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4 décembre 2019

Quand un prof innove en mode design thinking !

De la créativité à l'innovationSur le blog Educpros de Jean-Charles Cailliez. Quel rapport y a-t-il entre un enseignant et un designer ? A priori, aucun ! Quel point commun entre un professeur et un architecte ? Pas plus ! Pourquoi alors s’intéresser au codesign lorsque l’on enseigne ? En quoi les méthodes inspirées du design thinking peuvent-elles stimuler la pédagogie, voire l’innovation pédagogique ? Un élément de réponse est apporté ici avec l’expérience de « classe renversée »[1], telle qu’elle est pratiquée à l’Université Catholique de Lille dans un cours de génétique moléculaire. Plus...
12 novembre 2019

Design de service public en collectivité locale

Accueil - Vie PubliqueComment repenser le service à l’usager dans un contexte de mutations sociétales et technologiques ? Le design représente une voie qui commence à être explorée par les pouvoirs publics pour répondre à cet enjeu. Plus...

31 octobre 2019

Enseigner l’innovation : il n’y a pas que le design thinking !

The ConversationAlors que le design thinking s’impose comme un outil pour développer la créativité, se diffusant dans de nombreux parcours de l’enseignement supérieur, des professionnels du design pointent le côté simpliste de la méthode, voire la supercherie d’un design sans designers. Plus...

27 octobre 2019

Pa. System's Board Approves Request for Redesign Funding

HomeBy Rick Seltzer. The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education will be able to seek as much as $100 million over five years above and beyond its regular state funding requests after its board approved a measure Thursday to try to fund parts of a closely watched redesign effort. More...

11 octobre 2019

Learning by Design: Good Video Games As Learning Machines

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Learning by Design: Good Video Games As Learning Machines
I don't know whether this was written for Education Gazette or whether it's just a link, but it's a good article. James Paul Gee writes, "the designers of many good games have hit on profoundly good methods of getting people to learn and to enjoy learning." Quite so. That's why I spent 12 hours this weekend playing Civ and only one hour reading philosophy. This article lists thirteen 'principles', though you draw your own theme from the list. Games engage students by having them co-create, by having them build and do things, by allowing them to customize, and by letting them invest in an identity over time. More...

21 septembre 2019

The Affordances of Content Design

An unbelievable number of words have been written about the technology affordances of courseware—progress indicators, nudges, analytics, adaptive algorithms, and so on. But what seems to have gone completely unnoticed in all this analysis is that the quiet revolution in the design of educational content that makes all of these affordances possible. It is invisible to professional course designers because it is like the air they breathe. They take it for granted, and nobody outside of their domain asks them what they're doing or why. It's invisible to everybody else because nobody talks about it. We are distracted by the technology bells and whistle. But make no mistake: There would be no fancy courseware technology without this change in content design. It is the key to everything. Once you understand it, suddenly the technology possibilities and limitations become much clearer. More...

20 septembre 2019

Re: Design: Behaviorism Has Its Place

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Re: Design: Behaviorism Has Its Place
"stimulus response" is really a very poor description of behaviourism. A more appropriate description is adaptation of organism with environment. I didn't think anyone with an interest in behaviourism was that concerned with basic SR. SR is part of the mechanisms by which adaptation occurs. Its not the only mechanism. The point about behavioural science isn't whether its "true" - thats for religions, not science - but that it has genuinely useful predictive power within a certain scope, just like any other paradigms in psychology, or any other discipline. oh, and a better example than Vegas is the pokies in the hotel down the road. We know variable reinforcement schedules do work - it just isn't the whole story (or life would be very boring). But then, this is science generally - we still use Newton's laws, even though we know they only tell part of the story (relativity adds a bit more accuracy, quantum mechanics a bit more, and then the rest is chaos). I think you'd be hard pressed to find any psychologist who would deny the value of behavioural science or the accuracy of its experimental results. No more than you'd find a physicist who is a "Newton-denier". More...

15 septembre 2019

Bullied Student's Homemade Design Goes Viral

HomeBy Elin Johnson. A young University of Tennessee fan in Florida inspired many with his homemade Volunteers shirt for his school's college colors day last week, reported WNEP-TV. More...

11 septembre 2019

Robust Designs for Scalability

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Jody Clark and Chris Dede[Edit][Delete]: Robust Designs for Scalability, The River City Project [Edit][Delete] November 29, 2006
Chris Dede has been working on MUVEs (Multi User Virtual Environments) recently and though he has been, with various partners, writing a lot, he's hard to track because he unfortunately has not yet discovered RSS. Still, you'll want to have a look at this paper, in part because it addresses what is in my mind a critical issue for MUVEs, scalability (I contend that as long as they depend critically on human instructors, they don't scale; Dede focuses mostly on the technology and how to get (mostly unwilling) instructors into the environment in the first place), but also in part because of the mathematical renderinsg of the "effect size" and the "'ccalability Index' that estimates the relative sensitivity of innovations to attenuation in various dimensions that represent their conditions for success." I like MUVEs. More...

10 septembre 2019

Selection of Quotations on Design Languages and Their Relation to Design Layers

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Andy Gibbons and Clint Rogers[Edit][Delete]: Selection of Quotations on Design Languages and Their Relation to Design Layers, ITForum [Edit][Delete] November 21, 2006
This is a very interesting paper. The premise is that the process of, say, instructional design involves the participants in the creation of a 'design language' - a set of terms, metaphors, meanings and images - that will characterize their project. Design language is best thought of as a tool, rather than a theory. It is typically applied in layers, with different representations of entities in the design relating to different aspects of that design. I think the authors finesse the incommensurability of theoretical language, and I think their description of the layers in instructional design shouldn't separate the message and the representation (here I'm thinking of McLuhan and Derrida). More...

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