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28 mars 2013

Uma revolução no ensino superior? Silvio Meira. Olhe para a imagem abaixo. à primeira vista, parece uma estação de TV, ou o centro de controle de streaming de vídeo de uma operação de web TV. até que seria isso mesmo se estivéssemos comentando uma foto de alguns anos atrás. mas não, é o centro de controle da nanyang technological university, em cingapura.
você acha que as pessoas que trabalham lá estão controlando o que? nem pense que são os acessos e portas dos laboratórios da universidade; este centro faz parte de um programa, na NTU, de gravar pelo menos 70% das aulas da universidade e deixá-las à disposição dos alunos para posterior visualização. o uso dos vídeos das aulas é monitorado pela universidade e os picos de audiência são… logo depois das aulas [vi, quero rever; perdi, quero ver] e… claro, à véspera dos exames....
26 mars 2013

eLearning at Open Education Week

HomeeLearning at Open Education Week
Open Education Week, an online event coordinated by the OpenCourseWare Consortium, provides a unique opportunity for universities, schools, and organizations from around the world to showcase what they're doing to advance Open Education. 
It's been several years since Massive Open Online Courses heralded the OE wave, so this year makes for an appropriate time to assess where different trends are headed. eLearning attended various webinars that addressed current and future challenges for Open Education (OE).
23 mars 2013

IEETel 2013 Call for Papers Extended to 1 April

IEETel 2013 Call for Papers Extended to 1 April
The 4th International workshop on Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning (IEETeL 2013) has extended its call for papers until the 1st of April.
The conference, to be held in the Netherlands from 5-8th of June, will cover a variety of topics, including: 3D virtual learning environments, educational mashups, the semantic web, and augmented reality implementation.
Read on for a full list of paper topics.
23 mars 2013

Open content for elearning: Cross-institutional collaboration for education and training in a digital environment

17 mars 2013

Online learning: Campus 2.0

Current issue table of contentsBy M. Mitchell Waldrop. Massive open online courses are transforming higher education — and providing fodder for scientific research. When campus president Wallace Loh walked into Juan Uriagereka's office last August, he got right to the point. “We need courses for this thing — yesterday!”
Uriagereka, associate provost for faculty affairs at the University of Maryland in College Park, knew exactly what his boss meant. Campus administrators around the world had been buzzing for months about massive open online courses, or MOOCs: Internet-based teaching programmes designed to handle thousands of students simultaneously, in part using the tactics of social-networking websites. To supplement video lectures, much of the learning comes from online comments, questions and discussions. Participants even mark one another's tests. Read more...
17 mars 2013

California Unveils Bill to Provide Openly Licensed, Online College Courses for Credit

California Seal of the AssemblyToday California (CA) Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg (author of the CA open textbook legislation) announced that SB 520 (fact sheet) will be amended to provide open, online college courses for credit. In short, the bill will allow CA students, enrolled in CA public colleges and universities, to take online courses from a pool of 50 high enrollment, introductory courses, offered by 3rd parties, in which CA students cannot currently gain access from their public CA university or community college. Students must already be enrolled in the CA college or university in which they want to receive credit. The 50 courses and plans for their assessment will be reviewed and approved (or not) by a faculty committee prior to being admitted into this new online course marketplace. Read more...
10 mars 2013

Programmes confirmed for free learning technology events

The programmes for the Changing the Learning Landscape workshops are now available online.
These free one-day events have been designed to support the effective adoption and use of learning technologies within universities and colleges offering HE. Changing the Learning Landscape (CLL) aims to bring about changes in approaches to technology in learning and teaching within institutions.
The HEA is running 12 free CLL workshops for academics and those working in development and support roles, running between March and May 2013 at venues across the country.
Eight of the workshops are discipline related and are designed to suit academic staff who would like to update or develop their learning technology experience. Four of the workshops are aimed at staff with curriculum and teaching development and professional support roles in institutions. CLL is a HEFCE funded project being run collaboratively between Jisc, the National Union of Students (NUS), the Association for Learning Technology (ALT), the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education and the HEA.
For more information please visit the CLL pages of the HEA website. The programmes can be found on each of the individual events pages.

9 mars 2013

Office Web Apps Or Google Docs for Online Learning?

By Joshua Kim. I'm faced with a dilemma, and I hope that you can help?
My team is working to introduce improved collaboration tools for our online learners. We have concluded that the native Wiki and file exchange features in our LMS are insufficient for the sort of rich collaboration that our student teams need. Uploading and downloading files is too cumbersome and error prone. Student team members need to be able to collaboratively create and edit documents. Ideally, students should be able to collaborate on documents from whatever screen they happen to be holding - read tablet or smart phone. So the choice seems to be to integrate Office Web Apps or Google Apps with our LMS. Read more...

9 mars 2013

The inverted classroom as platform

By Robert Talbert. I’ve been talking a lot with my colleagues about their teaching practices, as part of the NSF grant I’m working on. The inverted classroom (I used to call it the flipped classroom, but I’m going back to “inverted”) has come up a lot as a teaching technique that people have heard a lot about but haven’t tried yet — or are wary of trying. I’ve been wondering about the language being used, namely: Is the inverted classroom really a “teaching technique” at all?
My answer used to be “yes”. When I first started using the inverted classroom idea, I would describe the inverted classroom as “a teaching technique” that involves reversing where information transmission and internalization take place. Later I moved to saying that the inverted classroom refers to “any teaching method” that implements this reversal. Today as I was thinking about this, I think a better description of the inverted classroom is that it is a platform, not a technique. Unlike, say, peer instruction or POGIL, the inverted classroom is not a way of teaching. It is an approach to the instructional design of a course that reorganizes where, and how, information transfer takes place and where internalization takes place. Read more...
8 mars 2013

A framework for developing competencies in open and distance e-learning

Page HeaderBy Patricia B Arinto. Many open universities and distance education institutions have shifted from a predominantly print-based mode of delivery to an online mode characterised by the use of virtual learning environments and various web technologies. This paper describes the impact of the shift to open and distance e-learning (ODeL), as this trend might be called, on the course design practices of faculty members at a small single-mode distance education university in the Philippines. Specifically, the paper presents and analyses the faculty’s perspectives on how their course design practices have changed and issues and challenges arising from these changes. The findings suggest that faculty training programs in ODeL should aim to develop a comprehensive range of ODeL competencies in a systematic and coherent way. Based on the findings, as well as research on practitioner development in teaching effectively with technology, a framework for developing ODeL competencies among faculty is proposed. Aside from covering the four areas of change in course design practice identified in the study, the framework also specifies levels of expertise (basic, intermediate, and advanced), indicating degrees of complexity of the knowledge and skills required for each area at each level. All of the competencies listed for all four areas at the basic level comprise the minimum competencies for teaching an online distance education course. Read the full text.
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