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22 mars 2015

East Africa credit transfer scheme enters new phase

By Maina Waruru. The East African Credit Accumulation and Transfer project undertaken by higher education authorities in the region’s five countries has entered a fifth phase, with experts agreeing on minimum standards for psychology, counselling, community development, developmental studies and social work programmes. Read more...
21 février 2015

ECVET : équipe nationale d'experts

Logo Agence Erasmus+ France Education FormationPourquoi une équipe d’experts ECVET France ?
Les gouvernements nationaux et le Parle-ment européen ont donné leur approbation finale au développement d’ECVET par une Recommandation en juin 2009.Pour en assurer la mise en oeuvre, les Etats membres et la Commission européenne ont pris l’initiative en 2012, de mettre en place des équipes nationales d'Experts ECVET.
Une équipe d’experts ECVET France a donc été constituée. Elle est coordonnée par l’agence nationale en charge des programmes et dispositifs européens d’éducation et de formation sous couvert des Autorités nationales et financée par les fonds européens pour l’éducation et la formation.
Comment contacter l’équipe d’experts ECVET France ?
Etape 1
- télécharger et renseigner la fiche de contact disponible ici :
- l’envoyer à
Etape 3
- un ou plusieurs experts se positionneront en fonction de votre demande, dans les meilleurs délais. Voir ECVET : équipe nationale d'experts.

7 janvier 2015

Choice-based credit system in govt universities set to became a reality

The Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry will initiate steps to frame a new national education policy next month by holding consultations with states and also taking into account the views of different stakeholders.
HRD Minister Smriti Irani on Tuesday said a workshop to discuss the new education policy with states will be held in February. “In the coming months, we will go to the states to listen to them. States should help us to hold deliberations right from the village educational council to the block and state level,” she said. She was addressing a conference of state education ministers to discuss adoption of ‘choice-based credit transfer system’ and ‘credit framework for skills’. See more...

4 janvier 2015

Forum ECVET 2014 : véritable « agitateur d’idées pour la formation professionnelle en Europe »

LogoRassemblant plus de 300 participants (décideurs et prestataires dans le domaine de l’enseignement et de la formation professionnels, partenaires sociaux, représentants d’organisations sectorielles et de branche, chercheurs…) venant de 33 pays européens, la cinquième édition du Forum annuel ECVET, « Confiant dans les compétences et les certifications de l’Europe de demain », s’est tenue les 30 et 31 octobre derniers à Vienne.
Retour sur ce forum organisé par ECVET Team (dont l’ANFA co-pilote le secrétariat) pour le compte de la Commission européenne, avec le soutien du CEDEFOP. Voir l'article...

24 décembre 2014

ECVET for recognition of qualifications in construction sector

The main objective of the project is the development and testing of an European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and to improve the mobility of workers in the the construction sector by engaging them to create innovative content and structure of a web application with built-in qualifications comparison tool based on the transferred cascade training methodology and PALS tools. More...

23 décembre 2014

ECVET : le système européen de crédit d'apprentissages pour l'enseignement et la formation professionnels

AccueilECVET : le système européen de crédit d'apprentissages pour l'enseignement et la formation professionnels
La Recommandation ECVET s'inscrit dans une stratégie européenne globale qui combine diverses politiques pour promouvoir au niveau mondial les compétences européennes.
Le système ECVET vise à permettre le transfert, la reconnaissance et la capitalisation d’acquis en vue de l'obtention d'une certification. Il doit permettre aux citoyens de la communauté d'apprentissage l'obtention d'une certification européenne de poursuivre la constructi on de leur qualification professionnelle en accumulant leurs acquis même s’ils changent de lieu ou de système d’apprentissage. ECVET est :
- un système décentralisé reposant sur la participation volontaire des Etats membres et des acteurs de la formation professionnelle dans le respect des législations et réglementations nationales ;
- un cadre méthodologique pour la description des certifications en termes d’acquis d’apprentissage sous forme d’unités, permettant l’allocation de points transférables dans des contextes de certifications et des états membres différents ;
- fondé sur l’adoption d’accords de partenariats s’appuyant sur la transparence des certifications et la confiance mutuelle des acteurs. Voir la suite dans l'Eclairage n° 35 décembre 2014 | L’Europe, levier pour les compétences.

