer and Monika Auzinger, 3s. In addition to their individual aims and objectives in the national context, the eight pilot projects funded under the call from 2010 were also expected to feed into the general development of ECVET as a tool and an instrument at the EU level. Therefore, their results and experiences should feed into more generic recommendations on how to use ECVET in the context of mobility and lifelong learning. Yet, the systemic conditions which influence ECVET implementation at the national level are very diverse, and the solutions found by the projects are not applicable to every national context, system or sub-system. Still, a set of general recommendations can be distilled –specific recommendations on how to work with each of the ECVET technical specifications, but also recommendations on how to set up projects and further exercises to use ECVET in practice. This article highlights a number of them.
Recommendations related to general questions about how to use ECVET in practice
Beside the questions of how to approach the ECVET technical specifications, some more general questions also need to be clarified before designing and putting in practice further project exercises on how to use ECVET. From the projects’ experiences, the following recommendations can be distilled.
Clearly identify for which problems ECVET can provide a solution and develop evidence
It can be observed that the projects endeavoured to respond to a variety of needs. In order to successfully implement ECVET and to have broad stakeholder commitment and support, it is necessary to clearly present the added value of ECVET. ECVET implementation should neither be an end in itself nor complicate peoples’ lives, but provide added value to them. Thus, it is recommended to clearly identify the problem(s) for which ECVET could provide a solution and to develop relevant evidence (e.g. based on feasibility studies or pilot projects).
Develop a common understanding and cooperation
In order to agree on the added value of ECVET in a specific context it is a prerequisite that a common understanding of ECVET-related issues among competent authorities and other relevant stakeholders is created. This includes capacity building activities as well as the dissemination of good practices and the development or adoption of shared procedures and tools.
Establish commitment for using ECVET at policy level
Commitment from (national) policy level is of particular importance for convincing VET providers to get involved. Otherwise they might be reluctant to invest their resources (time, money) in the implementation of ECVET.
Provide guidelines and support
One of the main challenges of ECVET implementation is the amount of work that often needs to be invested at the beginning. This is in particular true for countries/contexts that are rather far away from being ‘ECVET-ready’. For example, in cases where learning outcomes are not used in the specific system or sub-system, resources are needed to develop such transparent descriptions. Guidelines and examples can help support these processes.
Create synergies and coherence with other tools and principles
On a systemic level, ECVET principles can play a key role in implementing other reforms and tools, such as qualifications frameworks and validation of non-formal and informal learning. When permeability between VET and HE is aimed for, the link between ECVET and ECTS also needs to be addressed. In order to ensure coherence in the development and implementation of different tools and principles, a coordinated approach is necessary. This can also help to bundle resources and create synergies. Read more in ECVET Magazine - Issue 19 (May 2014).

10 mai 2014

ECVET Magazine - Issue 19 (May 2014) - Editorial

Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational TrainingKeeping you informed about European Credit System for Vocational Education & Training. The latest issue of the ECVET magazine is available for download: ECVET Magazine - Issue 19 (May 2014).
By Carlo Scatoli, Policy Officer at the European Commission, DG Education and Culture
. As you know, ECVET is going through its first evaluation exercise, at a time when a consultation is open on a wide ranging initiative on skills and qualifications. By the time this is published, both the evaluation and the consultation will be closed, but it is worth exploring what the ECVET projects might say about the issues they raise.
Leaving the technical questions to the evaluation team, we might have a look at the main objectives of ECVET, and see whether projects are helping out on that front. ECVET is for instance supposed to facilitate the development of flexible and individualised pathways. That is a very high level aim, and individual projects may have addressed only some of its many dimensions. Read more in ECVET Magazine - Issue 19 (May 2014).

10 mai 2014

ECVET Magazine - Issue 19 (May 2014)

Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational TrainingKeeping you informed about European Credit System for Vocational Education & Training
The latest issue of the ECVET magazine is available for download. Attachments: ECVET Magazine - Issue 19 (May 2014).
Main topics:
Results from the ECVET pilot projects and recommendations for further ECVET practice across Europe
Results from the ECVET pitlo projects and impulses for national implementation
The contribution of ECVET to individuals, business, VET providers and VET systems in general. More...

See also: ECVET Magazine - Issue 18, ECVET Magazine - Issue 17, ECVET MAGAZINE - Issue 16, ECVET Magazine - Issue 15, ECVET MAGAZINE - Issues 13 and 14, ECVET Magazine - Issue 12, ECVET Magazine - Issue 11, ECVET Magazine - Issue 10, ECVET Magazine - Issue 9, ECVET Magazine - Issue 8, ECVET Magazine - Issue 7, ECVET Magazine - Issue 6, ECVET Magazine - Issue 5, ECVET Magazine - Issue 4, ECVET Magazine - Issue 3, ECVET Magazine - Issue 2, ECVET Magazine - Issue 1 - June 2010.

