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11 décembre 2018

Faire le pari du design pour améliorer le service public

Screenshot-2018-5-5 Actualités ModernisationLe Conseil départemental du Val d’Oise a été l’une des premières collectivités locales, en France, à utiliser le design de service et l’innovation pour repenser la manière de délivrer ses services aux usagers. Et ça marche ! En replaçant la pratique usager au cœur de la conception de ses services et de l’aménagement de ses lieux d’accueil, le Département a obtenu des résultats très positifs en termes de délais de traitement mais également de qualité d’accueil des usagers. Plus...

11 décembre 2018

Lu pour vous : Réaliser son rêve professionnel grâce au life designing

Orientation Pays de la LoireCe guide sur l’orientation positive et le bien-être professionnel propose au lecteur un parcours permettant de trouver sa voie et de se créer une vie professionnelle épanouissante et riche de sens pour soi et pour le monde. Il s'appuie sur les outils de la science de l'orientation, de la psychologie positive et du "life designing" (art de construire sa vie). Plus...

6 décembre 2018

Comment le Persuasive Design peut motiver vos collaborateurs en formation

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnellePar Sophie Cohendet. "Pourquoi me former ?" Combien d’équipes L&D se sont retrouvées confrontées et désemparées face à cette sempiternelle question ?  Pour y répondre et motiver les collaborateurs, l’empathie est certainement le meilleur outil possible. Plus...

4 décembre 2018

Designing Courses: Learning Objects, SCOs, IMS Standards, XML, SGML

Designing Courses: Learning Objects, SCOs, IMS Standards, XML, SGML
Nice comprehensive list of resources related to learning objects. The author flags Canadian resources (with a little flag) but readers should note that many Canadian resources (some by Rory McGreal and Norm Friesen stand out, among others) are not flagged as such. More...

30 novembre 2018

Group as User: Flaming and the Design of Social Software

Group as User: Flaming and the Design of Social Software
Interesting look at the problem of designing social software for groups (as opposed to for collections of individuals). Most of the discussion looks at means of addressing flaming - of course, my interest these days is in squelching spam. I am still not convinced that push technologies - such as emails, discussion boards, and the like - can withstand the influence of these pests. Sure, if you have a large enough group, like Wikipedia or Slashdot, you can stamp out abuse. More...

25 novembre 2018

Professor, Please Meet Your Instructional Designer

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Invisibility of instructional designers is among most surprising — and to designers themselves, upsetting — findings of new Inside Higher Ed Survey of Faculty Attitudes on Technology. As online enrollments grow and many colleges ramp up their digital course and program offerings, the role of instructional designers — staff members who work with instructors to adapt or build new digital courses — is growing in importance. More...

20 novembre 2018

Learning Activity Sequences, Content Design and Development

Learning Activity Sequences, Content Design and Development
Overview presentation (PDF, slides) of the role of learning design and an introduction to LAMS - the Learning Activity Management System, developed at Macquarie University. I like the use of the recipe analogy to explain learning design: learning objects are like the ingredients in a recipe, but a recipe must also consists of a series of procedures for assembling them into a meal. More...

20 novembre 2018

Stephen's Web - The Redesign

Stephen's Web - The Redesign
You should have noticed a bright new look today as my website redesign is launched to the world. My focus was to make better use of the screen (it is semi-liquid, flowing to fill smaller screen sizes and staying fixed in larger windows), a bright new colour scheme (which will change with the seasons), and strong CSS support. The biggest change in content is my new home page, which now features a 'Community' section, consisting of the most recent posts to my discussion list. I also updated the Photos page, with additions from Saskatchewan, Newfoundland, Manitoba and Ontario. The newsletter has also been redesigned; using less ambitions CSS, it should work in your email client, and should still display properly if CSS fails. The new design also sets the stage for some later experiments designed to make the newsletter more visual and more interactive. But let's get the basics right first. Is it working for you? Problems, comments, complaints - click on the [Reflect] link and let me know (then look for your comment, front and center, almost, on my home page. By Stephen Downes, Stephen's Web, August 30, 2004 [Refer][Research][Reflect]. More...

19 novembre 2018

The Design Elements of Web-Based Learning Environments

The Design Elements of Web-Based Learning Environments
The August edition of the International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning is now out. I include three items. This first item is a fairly straight-forward outline of the elements of an online course as can be found in the literature. When reading this, contrast it with the iLEARN example a couple of links down. More...

14 novembre 2018

Influence of Learning Design of the Formation of Online Communities of Learning

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningThis paper presents the findings of a study on a fully online Bachelor’s level course in Health Sciences at a European University conducted to explore the influence of learning design on the formation and evolution of different types of communities of learning. More...

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