7 décembre 2014

ECTS: Punkt um Punkt

Ein Gastbeitrag von Karlheinz Töchterle. Ein fragwürdiges System soll den Studienfortschritt an den Universitäten in Europa messen.
Der Mechanismus ist geläufig: Man projiziert in die Vergangenheit einen Idealzustand, der dann anzustreben oder wenigstens als verloren zu beklagen ist. Der Diskurs über die Hohen Schulen findet sein Ideal in Humboldt. Dessen "Einsamkeit und Freiheit", "Bildung durch Wissenschaft" und andere seiner oder ihm zugeschriebener Programmworte werden beschworen und dem lamentablen Heute gegenübergestellt. Mehr...

29 septembre 2014


ECVET STEP will aim in making the best value of the ECVET system, facilitating the transfer, accumulation and recognition of credits and learning outcomes or competence acquired otherwise between countries, thus promoting mobility learning in VET. More...

20 mai 2014

The ECVET Mobility Toolkit

La newsletter Europass du mois de mai est paru. Télécharger la newsletter.
By Paul Guest | Expert Consultant to NetECVET and Rinske Stelwagen | Dutch National Agency for LLP and Erasmus+. The ECVET Mobility Toolkit
Practical support for integrating ECVET into new or existing mobility practice
It has been almost five years since the recommendation on the establishment of a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) confirmed common ECVET principles, provided detailed technical specifications and recommended the wider promotion and implementation of ECVET by all Member States. In that time, a wide range of bodies and organisations have been involved in translating these core principles and technical specifications into practical processes, and tools, able to be used by vocational education and training practitioners at all levels.
In 2011, a group of 14 National Agencies for the Lifelong Learning Programme came together, under the leadership of the German National Agency (NA BIBB), to form the thematic network NetECVET. NetECVET partners adopted a bottom-up approach in the network, targeting practical solutions for mobility practitioners wishing to introduce ECVET to new or existing mobility practice.
Whilst the latest phase of network activity came to a close at the end of 2013, NetECVET leaves behind a successful legacy in the form of an ECVET Mobility Toolkit. The Toolkit provides an online platform of tools, examples, information and resources to support the gradual introduction of ECVET into new or existing mobility practices.
ECVET assistance for education and training providers
The Toolkit was ultimately designed to assist vocational education and training providers, and others working in the field of transnational mobility, in introducing one or more ECVET principles to existing mobility projects and programmes. Since launching the Toolkit to a wider stakeholder audience (Brussels, October 2013), we expect that many other individuals and organisations working to increase knowledge and awareness on ECVET will also begin to promote and make active use of the Toolkit - an example being those working in national funding agencies and those forming a part of national ECVET teams.
A common frame of reference on ‘ECVET and Mobility’
The Toolkit provides a common platform for all vocational education and training actors, in Europe, in the area of ECVET and Mobility. Users can access an introductory section in which the background to, and history of, ECVET is succinctly explained. Alternatively, users can go straight to the core ECVET Toolkit: there they can access dedicated chapters on ECVET Preparation, Partnership Building and Quality Assurance. Users can also work, systematically, through the most important steps associated with the planning, implementation and follow-up of ECVET in Geographical Mobility (Before Mobility, During Mobility and After Mobility).
The Toolkit provides introductory texts, tools, templates, checklists and examples of how to use ECVET in practice. Additional, video interviews show experienced mobility practitioners, from different countries, presenting their own experiences of using ECVET.
Not covered by the Toolkit are more generic mobility topics (non-ECVET), and ECVET-related developments not addressing geographical mobility, with numerous platforms and resources already dedicated to these matters.
ECVET: a step-by-step process towards higher quality mobility It is important to begin by reflecting on existing mobility practice - consider the importance of international mobility to your learners, what works well in existing mobility practice and how you might further develop your mobility projects and programmes.
Beyond this, start to explore the Toolkit - a user guide is provided to help you navigate your way through and checklists are provided confirming both key actors and key actions. Ask yourself, along the way, what is new, what needs to change and what additional opportunities ECVET might provide. In terms of partnership development, it is important to confirm a willingness with (new and existing) partners to experiment with ECVET, to decide which elements of ECVET you might implement together and which other actors might need to participate, embedding this into a common agreement (Memorandum of Understanding).
From an implementation perspective, consider each of the mobility phases (before, during and after mobility) and the changes that that ECVET might require. Use pilot phases to test with actual mobility participants (students, teachers) and make use of the many checklists, tools and examples provided in the Toolkit. As with all quality-assured processes, it is important to evaluate your experiences with local, national and international partners, and mobility participants, confirming the benefits of ECVET for your mobility project or programme, recognising successes and identifying any areas for future improvement.
Quick access to tools for experienced users
Admittedly, some actors have been working with ECVET in Mobility for a number of years and are already starting to build experience. In this respect, easy access is provided to the tools, examples and further reading that feature within the various chapters of the Toolkit, by simply entering the Tools, Examples and More section. Here, users can quickly work through the different tools and materials, finding that which best serves their ECVET development needs. This section additionally provides a common glossary of key terms and a searchable database of learning outcomes descriptors, the latter building on past-funded ECVET developments in many European countries and sectors. Télécharger la newsletter.