4 mai 2014

ECVET - Communauty of Practices Experts


  • Discussing the use of  ECVET Recommendation for geographic Mobility,  
  • Facilitating the  ECVET implementation through the dissemination of the ECVET  Recommendation and the discussion about its best use in various contexts  and countries, 
  • Learning from different experiences coming from different countries  and/or different professional sectors
  • Building relationships & maintaning on-going contacts  between the F2F meetings (area for events, conferences), 
  • Exploring the use of ECVET recommendation for LLL.
3 mai 2014

ECVET Documentation

European ECVET NetworkThe ECVET Recommendation
The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) aims to give people greater control over their individual learning experiences and make it more attractive to move between different countries and different learning environments. The development of ECVET began in 2002 after the Copenhagen Process emphasised the need for a credit transfer system for VET. National governments and the European Parliament gave their final approval to legislation in June 2009. The ECVET Recommendation in English. For other languages, follow this link
Learning Outcomes (LO)
Two CEDEFOP studies to better understand the LOs construction and their association in Units :

ECVET Leaflet
Excellent tool to communicate how ECVET works and for which puroposes it was aimed (download)
ECVET Corporate identity
Download the best way to use the ECVET logo and its colors in your various communication supports (working documents, prints and web pages...).
Further documents :
In order to find out all the documents provided in this website, click on the link "All downloads" at your right. This download rubric is filled with all the documents availbale on this website and updated  as and when new publications are produced.  You can provide key words of the documents you are looking for in the  filter at the top in order to  refine your search.
Attached documents: 
3 mai 2014

ECVET to support LLL

European ECVET NetworkECVET for lifelong learning is an application of ECVET. This rubric will help you find out more on this topic.
Essential documents.
This section will give you bespoke information for you to be able to explain on your own ECVET principles applied to LLL to your organisation or other stakeholders or persons interested.
Attached documents:
Questions & Answers about ECVET 21/04/2010

ECVET to support LLL
LLL on my own.
This section will give you bespoke information for you to be able to explain on your own ECVET principles applied to LLL to your organisation or other stakeholders or persons interested.
ECVET Team support

3 mai 2014

ECVET for mobility

European ECVET NetworkECVET for mobility is one of the possible applications of ECVET – this part will guide you through the whole process of increasing knowledge about ECVET and mobility : basic and essential documents, resources to be able to explain it to your organisation and presentation of events you can take part in.
European context
This “starting point” section will provide you with basic and essential documents about ECVET mobility.

ECVET on my own
Best practice.

ECVET Team support

3 mai 2014

My first steps to ECVET

European ECVET NetworkMy first steps to ECVET is a rubric to guide people with no or basic knowledge in ECVET through all the process from better understanding ECVET specifications to joining the ECVET network, bearing in mind the user should be eventually able to inform about ECVET.
ECVET Essentials
In this section, you will find  ECVET essential documents, from the recommendation to the ECVET Q&A. These documents prove useful in giving you a general context and should help you get a first overview of the ECVET basic texts.
ECVET system
The ECVET system aims at allowing the transfer, recognition and accumulation of learning outcomes to obtain a qualification. It must give European Union citizens the possibility to obtain professional qualifications through personal learning outcomes, regardless of the country or educational system...
ECVET Recommendation
The Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of the establishment of a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) has been adopted of 18 June 2009.
Implementation of ECVET
Three key periods should be retained concerning the gradual implementation schedule:

  • 2010 – 2012 :  Preparation, 
  • 2012 – 2014 :  ECVET system deployment, 
  • During 2014 : Assessment of the situation.

European strategies
The ECVET Recommendation takes place in an overall European strategy which combines diverse policies to promote European skills and knowledge in the worlwide environment.
ECVET on my own

ECVET Team support

Join the ECVET Network

3 mai 2014

Le Réseau ECVET

L'agence Europe-Education- Formation FranceLe réseau thématique NETECVET
Afin de contribuer à la qualité et à la cohérence générale du processus de coopération pour la mise en œuvre d'ECVET, un réseau européen ECVET a été constitué, conformément aux termes de la recommandation du 18 juin 2009.

  • Un «groupe européen d'utilisateurs ECVET» : le « USERS GROUP ». Il est composé de représentants des Etats membres et chargés de la promotion d'ECVET au plan national auprès des autorités compétentes. La France est ainsi représentée par le ministère de l'Education nationale et l'Assemblée des chambres françaises de commerce et d'industrie (ACFCI), le ministère en charge de l'Emploi étant suppléant du ministère de l'Education nationale.
  • Un secrétariat destiné à appuyer et animer le réseau européen intitulé « ECVET TEAM ». Ce secrétariat propose différents services dont un site web, des sessions d'information/formation et séminaires, des interventions à la demande.
  • Un Réseau des agences nationales réunies dans « NETECVET » et une boîte à outils capitalisant les expériences.
  • Des « équipes d'experts nationaux ECVET » intégrées dans une communauté de pratique ouverte à toutes les parties prenantes intéressées par la thématique d'ECVET.

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