10 mai 2014

The contribution of ECVET to individuals, businesses, VET providers and VET systems in general

Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational TrainingKeeping you informed about European Credit System for Vocational Education & Training. The latest issue of the ECVET magazine is available for download: ECVET Magazine - Issue 19 (May 2014).
The contribution of ECVET to individuals, businesses, VET providers and VET systems in general
An article by Daniela Ulicná and Anette Curth, ICF GHK.
After several years of testing and development in pilot projects, it is now time to have a look at the benefits of ECVET from a broader perspective. How can ECVET support learners, businesses, VET providers and VET systems in general? This article lines out some of the benefits of ECVET and gives some concrete example gathered from the context of the pilot projects. Although the examples are not always based on real cases2, the projects have proven through testing that they are realistic - within the existing conditions of current VET systems. However, in practice, this depends on whether or not ECVET is implemented beyond the context of a particular project. In short: although the examples are realistic and the solutions are possible, in most cases this is not yet mainstream practice.
Recognition of non-formal and informal learning to help acquire a formal qualification
Maria works as a care assistant for families, nursing elderly relatives. She has several years of experience, but does not have a formal qualification in this area. Maria wishes to change her work environment; instead of working for families in private homes, she would now prefer to work with elderly people in a nursing home. She realises that potential employers require a formal qualification. Therefore, she undergoes a procedure for the recognition of non-formal and informal learning and – thanks to her practical experience - achieves credit for several units that form this qualification. However, since she never attended formal training, Maria does not perform as well on the units related to theoretical knowledge. Due a recognition model based on ECVET principles, she can accumulate the units already acquired with additional formal training, thus significantly shortening her training programme; and eventually achieve the full qualification.
Certification by units to support early school leavers’ return to formal education
Mathieu, a Belgian student, has left school early to work in a garage. After a while, he realises he is not very well paid and his chances to move up in his job are small. This situation would improve with a formal qualification. During his formal training in a vocational school, Mathieu has already acquired four out of the six units of learning outcomes that are necessary to acquire a formal qualification. After a VET-reform that took place in the French speaking community of Belgium, training for car mechanics was organised around those units, and Mathieu was given a validated ‘passport’ recording the units he acquired. Upon his re-entry to formal education, these four units were recognised. He returns to school to acquire the missing two units. No training content is required to be repeated. After he successfully passed the assessment of the final two units, Matthieu is granted a full formal qualification as a car mechanic.
Compensating the shortage of skilled workers by finding someone with an exact skills match
A small family owned-enterprise seeks to hire an experienced plumber. They have put out a job advert, but no suitable candidates have applied. They then get in touch with the Public Employment Services (PES), without success – as qualified plumbers are scarce. However, in a personal consultation the PES asks about the exact job profile of the candidate and it turns out the company is looking for someone to take over small, but time-consuming repair jobs with private customers, so that the specialists can concentrate on bigger jobs, which require more planning skills. Read more in ECVET Magazine - Issue 19 (May 2014).

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